Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 08, 1987, Page 4, Image 4

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    Haqt-4, Poi fand Obs-j; ver, A f ,, 8 ,sH7
TRIP Programs for Disadvantaged Students: A
Our nation
has asserted a com m itm ent to providing educational opixjr
dent* com e from families with incomes of less than $18 000 per year most
tunity for all Am erican* regardless of race, ethnic background or economic
In support of this com m itm ent. Congress established a senes of pro
are academically underprepared; and most must overcom e tremendous
class and social barriers in order to participate in higher education
The majority of TRIO students 66 percent are members of minority
gram s to help disadvantaged students enter college, graduate
groups 41 percent are Wack 17 percent are Hispamt four jrercent are
American Indian and three percent are Asian
A substantial number of
TRIO students 36 percent are w hite Fourteen thousand TRIO students
are physically handicapped
At Portland State University, the Student Support Service Educational
Opportunity Program IFO Pl serves 276 students 78 percent are members
of minority groups 92 percent are low income, and 90 percent are first
m d move
on to participate more fully in Am erica's economic and so< ial life
are funded under Title IV of the Higher Education A, t of 1965 and are
known as TRIO Programs
W hile student financial aid programs are designed to help students over
com e financial barriers to higher education, TRIO Programs are designed to
help students overcome class social and cultural barriers to higher educa
tion They provide inform ation, counseling, academic instruction, tutoring,
assistance in applying for financial aid, encouragement and support
TRIO Programs Upw ard Bound, Talent Search Student Support Ser
vices, and Educational Opportunity Centers provide the support tfia t g iv e s
students the hope and skills needed to succeed in college
TRIO Programs help almost 600,000 disadvantaged students ear h year at
a cost of less than $180 million dollars annually Tw o thirds of TRIO stu
generation college students (that is. students whose parents are not college
graduates) EOP provides free tutoring, skill development c lasses p e rs o n a l
and financial aid counseling, and academic advising
Fall q u a rte r 1986
87 percent of the participants in the program earned a 2 00 I C l gr ille p o in t
average or better
The P ortla nd S ta te U n ive rsity's U p w a rd B ou n d P rogram serves fifty lo w
in com e first ge ne ration stud ents fro m P ortla nd high schools These young
people participate in an intensive eight week summer academic program
each year and receive counseling and tutoring throughout the year
goal of Upw ard Bound is to prepare students for success in post secondary
The BO O ST Talent Search Program which is also housed at PSU iden
tifies low income high school students from around the state who have the
potential to succeed in college
They actively encourage these students
to consider college for their future By providing financial aid information
and helping young people select and apply for appropriate colleges, the
BOOST staff opens the college door to approximately 900 students ear I
T fie re are approximately 1 260 TRIO programs in operation nationwide
at more than 800 public and private colleges and universities
comm unity agencies
and at 80
W h e n • h o n e y b e e fin d * n ectar in flo w e r * near it* hive it re tu rn * to the
hive and clanc©* in circ le * to let its n e ig h b o rs k n o w w h e re n ectar can be
fo u n d W h e n it fin d s ne cta r in flo w e rs th a t are far a w a y , it dances in th e
d ire c tio n o f th e flo w e rs
In last week's article "Police Bru
tality. Accident, Or Hospital Negli
gence?", it was indicated that San
ders was slammed to the ground
and handcuffed by tw o police offi
cers The article should have read,
Mr Sanders was slammed to the
ground by one police officer ” The
Observer regrets any inconvenience
Blood Pressure
A public Hypertension (blood
pressure) Screening clinic is sche
duled Thursday, M ay 7, from 1 30
3 p m . .it the King City Retirement
Center, ,1777 S W
Queen Eliza
beth, King City
The clinic will be
staffed by registered nurses from
Meridian Park Hospital, Tualatin
The clinics are scheduled the first
Thursday of oach m onth, appoint
merits are not necessary, and there
is no charge For more information,
call 692 2656
Take th is o p p o rtu n ity to Stock-Up your pantry w ith
h u n d re d s of you favorite item s m arked dow n ,o clr
One Day W orkshop
Meridian Park Hospital. Tualatin,
will offer a one day workshop "D ea
ling W ith Difficult People'' on Satur
day, M ay 23, from 9 a m to 4 p m
at the hospital
Participants will learn how to deal
positively with the anger and fru
stration that difficult people can
cause, whether they're co workers,
clients, family or friends
covered will be identifying the dif
ficult person's motivations, remfor
cing positive behavior, and how to
be less of a target
Cost of the workshop is $25,
which includes lunch For more in
formation or to register, call the
Com m unity Education Department
at the hospital. 692 2656
Pork Loin
Fully processed
into roast or chops.
Tender corn-fed oork! u > J
Blood Pressure Clinic
A public
Hypertension (blood
pressure) Screening clinic is sche
duled Thursday. M ay 21, 1987, from
1 30 3 p m . at Meridian Park Hospi
lal, Tualatin The clinic, staffed by
hospital nurses and auxiliary volun
Large, 6-Roll
Marina Tissue
leers, will be held in the first floor
cafeteria conference rooms There
is no charge, and no appointment is
For more inform ation,
call 692 2656
in assorted
colors. Soft
2-Ply tissue!
Sale A Restyling
Fancy Golden
D e lic io u s , p lu m p and g old en ripe
b a n a n a s G rea t ,o ,o p your c e re al
to ea t out of hand to slice and
top ice c rea m and m orel
J IL Ea.
Peanut Butter
. Chunky or
j Creamy!
$ o 99
Be sure to look in
Un v i i
All frozen dinners
and entrees. Quick
& easy favorites.
Rene of Pans • Andre Douglas
Zury and m i",
• Camber
S lot» H our*
,0:00 a m 'til 6 00 p m
Monday Thru Saturday
for your Safeway Shopping Guide
for a com plete list
of specials at Safeway this week!
Prices effective 4/8 thru 4/14/87 at Safeways in the vicinity of orginating
1105 N.E. B roadw ay
(•cross from Safeway Itoytl Cante* I
publications Sales limited fo retail quantities No sales to dealers
Tel 282 1664
• ■
t •