PROGRAM EXECUTIVE B Corvallis and W oodburn Branch Managers ADULT AND FAMILY SERVICES DIVISION SALARY (»2073 »26461 Excellent Benefit Package State of Oregon. AFS needs energetic, innovative, skilled managers to manage the branch offices in Corvallis and W ood burn, Oregon These branch of fices provide financial and medi cal assistance to eligible Oregon residents QUALIFICATIONS Three years o f progressively re sponsible management exper lence, PLUS a Bachelor's degree or three additional years of per tinent experience EXAMINATION If you qualify the test is to com plete the examination question naire that is attached to announ cement No OC870156 IW ood burnl and No OC870157 (Corval list Your grade w ill be based upon the answers you mark on that questionnaire Obtain application IPD 100s I and the announcements at A( (XX NTING MANAGER, Financial Accounting Blue ( row A Blue Shield «»I O regon a m ajor health insurance com pany, is c u rie n th ate epi i ng applications and resumes from qualified candidates for the position ol M anager of I i num. 141 Accounting Incum bent will direct the operation to the financial Accounting Ik-purt rnent and its 16 em ployees in the tol lowing areas 1) M a in lr n a n ie o l lin a iR ia l account ing systems in f the p a re n t co m p a n y a rut •» subsidiaries a i ll I talcs 2) R eview an d a n a lysis nt l in a n n a l in to rm a lin n . review A e v a lu a tio n «>1 inte rn al con trols b P rep aratio n o f lin a r x ia l statem ents, annual statem ent to the insurance de partm en l and lac returns 4) ( ash m anagem ent anti investm ent accounting Qualified candidate must have a col lege- degree in Business Adrninislra lion with em phasis in accounting or finance Successful com pletion ol the ( PA exam and previous m anagerial responsibilities in accounting are re­ quired Audi! experience and under standing of autom ated accounting systems highly desirable Blue ( ross and Blue Shield o l < >re gon otters an excellent benefit pack age and flex lime work hour* I he starting salary lor this position is $ H k $40 k Please apply or send re sume lo Blue Cross Blue Shield o f O re g o n llw atan K r v H M in I fcrpt , b h Floor HM I S \ \ M a rk e t Portland. <>R 97201 Personnel Center 775 Court Street Salem. Oregon 97310 Subm it your State of Oregon Ap plication (PD100) to Adult and Family Services Personnel Services Section 516 Public Service Bldg Salem. Oregon 97310 Indicate the announcement num ber on the PD100 in the box pro vided Applications must be postmarked by April 23, 1987 to be accepted An Equal O pportunity Employer JOBS Trade M agazine 1463 N E . Killingsworth (503) 288 0033 Page 4, JOBS Apm 15. 1987 HELP W ANTED FARM EDIBLE SNAILS High regular income Guaranteed Small piece of land o k Free details $ 22 stamp, Snail Farms No XX, 4928 Everglade Rincon Valley, CA 95406 DRAFTSPERSON CD Medical, a m anufacturer of electro mechanical dialysis equipment, needs a draftsperson w ith an AA degree in drafting or equivalent and tw o years ex perience Skills required are iso metric assembly drawings, draf ting knowledge or mechanical and electronic design, including dimensioning, tolerancing, and bills of material CAD experience desired If qualified, please send resume and salary history to: CD Medical. Inc. ATTN Mrs Karjalainen 13520 SE Pheasant Court Portland, OR 97222 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE An Equal O p p o rtu n ity/ A ffirm ative A ction Employer CIVIL ENGINEER II $2196 $2813 m o A d va n ce d pro f and Supv w o rk w ith em p h , isis on p la n n in g in ve stig a tio n , design and p ro je ct m an a g e m e n t o f traffic e n ginee rin g j>ro|e< Is D uties in clud e b u d g e tin g , i nn Pai I m an ag em en t pla n prepara tm n and RFP s C o nsid era ble exj) in traffic en gin e e n n g w o rk w tlh em phasis on tra ffic e signal design 4 yr degree w ith m ajor < ou rse w o rk in civ il tra ffic engi neeim g nr equiv c o m b in a tio n o f exp tra in in g OR P E License or ab ility to acq uire w ith in 6 m os o f J p jro in tm e n t A p p ly by M ay 1 1987 at C ity o f S alem P e rso n n e l D e p t 555 L ib e rty St SE S alem OR 97301 E 0 E HELP W ANTED BUSINESS FOR SALE LIVE IN housekeeper, compan ion and cook for semi invalid w ife and work aholic husband in modern home at coast Private room and bath Must have car Salary negotible (5031 245 6541 evenings 6 to 9 p m BANDON. OREGON Unique souvenir and g ift shop Choice old to w n location Living quar ters, large lot accessible from tw o streets, $100,000 Owner finan cing, Box 1007 Bandon, Oregon 97411