Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 08, 1987, Page 7, Image 7

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    A p ril 8, 1987, P ortland O bserver, Page 7
C hildbirth Class
A four week refresher childbirth
education class is now being offered
Monday. May 4 through May 25 at
Meridian Park Hospital, Tualatin
The series is taught by a certified
birth instructor for couples having
already attended regular six week
childbirth education class w ith pre
vious pregnancy Classes focus on
breathing and relaxation exercises
and a review of anatomy and phy
siology o f birth
Discussions in­
clude how to prepare other siblings
for the birth o f new baby.
The cost is $30 00. and pre regi
stration is necessary For more in
form ation, contact the com m unity
education departm ent at the Tuala
tin hospital
The C rucible
The Catlin Gabel Players will per
form "T h e Crucible by A rthur Mil
ler at the Gabel Center for the Per
form ing Arts on Thursday. April 30
Friday, May 1, and Saturday,
May 2. at 8 00 p m A matinee on
Sunday, May 3. is scheduled for
100 p m
Adm ission prices are
$2 00 for adults and $1 00 for stu
dents The Gabel Center is located
at 8825 S W Barnes Road on the
Catlin Gabel School campus
W o m e n o f th e B la ck W o m e n 's G a th e rin g g o t to
g e th e r la st w e e k to sp e n d an e ve n in g w ith P a u le tte
S tric k la n d N ic h o ls (c e n te r)
N ic h o ls sh a re d w it h
" H e a lth w is e For S en iors"
A Special Tax Break
For W orking Couples
Mam ed couples w ho both work are eligible for a special deduction of as
m uch as $3,000 on ,986 federal tax returns This deduction may l>e claimed
on either Form 1040A or Form 1040 as a subtraction from gross income,
the IRS said
The deduction is lim ited to 10 percent of the qualified earned income of
the lesser earning spouse However, the maximum am ount allowed is 10
pert ent of up to $30 000 tor a deduction of $3 000 To take the deduction.
Ron H e rn d o n le a d s p a rtic ip a n ts o f S a tu rd a y s m a rc h in c h a n tin g
slo g a n s d u rin g th e M a rc h A g a in s t R a cist V io le n c e ra lly a t A lb e rta
P ark
P h o to by R ic h a rd J B ro w n
b o th spouses m ust have earned in com e such as w ages salaries. and tips
H ow ever in co m e earner) try one spouse w o rk in g for the other does not
q u a lify nor d o e s such in com e as interest dividends, pensions an nu ities
IRA d is trib u tio n s u n e m p lo ym e n t com p en sation , d e ferred c o m p e n sa tio n or
n o n ta xa b le in co m e
1986 is the last year to take advantage o , tins spei lal tax break Begin
rung w ith tax year 198/ the Tax H eform Ar t o f 1986 has elim in ated tins
d e d u c tio n
M ore i o m p le te in fo rm a tio n is co n ta in e d in the tax fo rm s in s tru i lio n s for
Form 1040 and f o rm 1040A. or try callin g your local 1RS o ffic e In P ortla nd
ttie tele p h o n e num ber is 221 3960.
elsew here to ll l i f t ; 1 8tX) 424 1040
P a re n t V o lu n te e r s S o u g h t
For A R C P ilo t P a re n t
Parents o f ch ild re n w ith develop
m e n ia l d isa b ilitie s .lie needed as
volun te ers for the Pilot Parent Pro
gram o f ttie A sso i i.ilio n s for Retar
ded C itizens iA R l I of C lack am as
M u ltn o m a h urd W a s h in g to n coon
Pilot Parents p ro vid e support
and in fo rm a tio n o il a one to one
basis to n e w p a re n ts o f ch ild re n
w itti d isab ilities
A tour week tra in in g p ro g ra m w ill
be held on Thursday eve nings April
2 23 .it H olladay Park H ospital
1222 NF 2nd P ortla nd
For m ore
in fo rm a tio n , co n ta c t M yra Classen.
