March 25, 1987, Portland Observer, Page 9 CL A SS/F/ED A D VER T/S//VG D.J. GENERAL CONTRACTOR INC. MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE DIRECTOR H U M A N RESOURCES QUALITY MOBILE homesl Best prices in Oregon Marlettes, Redmans and pre own ed homes; deliver ed anywhere Nobody beats our deall Wild wood Mobile Homes, 1 800 422 0341. White City, Oregon STATE OF OREGON Dewey Taylor II Governor Goldschmidt is seeking an energetic, creative individual who is skilled in producing change to head the Oregon De partment of Human Resources which is a $2 5 billion umbrella agency that manages 250 pro grams. To qualify, candidates must have knowledge and under standing of human resources programs and a strong back ground in managing a large complex organization. Salary range $49 344 to $62 988 depen ding on experience If interested please call BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY A D D TO VOUR B U S IN E S S A par k.iqe d ro p o tt p o in t tor lot ,il residents w h o w a n t to ship pa< kages via UPS AIRHO RNF This builds store Ira ttii and gives you 60% 70' 0 *°' If you're 16 21, you can become a Chef, Dental Ass't, Secretary, Construction Worker, Merchant Marine. You must be motivated, self oriented and must be willing to relocate for training and then placement. Lots of benefits. COMFORT INN ft RVs Equal Opportunity Employer FREE ESTIMATES EARN WHILE YOU LEARN! FOR SALE Application deadline April 10. 1967 PAINTING INTERIOR Et EXTERIOR WALL & FLOOR COVERING OF ALL PHASES HAULING & MOVING MASONARY WORK Tune in to your future TODAYI Call Lana or Kim at: Joan M nguren 15031 378 3676 DBA: GET OFF THE MTV COUCH!!! VA CA TIO N RENTALS OCEANSIDE, OR 2 nights price 1 Spectacular view, quiet sedution, (reach 1 block Studio. $37 50 2 bedroom unit, $47 50 (503) 842 4413, El Rancho M o te l ADOPTION - Please let us share our love and home with a new born infant you can not care for. Please call Ron and Fran collect after 7:00 pm and weekends (7181 748 6071 FOR SALE SE W IN G M ACHINE S " TYPEWRITERS!! Naw Buying your first home? HUD has the values. "Free a r m " , all metal school models Latest stitches, overlock, stre tch, etc . $145 00' List $399 00' 20 Yr guar antee Also NEW ROYAL electric self correcting typewriters $159 00' List $289 00' Check credit cards. COD or lay away EREE DELIVERY" 1 714 548 4425 or 1 714 645 6532 ANYTIME" Here’s what you need to know to buy a HUD home. P le a s e c o n ta c t the re a l e s ta te a g e n t o f y o u r c h o ic e to s e e or b id o n any HUD h o m e lis te d h e re O n ly b id s p re s e n te d by lic e n s e d re a l e s ta te a g e n ts w ill be a c c e p te d HUD p r o p e rtie s m a y c o n ta in < < zo n e v io la tio n s or P u rc h a s e rs m u s t o b ta in th e ir ow n ft n a n c m g fo r a ll s a le s be d e p o s ite d m c lie n t s tru s t a c c o u n t) is r e q u ir e d w ith ea< h b id HUD s e rv e s th< r ig h t to rt ids and to w aive a n y e g u ar ity A ll h o m e s a r e s o ld AS IS w ith N O W AR R A N TY im p lie d o r o th e r w ise any b ds • P R IC E * ‘ » t a r r e d p u t e s i n d a te p r o p e r tie s th a t a r e e l i g i b l e fo r F HA m o rtg a g e in s u r a n c e w ith i w d« wn paym ent A n e a r n e s t m o n e y d e p o s it o f $ 1 0 0 0 I to EXTE N D E D LISTING S— OFFERS OPENED DAILY H o m e s lis te d h e r e d ie E x te n d e d I 's lt n y s a n d r e m a in u n s o ld a lte r th e s t a n d a r d t o m p e t iliv e b id o p