Page 6 ^ ^ r t la n d Observer, A pril 8, 1987 ¡HKiW T O l » ? C am eosis L o o kin g For A Place To Go? Look No M ore (P arty Tim e) The big birthday celebration (or Flenard. the tazzie Hair Stylist from Broadway Hair Weevers EVERYBODY WELCOME PLACE Royal Esquire Club Sat April 11. 1987 10 p m . 'til 2 a m . One S top Records Mondays will never be the same again after the fight and Cameo mvadtxJ the City of Roses in one sweep The energy of the audience at the C ivic " The Neiborhood Shot) Where W e Are You" was on maximum overdrive, but, unfortunately, the show was not Being a long time fan of Cameo (this was my 7th time). I was very dis appointed Don't get me wrong, it wasn t a total washout The band s energy and showmanship was good, abover average, even, but when I go to a concert, if it doesn't sound good, you've lost me I was more than just lost I wanted to be non existent On top of everything else, leader Larry Blackmon s voice was gone, and they attempted to cover the loss with a background singer and Cameo vocalist Tomi Jenkin's voices It might have worked, if we could fiave heard them Terrible sound and too many weeks on the road for one of the greatest show bands in the world I'll be back next time featuring A Full Selection Of O ld ie s Ja zz G ospel * and A ll th e L a te s t H its in c lu d in g * »1 W a d s w o rth Presents 17 08 N E A lb e rta P ritic « A t l a n t ic S ta r r Flash IRS W ill C o m p u te Tax For Som e Filers For some Oregon taxpayers who find working with numbers somewhat confusing, the Internal Revenue Service will figure taxes for filers of Forms 1040EZ and 1040A. and certain Form 1040 filers Those desiring this assistance must fill in certain items on the return, attach Forms W 2. sign the return, and send it in before the April 15 dead line. IRS adds To qualify for this service, taxpayers must have an income of $50.000 or less, not itemize deductions and not use Schedule F, "Income Averaging, or Form 2555. Foreign Earned Income Income must include only wages, salaries, tips, interest, dividends, pensions, and annuities, the IRS says The agency will figure the tax in the way that benefits the taxpayers the most, IRS stresses Since eligible persons need only complete certain questions, IRS says they will probably finish their returns faster and with less opportunity for error If a refund is due, the IRS will figure the amount and send it to the tax payer II additional tax is owed, it will be computed and a bill sent for Die balance Neither interest rior the penalty for late payment will be charged if th»r bill for additional tax is paid within 30 days ol the notice date, or by the due date of the return, whichever is later For more information, taxpayers should check the instructions in their federal tax packages, or contact their local IRS office The Portland tele phone number is 221 3960. in Eugene 485 5079, in Salem 581 8721 or toll free elsewhere in Oregon 1 800 424 , 040 G ra n d m a s te r I l$ 1 00 off I [ / . . . • • 5 • • . ••V •6 99 • 1450 V » 826 N K ilhngsw orth <*'ie th is c o u p o n phon«. 289 9123 . ONI STOP The B est o f M o t o w n " ' ■ -a» . J r THE Freddie Jackson sings w h ile the lovely Carol M urchrnson holds tight Photo by Barry I R uffin TEMPTATIONS I he 29th Annual EBONY Fashion Fair I’rcsonls W ad sw o rth Productions staff (L Rl Sandra W a d s w o rth . H erbert W a d s w o rth and Deborah Dixon Not pictured Joe Bean Keller and D onny O m ega Photo by Barry I Ruffin S, m ins\ The l in k s , In c . APR IL 15 Benefit O f • STARRY NIG HT I Dl ( ATION 11 SI) ONE S H O W ONLY I I ion M otor Inn t/e n Bear ft irtland, O o gon T ickets G l JOE'S, G ALLERIA JE A N M A C H IN E I r it lay. A pril 24. 1987 8: 30 p in IL R) Billy B row n. Herb W a d s w o rth , Al G oodm an Sandra Wads w o rth and Harry Ray Photo by Barry I Ruffin CLUB ZODIAC I k koi Pm e $20.00 «‘Is a v . i i l a h l e I r o i n yens A Son R estaurant & Lounae lo y r l ( e n t e r rs t s W ig s 707 \ I I le n to n i » u se o l S o u n d Ititlh \ W i l l i a m s - \s e V ~ Jt ) , I . Let , m in« l i n k ' u rte y e a r suits« n p l i o n I o I H O S T o r six |»o< es months Io || , THE NORTHWEST AFRIKAN AMERICAN BALIO PRESENTS Najee w ith E n tertainm ent Editor Ken Covington A MASTER DANCE CLASS Photo by Barry I Ruffin OF TRADITIONAL AFRICAN DANCE MASTER DANCER: NRFISR SKAAAIFF MASTER DRUMMER: JALEt SHAAAIFF N A fIS A SHAAAKF MAS STUDIED WITH SUCH MASTEAS SU. HIMON D IOP SENEGAIESE B A llE T) IAOJI CAMAAA AES 8AUETS AfAKANS DE IA AEPUAIIQUE DE GUINEA VEMflEE GOOD PEOPLE • GOOD M U S IC • GOOD FOOD SOM 8E CAMAAOONS SHE AECENTIV TOUAED WITH STEVIE LUONDEA S AN D GOOD TIM ES IN A SQUAAE IJACIE TOUA AS A DANE (A AGAINST featuring APARTMEIO J A t El SHAAAIEE IS ONE OE THE ■ fc? r , ' AMEAKA TODEN ME HAS STUOJED WITH MASTEA DAUMMEAS AAOU MONTA i SENEGAIESE AAllET IAOJI CAMAAA TO WEDNESDHV, APRIL 15, 1987 SCHOOL OF AMERICAN CONTEMPORARY BAllET 618 S W PARK 7.00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. CLASS: $7.00 •5 ÎÂSG t r .'t t > ' :V* V V5* m m t •* «rmoMovTWM iw»n roMWiuow . » i .-¿ v r v 1 • I. Sun. W ed. is Ladies Night Thursday Fun & Game Night including: Dominoes • Backgammon • Chess etc Fn & Sa, A fter Hours 'til 4.00 A M S un. is O ld ie s N ig h t ..................... J o in U s ................ D e a th W ith D ig n ity The Urban League of Portland and Oregon Health Decisions are co planning a community meeting presentation on Death with Dig nity" issues which is open to the public on April 21. 1987 from 1 00 to 3:00 p m at the Malt Dishman Community Center. 77 N E Knott N flM L flftW vom oM O pen Tues AND IES BAllET AEAICANS DE IA AEPUfllKXJE DE GUINEA T R A D IT IO N A L BLACK A M E R IC A N SOUL FOOD Najee sw oons cro w d w ith " S w e e t Love". Photo by Barry I Ruffin MOST DVNAMK DAUMMEAS IN 309 W. B urnside Club A vailable For Private Parties C o m m u n ity Groups Banquets, etc Call 227-5248 fo r in fo rm a tio n 4 4 I I ----- J S T A R R Y N IG H T PRESENTS I • . • ' « >6 99 I •*l *1 1