4 4 Business of the Week From Beverly Hills to Albina p .u u u iy ooasis ot naving the largest key selection in town at his Walnut Park location with an inventory of over 18,000 keys The former Californian provides service for foreign autos, domestic homes, businesses, safety deposit boxes, safes and virtually any lock requiring a key I have even made a key for a chastity belt in Beverly Hill, California. ” claims Raynard Learning his trade from an on the ,ob training exper lence in Beverly Hills in 1967 Wrobleski has seen his busi ness expand to Tacoma. Washington, and now provides two fully equipped service proviae quality service on all of our ,obs with em phasis on making sum the ,ob IS done right We may not ............. town but Mcurity doMn’t < ome cheap, added Ray (as he likes to be called! Services to senior citizens are discounted at 10% on materials and $ 25 on all keys Ray said h,s commitment to the community was sincere as he owns the business and the property and plans to grow with the area .. ■ . ». <. 9 ... 9 ' . - . . • . • ;. . , •• I, • ; • . • ? »