Page 10, Portland Observer, April 8, 1987 CL A S S I F I E D A D VER T /S /N G D.J. GENERAL CONTRACTOR INC. NO MONEY?? “Tkke one from m e... !” G ETO FFTHE "SO AP OPERA" COUCH!! Dewey Taylor II Start Your Career TODAY! If you work for yourself and you make at least 1400 a year, you must file a tax return. Don't get knocked for a loop on this one. . ' If you're 16 21 you can become a NURSE ASS T, SECRETARY, DENTAL A S S T , BAKER, OR WORD PROCESSOR You must be motivated, self oriented and must be able to relocate for training and then placement Lots of BENEFITS, EARN W HILE YOU LEARN! Call LANA or KIM at 229-6008, 229 5796 DBA: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY PAINTING INTERIOR b EXTERIOR W ALL b FLOOR COVERING OF ALL PHASES HAULING b MOVING MASONARY WORK A D D TO VOUH B U S IN E S S A package d ro p o ft p o in t lo r lor al residents w h o w ant to ship p.i< kaqes via U P S AIRBO RNE This builds store traffic and gives you 60 “ i. ?0° p ro fit P fio tie 1 BOO 8? I 490? for ad ditiona l informs tio n Inve stm e nt R equired FREE ESTIMATES LICENSED, BONDED \o ò '* c'p o ' S e° ' O' Work from home 560 per 100 inserting enve lopes information send stamp to K S Enterprises P O B om 1501 H B lo o d fie ld , NJ 07003 a r - Richard J. Brown Phciotrqphfr SPIR ITU AL PSYCHIC READER 10 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE AFFORDABLE REMODELING!1! 1!! p l e'P s O' EARN $$$$$ TAROT CARD AND PALM READING CALL TODAY 287-7353 If you need questions or pro blem s solved, n $ Fmii/uZ, OK. 9 7 2 ! Z «I homes. They sold them to first time home buyers, to repeat home buyers and to investor home buyers And the best part was that each and every home buyer got a good, honest value. So it you're looking lor a truly affordable home, ask vour real estate agent about HI I) homes in your area. Or cheek our lll'H listings ad in the SHAPE UP GESTETNER DUPLI CATINGSYSTEM AND SCANNER Used sten cil duplicator, Gestet ner 466s, and scanner, Gestefax 473, in good condition Misc sup plies available stencils, ink, etc 51000 or best offer Contact Eileen at ONPA, (5031 684 1942 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FIGURE SHAPING TA BLES Open your own figure salon or add to your existing business with the Stauffer Fi gure Shaping Tables Buy Factory Direct, 13121234 9547 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXCLUSIVE Hi TECH manufacturer of shop lifting prevention pro due ts systems seeks individual company for regional distribution, due to massive growth and demand Call col lect Mr Grant, 16041 255 51 Z8 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE QUALITY MOBILE homes' Best prices in Oregon Marlettes, Redmans and pre own ed homes, deliver ed anywhere Nobody beats our dealt Wild wood Mobile Homes, 1 800 422 0341 White City, Oregon. FIN A N C E / OPPORTUNITIES I r ea le sta telo an s . Example 515,000, 5 years. 14 Vi %, 5250 month. Balloon 58993, costs 52,550, Apr 22 5 Espirit Mortgage (5031 370 4400 Salem. OR