e n in g M U D a n il c o n s id e r a n y r e a s o n a b le o tte r to r th e s e h o m e s a n d * ■ n p e r -**»*,s e v e r y w o rk ng da« a t 2 30 p m S h u , d • . , '" s , . t " es p r e v e n t M U D Ir o m o p e n in g o t te r s , n a g iv e n d a y th e p r o p e r t ie s a n il r e m a in a v a a b le to th e p o m t o t a c tu a l a c c e p ta n c e b y M UD o t th e b e s t n e t o ile r A ll o tte r s S h a lt b e s u b m itte d m th e a p p r o p r ia te ly m a r k e d s e a le d e n v e lo p e » i on- la m in g M UD fo rm 9S4S anth a d d e n d u n A lo h a 10<-B Sq F l »$46 500# « 4 P 14. .V I • '1 ,tk» 1 t n a . i , • S 66 5 0 0 » #4 31-148060 Lake O sw ego 4 • i ; ■ tin Bd 1 B a 6 0 0 S q Ft tC o n d o . " • 4r ill' »$39 0 0 0 » (ln s occ ) #43 1 163l - ■ i ’ ! PREVIOUS W E E K ’S LISTINGS Bids Accepted Until 1 1:00 a m., M arch 3 0 . 1 9 8 7 — Bid Opening Mon., M arch 3 0. 1 9 8 7 at 1 0 0 p m. M ilw a u k ie . 5912 f 1 m $27 300 rr : : SI Bd P o rtla n d 6 4 " NF 8tr. A ye . B d $15 000 n 1 P o rtla n d 4 335 NF Ft. I» MB u ’ 4 th A v e $31 , Ba 4 Bd 168 t . P o rtla n d ' t „ NF W y ija n t Bd Sq Ft $15 000 #4 11 146. 91 . < 14 Hd 1 , V ancouver 2 Ba 1 Ba h i V ancouver r NF 126th A v Ba ' i Ft »$36 500» # '.t • 16 » 11 I Bd i Ft Vancouver • $41 500 #6r • 01. '1 , 1 2412 15411 • $79 90 0» # 5 6 9 5302 NF ' Ih A v e $14 750 rr I 3 Bd P o rtla n d . 26 NF 113th A ve 2 Rd Sq Ft $26 500 #431 152386 203 1446 Sg 1 Ba 836 P o r tla n d 3723 N B m l h * ifc ? B d 1135 Sq Ft $8 000 #431 162131 203 1 F3a P o rtla n d . 12830 N t C la c k a m a s 4 B d 1056 Sq Ft $28.000 #431 142244 203 1 Ba ir V ancouver 1 Ba 13 >1 NW In d ia n Si '¡ D r 2 » 5 15 1 5 0 » #569 016153 203 P o rtla n d . 6952 SE 78th 2 B d 1 B a Ft »$ 32 .9 5 0 » #4 I ’ 1629(XJ 203 t=i P o rtla n d . 94 I Sq Ft $29 900 #4 f ■ P o rtla n d 6108 NF 16th A »« " $13 500 rr '. P o rtla n d ' Ha P O R T LA N D 10004 SE H a ro ld P o rtla n d en 4 SF Ma- : 1 Bd S q F t $18.950 #431 1653, i . M P o rtla n d S q F t 1-E U n f in is h e d #431 139397 203 P o rtla n d 1 Ft. S I M M *4 31 -H t Ha 51? 2 Bd 1 Ba 926 A ttic 1 $9 0 0 0 ? Bd 203 t Ha HUD DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT 857 V a n c o u v e r, " . i ’ () S f rle y im »S59 000» # 5 6 9 V a n c o u v e r. 120 W . 3rd St 1 B d Sq F , $31 900 # 569 015934 20 I (3d I Ba V ancouver 1406 Sg Ft » $ 5 4 .1 5 0 # #569 0 1 4 1 0 ' .7 0 1411 • , V a n c o u v e r 10420 NF 89th A ve ) B 1 2 B a . I '..) Ft $44.750 # ‘ >64 015 ’ 14 . FOR 810 OPENING RESULTS ANO AVAILABLE EXTENDED LISTINGS call 503-221-3498. This )$ a partial listing of HUD properties For a complete listing of properties available lor sale by HUD please see HUD $ listing in The Oregonian" Friday or Sunday Real Estate Section . BANKRUPTCY $75 slops collectors, law suits, E> garnishments DIVORCE $65 no court hearings, com plete preparation of all legal documents Legal Alternatives, Inc (5031 255 3412 ot 1 800 64? 2708 M ISC FOR SALE your own Contact GESTETNER DUPLI largest and fastest CATINGSYSTEMAND agencies in N Ameri­ SCANNER Used sten experience required cil duplicator, Gestet Tamara at 1503 ) 282 ner 466s, and scanner, Gestefax 473, in good condition. Misc sup plies available stencils, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OPfN YOUH OWN ONE PRICE ($9 99) DIS ink, etc. $1000 or best Contact Eileen COUNT SHOE STORE All first quality merchan offer dise $13,900 to $16.900 includes beginning in a, ONPA. (503) 684 1942 