Fam ily Serve es C o ord ina to r ARC
o f M u ltn o m a h C ounty
223 72/9
PCC O ffers S em inar on
Investm en ts to Reduce
T ax B ill
Tom Palumbo an account execu
tive w ith Dean W itter Reynolds,
Inc will lead a tw o hour Portland
C om m unity College seminar titled
"Investments That Reduce Your
Taxes" April T5 in do w n to w n Port
The seminar w ill tie held on the
ninth floor of the d o w n to w n Meier
and Frank Co. store, starting at
11 45 a m T uition has been set at
Further inform ation and registra
tion are available from Stella Buck
ley, PCC C om m unity Education,
273 2810
A lm a F u g e n ia H ill a n d S a m u e l C ole. J r . e x c h a n g e d v o w s in a ca n d le
lig h t i e re m o n y M a rc h 28 at A lle n T e m p le C M F C h u rc h T here w as
a re c e p tio n th a t e v e n in g , w ith frie n d s a n d re la tiv e s at O v e rlo o k
H ouse The b rid e is a re p o rte r fo r th e O re g o n ia n and th e g ro o m is a
s to c k b ro k e r w ith M o rrill L y n c h
P h o to by R ic h a rd J B ro w n
S o m e O reg onians M u s t R eport
S ta te Tax R efunds
Oregon taxpayers w ho receive state income tax refunds in 198»> from
taxes paid in an earlier year may have to report the refunds as income on
their 1986 federal tax returns, the Internal Revenue Service says
Generally, a state or local tax refund is reported as income only if the tax
payer item ized deductions on Schedule A of ttie 1985 Form 1040 and de
ducted incom e taxes paid to the state
State and local governm ents still furnish annual inform ation statements
(Form 1099GI to the IRS for all taxpayers w ho receive refunds, credits or
offsets of $10 or more from their state a n d /o r local governm ents
statements are similar to those required of financial institutions on interest
and dividends However, state and local governm ents are not required to
issue statem ents to taxpayers, if the individual did not itemize deductions
on Schedule A of the prior year Form 1040
Refund of federal incom e taxes are not considered income nn a federal
tax return. However, interest earned on a delayed feder.il refund is income
and m ust be reported, the IRS noted
More inform ation is available by calling the IRS In Portland, the number
is 221 3960, or toll free 1 800 424 1040 elsewhere in Oregon
PCC In te rp reter Training
Program Schedules
O rien tatio n Sessions
The Interpreter Training Program
at Portland C om m unity College has
scheduled six orientation sessions
for prospective students at Cascade
Campus, 705 N Killingsworth.
The sessions w ill supply informa
tion about the program and other
fields related to deafness, help the
prospective student decide whether
or not to apply for the sign language
counseling and answer questions
Sessions w ill be held the evenings
of April 6 and May 21, and both
days and evenings August 17 and
September 8
Those w ho wish to attend the
orientations are advised to call Chris
Cody, ITP secretary, at 283 2541,
Ext 5288, to book an appointm ent
Greater domestic energy supplies
of natural gas would be available as
a result of price deregulation,
studies show
th e g ro u p her e x p e rie n c e o f liv in g in W e st A fric a fo r
six years
P h o to by R ich a rd J B ro w n
Does M ale Chauvinism
Thursday, at the April 23rd meet
ing of Radical W om en, at 6 30 p rn .
D o w n to w n
M ultnom ah
County Library. S W 10th and Tay
lor a video showing of Oprah W in
frey's 1/14 87 talk show w ill ho
The talk show included feminists,
including New York Radical W omen
member and actress Emily W oo
Yamasaki as they battled right wing
main sexists
Join us in viewing
and discussing this program Every
one is welcome
Radical W om en is a socialist fem
inist organization dedicated to
achieving the full equality of wo
men We believe this can be done
only by making radical changes in
the economic, social and political
Because of our opprus
sion as women and our often double
and triple oppression as wom en of
color and lesbian workers, we have
the potential to be m ilitant leaders
in the struggle for change
For more inform ation, w rite 1510
N 1 Brazee, Portland, OR 9721? or
call 249 8067
IR A Deadline
Tfie IRS notes that taxpayers must
contribute to their Individual Retire
m ent Arrangem ents, IRAs, by April
15, 1987, for the contribution to
apply to the 1986 tax year Exton
sions to file a federal tax return do
not extend the deadline for contri
buting to the IRA
Inform ation on IRAs for 1987 is
available in IRS Publication 553,
"H ig h lig h ts of 1986 Tax Changes."
To receive it, call the IRS in Portland
at 221 3933 or toll free elsewhere in
Oregon at 1 800 424 FORM (3767)
The Cleveland High School class
o f 1967 has scheduled its 20 year
reunion for the weekend of August
7. A Friday evening get together at
the Rafters restaurant is slated for
alumni only Saturday evening the
activity moves to the Columbia
River Red Lion, w ith a buffet and
dance for alums and their spouses
Sunday afternoon is family day at
W oodstock Park
For more inform ation about re
union activities, or if you can help
locate missing and out of state gra
duates, call Gary Purpura, 775 2461
or Joanne Fuller Johns, 254 0113.
M eridia n Park H o spita l s H ealthw ise tor S eniors p ro g ra m w ill present
Here s to Your Rai k
it Carm an Oaks on A p ril 2 ,. fro m 3 30 to 4 15 p m
Ttie sptsiker tor this popular a n ti in fo rm a tiv e session w ill tie Pat O uin tant
HP1 the ho sp ita l s physical the re ap y de p a rtm e n t m anager
She w ill talk
ab ou t m o vin g s ittin g and liftin g safely, plus o ilie r p re ve n tive m easures to
avoid or ease ti.u k pro blem s th e re is no ( barge
C arm an Oaks is lor ated at ,<800 S W Carm en D ove hi t ake O sw e g o For
m ore in fo rm a tio n ab ou t the
H e alth w ise for Seniors p ro g ra m , c o n ta c t
Ricky A pp le m a n
C o o rd in a to r,
the Tualatin h o sp ita l, 692 2193
P re h isto ric h u n te rs p ro b a b ly used cave p a in tin g s of a n im a ls in rites in
te n d e d to h elp th e m su ccessfu lly hunt th e an im a ls