Payetì, Portland Observer, March 25, 1987 MISTY Beauty & Barber S upply Open to the Public (CABOOSE) Retail & Wholesale We sell all brands Stop in and check our prices. DAVE'S 5852 N.E. 42nd Ave, 284 4884 SHOP Across from Adam's Track on 42nd Street 2000 N E 42nd HOURS Hop In to Easter buying everything o f value W e Pay C a s h " S»' >0« 5600 N E Union 5 30 PM R o b in 's A lto Baskets To Dehvered Of M on Sat 8 A M Phone: 282 1817 CANDY COFFEE GIFTS FOR YOUR Easter Basket Open 10:00 - 5 00 Mon Sat W e weni curty yesterday. The Easter Bunny is already here! A w r (.lotlies Robert Lawson & Elnora Wright Phone 239 4447 17 MARCH SPECIALS Come see w hat he brought. at PORTLAND CLEANING WORKS O w ner/M anager 525 N.E. Killingsworth Portland, OR 97211 SPRING SPECIAL Man's 3 pc. suit M.m's 2 pc. suit TOPF v » V We ate Call 249-1940 Hollywood D istrict 2 0 1 4 ME 42nd Portland, OR Dry Cleaning M AKE OVER w ith Facial LIPSTICK with MAKE OVER $20.00 $8.00 Aeg $30 00 H«g $10 Designer Curls $45.00 Rt*g $60 Ion Tuas b W ad only) J 31 87 Dress $4 00 b up Pants b Slacks $1 75 espires 3 31 8 / Full Set Acrylic Nails or Silk Wrap NAILS O N THE RUN Special prices good on dry cleaning ONLY1 by Must pick up within 30 days Has been serving the North and Northeast Community ♦or 20 year» ♦ast service Dry < leaning laundered shirt* alterations Y ou trie d have th e rest Now Hours FREE FREE (503) 282-8252 $5 25 $4 50 try th e Best Mon through Fri B A M 6 30 PM Sat 9 A M 1PM A sk for N ellie or Frances 282-8361 Home. Office Etc Acrylic N a ils ......................................................................... M anicures $35 $12 Pedicures $25 Special ther Ms to Mr Joe Reid J b T Limousine Service MRS.C’s WIGS \ (503) 284-8931 ^ 4 a lx ¿LLzqane.E. $35.00 Reg $50 • >PU> T*1 ft C O tl « MK M A I, M t l t t W ig Styling $7 50 AND UP serving the greater Portland area with style (long or specialty styles slightly higher) BR AIDS $2.95 »A //.••r X 1314N.E. DEKUM 286 6479 Every Tues. and W ed. Special prices start at We offer Color TV st» T A M /F M Stereo Telephone Full Clim ate Control Com plim entary Bottle of Champagne Fast and Courteous Service Including $35.00 XH hour first 2 hours . $30.00 9300 Bonnie p « hour p » o c ^ ,no Call (2061 254-3762 M RS. C ’s W IGS 707 N.E. Fremont 281-652S CleeW Sun. I Men. OFIN Twee, thru le t. 11:J0 AM te 1:00 FM C u rls .......... $40.00 Relaxers . . . $30.00 Both services include cut and conditioner. Make your appointment today. O w n e r ! O p e ra to r Sabrina Anderaon f A - • a «