April 1, 1987, Portland Observer, Page 7 ( i P ro lesiio n al Sarvlc« D.J. GENERAL CONTRACTOR INC. Q uality Craftm anihlp R easonable R a te i G ETO FFTH E M TV COUCH!!! T u n e in to y o u r fu tu re T O D A Y ! Dewey Taylor II Free Estim ates EARN WHILE YOU LEARN! Davis If you’re 16 21, you can become a Chef, Dental Ass t, Secretary, Construction Worker, Merchant Marine. You must be motivated, self oriented and must be willing to relocate for training and then placement. Lots of benefits, and Painting Sons Com pany Call Lana or Kim at: Z83-Z459 E x te rio r In te r io r 229 5769 or 229 6008 DBA B U S IN E S S O P P O R TU N ITY PAINTING INTERIOR b EXTERIOR W ALL b FLOOR COVERING OF ALL PHASES HAULING b MOVING MASONARY WORK A D D TO YOUR B U S IN E S S A package d ro p o ft p o in t for lot ,il residents w h o w498 Oregon Land M o rtg a g e P E R S O N A LS OCEANSIDE, OR 2 nights price 1 Spectacular view quiet seclution. (reach 1 block Studio. $37 50, 2 bedroom unit, $4 7 50 ( 5031 842 4413 El R ancho M o te l 6071 P o la n d . OK « 7 ¿ ll Hi Appi ( 2/19 O ' C 1 ) B U S IN E S S O P P O R T U N IT IE S TRAVEL AGENCY Own UNIGLOBE I HAVEL, the growing franchisor of travel ca No travel industry Investment required Call 4602 your own Contact largest and fastest agencies in N Amen experience required Tamara .it (503) 282 B U S IN E S S O P P O R T U N IT IE S OPEN YOUR OWN ONE PRICE ($9 991 DIS COUNT SHOE STORF All first quality men han disc $13.900 to $16,900 includes beginning in ventory fixtures, supplies, training and air fare Call Ed Brandt. The Source, (405) 238 9358 P O S IT IO N OPEN P ro d u ctio n Five day metropolitan business newspaper seeks competent layout paste up person with at least 5 years experience in make up and markup of both classified and display adver tisements Duties will include lifting heavy equipment, maintenance work and ( leaning Hours are from 8 a in to 4 30 p m , 19 fir , 24 paid days off annually, medical anil dental no weekend work Contar t Air Hassanni, Pro dur tion Manager. Portland Business Today. P O Box 10127. Portland, OR 97210 (5031 226 1311 P E R S O N A LS BANKRUPTCY $75 stops collectors, law suits Et garnishments DIVORCE $65 no court hearings, com plete preparation of all legal documents Legal Alternatives Inc , 15031 255 3412 or 1 800 642 2208 P E R S O N A LS List year, real esl.tle agents throughout Oregon and S.W Washington sold (>52 III 1» homes. They sold them to first time home buyers, to repeat home buyers and Io investor home buyers. And the best part was that each and every home buyer got a good, honest value. So it you're looking lor a truly affordable home, ask your real estate agent about IIID Im m e s in your area. Or check our III I, listings ad in the classified section ol your Friday or Sunday HUD O fP A R T M fN T OF HOUSING ANO URBAN O f V f L O P M f NT PREGNANT, CON FUSED? Choose alter native with Love ADOPTION We are a happily married, tinan cially secure, childless, couple who wish to a dopt an infant into our hearts and home. Please answer our pra yers and call our attor ney 1(4081 288 7100, collect. 24 hours H appily married couple wishes to adopt infant Child will have loving, se cure family, with all ad vantages of a good home Expenses paid Attorney involved 15031 635 7773, collect ADOPTION Please let us share our love and home with a new Irorn infant you can not care for. Please call Ron and Fran collect after 7 00 pm and weekends 17,81 748 V A C A T IO N R E N TA LS Call Today 286 2067 652 cheers for The Home Team. BRIDGES 85 flatcars Strong enough tor tie ivy ton king All welded high strength steel im hiding steel dei k $6 ‘XMXI $8 (XX) Deliver ed most loc ations Skip Gibbs I 7(1/1 263 0326 ADOPTION V A C A T IO N E N T E R T A IN M E N T SEASIDE 3 nights starting $43 50 total per couple mi lulling breakfast Available Sunday Thursday (no holidays) Private baths, color TV some kitchens Brochure Riverside Inn 738 8254 B U S IN E S S O P P O R T U N IT Y M IS C FOR SALE GESTETNER DUPl I C AIIN G SYSTEM AND SCANNER Used sten cil duplicator, Gestet net 466s. and scanner, Gestefax 473, in good condition Mis< sup plies available stencils, ink, etc $1000 ot best offer Contact Eileen at ONPA. 1503) 684 1942 B U S IN E S S O P P O R T U N IT IE S FIGURE SHAPING TA BLES Open your own figure salon or add to your existing business with the Stauffer Fi gure Shaping Tables Buy Factory Direct, 13121 234 9547 B U S IN E S S O P P O R T U N IT IE S l xi i USIVf Hi 11 CH manufai hirer of shop lifting prevention pro ducts systems seeks individual/company for regional distribution, due to massive growth and demand Call col led, M r Grant. (604) 255 5178 M IS C FOR SALE 300’ HOSS TRIPLE SLUICE, $10,(XX), D9 18A angle blade, drum, canopy. 75% unden ar riage, $10,0(X). Unused 250 pound electric smelter furn.n e. spare S C H O O L S /IN S T R U C T IO N ENJOY CHILDREN? Study .it nationally recog crucible, $1,200. Pren ni/ed training school Free nationwide plat ement tice Model 50 w twist incredible demand Contact NNI. 2100 NE Brot.d o wnst grapple, trailer way. Suite 3E, Portland, OR 9/232 Tel (5031 mounted. $4.500, cus tom built 8 12 diesel, 284 1240 Call collect suction dredge, $14,000 OBO, 1955 In M IS C E L L A N E O U S FOR SALE ternational 4x6, 5 yard HALE PRICE1 50% o ff" Our best, large flashing dump truck, licensed, arrow sign $339' Lighted, non arrow $329' operating, $1,200 30x Unhghted $269' Free letters’ See locally Call 24" Ball mill w power. today1 Ear tory 1 800 423 0163 anytime $2,500 ( 503)592 3358 EXCELLENT opportunity Commercial Ag operation, equipment, shop, storage Nice 4 txrdroom home 5 8 acre wooded site, Central Willamette Valley Complete package $230,OCX) No Realtors 503 864 2277 P IC K U P S /C A N O P IE S DISCOUNT PICKUP CANOPIES Pay net To tern pm es 150 Brahmas, 350 Totem alurni num Free price list, phone FREE 1 800 452 9113. 9 im to 5 pm 7 days Totem Mfg Inr Salem F IN A N C E / O P P O R T U N IT IE S REAL ESTATE LOANS, Example $15,(XX), 5 years. 14 H ' *280 month. Balloon $8993, costs $2,550, Apr 22 5. Espmt Mortgage 1503) 370 4400. Salem. OR