PROGRAM EXECUTIVE B I I Corvallis and W oodburn Branch Managers ADULT AND FAMILY SERVICES DIVISION SALARY 1*2073 *26461 I Excellent Benefit Package I I I I I State of Oregon, AFS needs energetic, innovative, skilled managers to manage the branch offices m Corvallis and W ood burn, Oregon These branch of fices provide financial and medi cal assistance to eligible Oregon residents QUALIFICATIONS Three years of progressively re sponsible management exper lence, PLUS a Bachelor's degree or three add tional years of per tinent experience EQUIPMENT OPERATOR III OFFICIAL OPENING OF SECTION 8 PROGRAM $9 133 $10 713 hr Skilled work in operation o f vanoty of heavy equipm ent including diesel powe red tank truck and field spreading April 14, 1967, the Housing A uthority of Portland w ill be ac­ cepting applications for their Section 8 Housing Assistance Payment Program fo r low- income Renters. vehicle used in the land disposal I of BioGro. Thorough experience I needed in progressively respon I sible equipm ent operation Must possess valid OR Class 3 Chau I ffers license Closing date is I I April 17, 1967 at 5 00 p m ply I Ap City of Salem Per» Dept . Rm 225 555 Liberty St SE Salem. Or 97301 [ EOE The A u th o rity w ill be accepting names on April 14 from families who need one (1). tw o (2) and three (3) bedroom units. HOUSEKEEPING PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS EXAMINATION If you qualify the test is to com plete the examination question naire that is attached to announ cement No OC870156 (W ood burn) and No OC870157-fCorval lis) Your grade w ill be based upon the answers you mark on that questionnaire Obtain application IPDIOOs) and the announcem ents at: Personnel Center 775 Court Street S a le m , O re g o n 97310 S ubm it your State of Oregon Ap plication IPD100I to: Adult and Family Services Personnel Services Section 516 Public Service Bldg Salem. Oregon 97310 Indicate the announcem ent num ber on the PD100 in the box p ro ­ vided Applications must be postmarked by April 23. 1987 to be accepted An Equal O pportunity Employer TYPIST WANTED $500 weekly at hom e' Only on April 14, those intere sted in the Section 8 Program should call these special num ­ bers 281 3247, 281 4067. Be yond that date please call, 249- 5511. The A u th o rity's office hours are 8:30 to 4 00. On April 14, ONLY, PHONE LINES W ILL BE CLOSED FROM 11:30 to 1:00. I W rite P O Box 975, Elizabeth. NJ 07207 Page 4. JO BS April R. 198/ ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR OF HOUSEKEEPING Responsible for supervising all activities of custodians in a num ber o f buildings in specific sec tion o f district, resulting in im proved employee productivity housekeeping services in mdivi dual schools Primary shift 2pm 10 30pm daily. May be called for duties emergencies outside established hours M inim um 5 : I I I I I I I years custodian maintenance ex perience, especially in school public bldgs A t least 4 years education or training beyond I I I high school. Salary based on experience preparation $23 884 $31,029 Full job description | available, com plete PPS Applica I tion, subm it current resume 3 I letters of reference re qualifies I I tions for position A pplications accepted through April 15th Ap I P*y Portland Public Schools 501 N Dixon Portland, Oregon An Equal O pportunity A ffirm a tive A ction Employer I If you are currently on the A u th o ­ rity's Conventional w aiting list and wish to apply for this pro gram on April 14, you w ill need to call using the special numbers listed below, to make a separate application. To have your name placed on the w aiting list for this program, please do not call other A u th o rity phone numbers on April 14, but 281 3247 or 281 4067 only. The A uthority only accepts appli cations by phone We do not accept walk ins or names recei ved through the mail. You must call if you wish to apply for this program Only one fam ily's application will be accepted per phone call. (We are pledged to the letter and spirit of US policy for the achievement of equal housing throughout the nation in w hich there are no barriers because of race, color, religion, or national origin). Thank You! i | JOBS Trade Magazine 1463 N E Killingsworth I I I I I