r ... ..... .. a .; MANUFACTURING ENGINEER CD Medical, a m anufacturer of electromechanical dialysis equip m ent, has a need for a quali fied MFG Engineer to support our hydraulics m anufacturing area Responsibilities include labor and material reduction, ca pital equipm ent justification, and m anufacturing support Re quires a B S in Mechanical En gineering or related field, w ith tw o to four years experience in a m anufacturing environm ent Send qualified resumes and salary histories to: CD M ed ical. Inc D rake W illock Division A ttn R a m o n a K a rja la in e n 13520 SE P h e a sa n t C o u rt P o rtla n d , OR 97222 (N o p h o n e ca lls please) An Equal O pportunity A ffirm ative A ction Employer POSITION WANTED E d ito r/ R e p o rte r Business com m unicator seeks career change position w ith Wes tern Oregon newspaper Twelve years w riting, editing and pub lication management experience Kent State University journalism school graduate VDT and photography skills Contact Ronald McNees at (213) 839 5588 POSITION WANTED REPORTER Recently com pleted a four m onth reporting internship at The Oregonian During college, served as a part tim e reporter from 1983 86 at the Oregon t W ashington Labor Press Con ta ct Am y K Klare, 2167 N W Flanders Portland, OR 97210 (503)23 , 4992 JEEPS FOR SALE Government Surplus Jeeps ap praised a, »3,196 00, sold for »44 00. For details Call 1 312 830 2260 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES MULTNOMAH COUNT y J J a il S te w a rd S9 83 per hour perform s cooking and supervisory work at the cor rectional facility in Troutdale, re quires 18 m onths institutional cooking experience or six m onths experience and com pletion of a training program apply by April 17, 1987 C o rre c tio n s C o u n s e lo r $21 444 annually, perform s social casework and counseling in ser vice to adults w ho are inmates of correctional institutions, clients of rehabilitative programs, or on probation or parole, requires one year of experience and a bach elor's degree in a related field; apply by April 17, 1987 Legal S e c re ta ry $8 25 9 49 per hour; performs I legal secretarial work in the 0 , fice o f County Counsel; requires 18 m onths experience and the ability to operate w ord proces sing equipm ent, apply by April 10. 1987 F leet/ M o to r P ool S p e c ia lis t $11 40 per hour; manages Coun ty 's d o w n to w n m otor pool re quisitions, registers and assigns I new vehicles, manages surplus vehicles disposal; requires one year of experience; apply by April 24, ,987 P ro g ra m D e v e lo p m e n t S p e c ia lis t M E D R e s id e n tia l P ro g ra m $ 11 40 per hour; develops and evaluates programs in the area of housing the chronically mentally ill; requires one year experience; apply by April 17, 1987 Oregon State Penitentiary, an Equal O pportunity Employer, is seeking qualified m inority appli cants to fill FOUR CORRECTIONAL OFFICER POSITIONS ONE INSTITUTION TEACHER POSITION M inim um requirements for Cor rections Officers Positions are highschool graduate or GED cer tificate and good physical condi tion Salary range $1609 $1947 m onthly Be sure to fill out appli cation at State Employment Of fice and request placement on A ffirm ative A ction hiring list Minim um requirements for Insti tution Teacher (one (>osition) is a valid Oregon Teacher Certificate Salary range is $1 767 $3323 Mon thly Be sure to fill out state em ploym en! application and request placement on A ffirm ative Action hiring list and refer to Executive Personnel. 155 Cottage St . Sa lem. OR 97310 Positions are available now ply immediately Ap A TT N Ron M a rtin OSP 2606 S ta te S tre e t S a le m . OR 97310 An Equal O pportunity Employer CABLE TV INSTALLER Good attitude and appearance Valid driver's license and good driving record Trained in pole clim bing A bility to work w ith public Send resume to In s ta lla tio n S u p e rv is o n P O Box 8677 P o rtla n d , O re g o n 97207 Equal O pportunity Employer W HERE TO APP LY EARN $$$$$ M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty E m p lo y e e R e la tio n s R oom 14X 1120 SW Fifth A venue P o rtla n d . O r 97204 W ork from home $60 per ,00 An Equal O pportunity Employer inserting envelopes inform ation send stamp to K S E n te rp ris e s P O B ox 1501 H B lo o m fie ld . N J 07003 A p r , ip 10p- PS 3