Page 6, Portland Observer, April 1, 1987 . THEE J e t Lim ousine Service Hello, my fellow music fanatics I know that a lot o f us are still abuzz w ith the magic of last weekend's Najee Ray. Goodman and Brown Freddie Jackson concert, and, boy, do I have pictures and a story about that magi cal night! The people at W adsw orth w ould like to thank you for your sup port I'm sure we all w ould like to thank them not only for a great produc tion, but for the first R bB concert of 1987 in the City of Roses More next week The C om ing o f Cam eo (the urban warriors) prices start at We offer......... Color TV A M /F M Steroo Telephone Full Climate Control Complim entary Bottle of Champagne Fast and Courteous Service Including The year was 1978 The place was H artford, C onnecticut My friends and I drove 45 minutes to see The Brothers Johnson and Earth W ind and Fire No one said a dam thing about Cameo, but. then again. I'm not used to reading the fine print on a concert ticket $35.00 per h ou r firs t 2 hour» $30.00 U n iv e rs ity o f P o rtla n d A n n o u n ce s Festival o f Jazz The University of Portland's 22nd annual Festival of Jazz w ill be held April 3 beginning at 8 a m in the Earle A Chiles Center on campus Junior high and high school bands w ill attend clinics and com pete fo i more than 40 trophies, individual scholarships and outstanding perfor mance awards for individual scholarships Each band will have 30 m inutes to perform and will participate in a sight reading session Judges for the com petition include jazz notables Elburn Cooper, Alan Koewin and Jess W w sitalo Awards w ill be presented at a 5 30 p m concert in the Chiles Center The university's |azz com bo and an alumni |azz com bo w ill (xirform at th e ; concert Cost to observe the daylong com petition is $2 The evening concert is free and open to the public Coordinating the festival this year w ill tie A n thony Armore, director of bands and assistant professor of music at U of P For more inform ation, contact him at 283 7359 per h ou r p roce e d in g Key m r q * Call (206) 254-3762 31 NW FIRST NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT TM< NORTHLLKST RFRIKAN AMERICAN BALICT PACSCNTS Thursday A p ril 2 RADIO SILENTS A MASTER DANCE CLASS W e e k e n d A p ril 3 b 4 CURTIS SALGADO OF b THE STILLETO S TRADITIONAL AFRICAN DANCE S unday. A p ril 5 MASTER DANCER: NAFISA SHARAIFF MASTER DRUMMER: JAL€L SHARAIFF M o n d a y A p ril 6 n a f is a SM A Rw rr DAVE HOLLAND QUARTET ED ft THE BOATS h a s s t u d k d w it h Tuesday A p ril 7 S IK H M A SK A S SU A lM H N DIOP » « S T N fG A liS i B AU tT I M 3 -M l» CAMAAA 10 ACPUAUQUt ( X GUINCO V iM flif LONNIE BROOKS IAOJI 1YAXCE tONCfSTS— — ~ jazzy FM 09-1 Zurv and more • 1 ire lre i Storn H our« 10 00 a m til 6 00 p m M onday Thru Saturday 1105 N.E Broadway la tro » » fro m S a trw a y Lloyd Tel 282 1664 C enter' GOOD PEOPLE • GOOD M U S IC • GOOD FOOD A N D G O O D T IM E S featuring T R A D IT IO N A L BLACK A M E R IC A N SOUL FOOD Open Tues. Sun. Wed. is Ladies Night Thursday Fun b Game Night including: Dominoes • Backgammon • Chess, etc Fri. b Sat After Hours til 4:00 AM Sun. is Oldies Night .................... Join U s .................... 309 W. B urnside MT H 0 0 0 COMMUNITY COLLEGE Club A vailable For Private Parties. C o m m u n ity Groups. Banquets, etc Call 227-5248 fo r in fo rm a tio n