ventory fixtures, supplies, training and air fare Call Ed Brandt. The Source, (4061 238 9358 POSITION OPEN P ro du ction Five day metropolitan business newspa[»er seeks competent layout paste up person with at least 5 years ex|>erience in make up and markup of both classified and display adver tisements Duties will include lifting heavy equipment, maintenance work, and cleaning Hours are from 8 a m to 4 30 p rn , 19/hr , 24 paid days off annually, medical and dental, no weekend work Contact All Hassanm, Pro duction Manager. Portland Business Today, P O Box 10127, Portland, OR 97210 15031 226 1311 PERSONALS VAN C O U V E R 3914 NE 129th Ave . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TRAVEL AGENCY Own UNIGLOBE TRAVEL, the growing franchisor of travel ca No travel industry Investment required Call 4602 V A C A TIO N /E N TE R TA IN M E N T SEASIDE 3 nights starting $43 50 total per couple including breakfast Available Sunday Thursday (no holidays) Pnvato baths, color TV, some kitchens Brochure Riverside Inn 738 8254 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FIGURE SHAPING TA BLES Open your own figure salon or add to your existing business with the Stauffer Fi­ gure Shaping Tables Buy Factory Direct, (312)234 9547 BUSINESS OPPO RTUNITIES EXCLUSIVE HITECH manufacturer of shop lifting prevention pro ducts/systems seeks individual/company for regional distribution, due to massive growth and demand Call col lect, Mr Grant, 1604) 256 5178 M ISC FOR SALE 300 ROSS TRIPLE SLUICE, $10,000; D9 18A angle blade, drum, PERSONALS canopy, 75% undercar ADOPTION. PLEASE riage, $10,000, Unused Warm, secure home 250 pound electric waiting to weir ome a smelter furnace, spare SCHO O LS/IN STR UCTIO N newborn Call collect ENJOY CHILDREN? Study at nationally recog crucible, $1,200, Pren 124 hours) attorneys nized training s< hool Free nationwide placement tice Model 50 w /tw is t Ravel and Lach (408) incredible demand Contact NNI, 2100 NE Broad o wrist grapple, trailer 288 7100, P O Box way, Suite 3F, Portland, OR 97232 Tel 15031 mounted, $4,500, cue 7575, San Jose, CA 284 1240 Call collect torn built 8 12" diesel, 96150 suction dredge, $14,000 OBO; 1956 In MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE terna,tonal 4x6, 5 yard PERSONALS HALE PRICE1 50% o ff" Our best, large flashing < dump truck, licensed, PREGNANT, CON arrow sign $339' Lighted, non arrow $329' operating, $1,200, 30x FUSED? Choos»» alter Unlighted $269' Free letters' See locally Call : 24" Ball mill w /pow er, native with Love $2,500 ( 503) 592 3368 ADOPTION We are a ( today' Factory 1 800 423 0,63 anytime happily married, (man FINANCE/ POSITION OPEN cially secure, childless, OPPORTUNITIES Photographer couple who wish to a REALESTATELOANS, Full time staff photographer for daily business dopt an infant into our Example $15,000, 5 newspaper Must be a self starter, have good hearts and home years, 14 H %, $250 work habits, be organized and capable of han Please answer our pra month. Balloon $8993. dling lab work Send resume and references yers and call our attor costs 12,560, Apr. to Tom Stearns, Associate Publisher, Portland ney 114081 288 7100. 22 5. Espiri, Mortgage Business Today, P O Box 10127, Portland. OR collect, 24 hours 1503) 370 4400. Salem, 972,0 ( 503)226 131, OR EXCELLENT opportunity Commercial Ag operation, equipment, shop, storage Nice 4 bedroom home 5 8 acre wooded site. Central Willamette Valley Complete package $230,000 No Realtors 503 864 2277