Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 01, 1987, Page 4, Image 4

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    p age4, Portland Josuvfci, Ape 1. idä/
Happy 75th
Cleophu* Butter celebrated hia
75th birthday Sunday. March 29,
W 7.
at Maranatha Church'* S*r-
vmfl Senior Saint* annual potluck
Tournament Champs
After victories at the summer A B A Nation* in Los Angeles and Fall
Tournament in Portland. Oregon, Wilson Smith and Art Shepherd have
repeated as winners in the over 300 Open Pairs at the Spring '87 A B A
Tournament, held at the Governor House in Olympia. W A. March 13, 14
b 15
Other winners from Portland were Mazie Freeman and Ida M* Clendon
in the under 100 Open Pairs
Robert Parker. Charles Rawlins, Wilson Smith and Art Shepherd also
won the Swiss Team of Four championship
You Are Cordially Invited
The Portland Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc are holding a tea
Sunday. April 12, 1987 from 1 00 p m to 4 00 p m in the home of Mr and
Mrs Richard J Brown, 10N E Ainsworth
Proceeds from this event will go to the Mariah Taylor Nurse Practitioner
Health Clinic
Special mutic was provided by
Senior Saint M r* Flora Bryant, and
special guest soloist, operatic sopra­
no, Betty Dorsey, did a beautiful
rendition of "The Holy City” . She
was accompanied by Rev Henry
Greenidge at the piano.
Photographs were provided by
great nephew Michael Whitmore
D eath W ith D ignity
The Urban League of Portland
and Oregon Health Decisions are
co planning a community meeting/
presentation on "Death with Dig
nity" issues which is open to the
public on April 21, 1987 from 1 00 to
3:00 p.m. at the Matt Dishman
Community Center, 77 N.E Knott
Come One, Come All
"Burgerville USA for Community Care" is happening Saturday. April
18, from 10 00 a m to 1:00 p.m at Bethel AME Church. 5828 N E 8th at
The Easter Bunny will be there along with goodies, an egg hunt and a
puppet show Stop by and have some fun
(L Rl R obert Parker. W ilson S m ith Charles R aw lins and A rt Shepherd hone their skills w ith a friendly gam e
of bridge
Photo by Richard J B row n
1 Æ 'v-
' "ir
Black A ffairs M e e tin g
The Oregon Commission on
Black Affairs will hold its regular
monthly meeting Wednesday, April
8, 1987 from 3 P M to 5 P.M in
Room 354 of the State Capitol Bull
ding in Salem, Oregon. The meet
ing is open to the public and all in­
terested persons are welcome
Contact Kathleen Saadat, 378
2969 for more information
F u ll-C u t B e e f
R o u n d S te a k
South A frica D ivestitu re
Bill Public H earing To Be
Held on W ednesday,
April 8
State Representative Margaret L
Carter, Vice Chair of the House
Human Resources Committee, an
nounced today the public hearing
on House Bill 2001, the South Afri
ca Divestiture Bill, will be hold on
Wednesday. April 8 at 1:30 p.m. in
Hearing Room D, State Capitol.
"I encourage all citizens repulsed
by the brutality and repression of
the apartheid system in South Afri
ca to come to express their support
for House Bill 2001," Representative
Carter said "This is an important
public hearing "
Introduced by Representative
Carter, House Bill 2001 has the sup
port of the Albina Ministerial Alii
ance, Ecumenical Ministries of
Oregon, the Black United Front,
the Urban League of Portland,
American Friends (Quakers) Service
Committee, the Christian Methodist
Espicopal Church, the Japanese
American Citizens League. Oregon
Rainbow Coalition, Portlanders Or
ganized for South African Freedom
(POSAF), Portland Chapter of the
New Jewish Agenda, and the Port
land Gray Panthers
For further information, citizens
can call 1 800 327 7389
Safew ay " S e le c t”
g ra in -fe d beef
Great for S w iss
steak Super
trim m e d 1/4-lnch
to give you real
S a v e l i p to S I . 4 1 L b ., N o L im it!
Sure to Look
»n Vour
u m SL a MT*
Io, you. SS
c u t gr
’ e lo .
s ä ä
5-Lb. B ox
Fryer B r e a sts
Plum p, te n d e r and ju icy, » «
Bake, broil, fry or BBQ' ! . ■ > , <
'Save Up to
90’ Lb
C hoose A uto Drip, E le ctric
Perk or R egular g rin d s,
fu ll-b o d ie d c o ffe e '
Black U nited Front M a rc h
A g ain st Racist V iolence
W H E N Saturday April. 4, 1987
(Rememberance of Martin Luther
King's assassination)
W HERE March begins promptly
at 11:30 a m at King Neighborhood
Facility, 4815 N.E. 7th Ave
N.E 22nd and Killingsworth.
Ronnie Herndon.
Co Chair, BUF, Rev John Jackson,
Co Chair. BUF and President, Al
bina Ministerial Alliance (AMA),
State Senator Jim Hill, Salem,
State Rep. Margaret Carter, District
18. Herb Cawthorne, President, Ur
ban League; Avel Gordly, American
Friend* Service Committee, POSAF;
Youth Representative, BUF Teen
age Care Project; Joyce Harris,
Black Educational Center; Reymun
do Mann, Metropolitan Human Re
lations Commission; Macceo Pettis.
Portland Rainbow Coalition
Colin Jones, South Africa
Let your voice be heard: Protest
Racist Violence in Oregon; Forsyth
County, Georgia. Howard Beach,
New York; Mobile, Alabama and
South Africa.
Join the March
Against Racist Violence on April
For information contact POSAF,
230 9427
D a ily ’s T h ic k
S lic e d B a c o n
A pprox. 1 ,i-L b . Pkg. A
favorite breakfast m eat'
Save Up To
99’ Lb
Corn or B ea n s
’ W hole K ernel or Cream Style
Corn, 17-Oz. or C ut or
S liced G reen Beans. 16-Oz.
S ave Up To $ 6 .8 0
S to ck-U p . No L im itf
N avel O ra n g es
R usset
P o ta to e s
D e lic io u s
A p p le s
All-purpose potatoes
Bake boil fry. grate mash
add to stews etc
Choose from extra tancy
Red or Golden Delicious
apples Crisp and Iresh1
M edium size...so sw eet and ju ic y because
th e y ’ ve been kisse d by th e sun A great
hand sa n ckin g fru it, p e rfe ct for lu n ch bags
and more. Packed w ith V ita m in C!
Prices effective 7-full days from 7 A.M. April 1st
thru April 7, 1987, at Safeway Stores in the
immediate are of originating publication.
Sales limited to retail quantities. No sales to dealers.
Save Up To
95' On 5 Lbs
.79* 59,t
Save Up To 8 0 ' Ea.,
No L im it!
Save Up To 30' Lb.,
No L im it!