March 25, 1^87, Portland Observer, Faye 5 Reading Tree Fund-Raiser N O W OPEN FERN-HILL SALON The Reading Tree, a community based non profit organization, is sponsoring its 5th annual fund raiser to support its summer reading program for children on Sunday. March 29. from 2 to 6 p m at 21,6 N.E. 18th Avenue The function will feature a silent auction w ith a wine sip and hors d'oeuvres Tickets are $3 00 and can be purchased at the door The Reading Tree, a phonics based program, takes place at Irving Park in N E Portland for five weeks each summer It is a free program open to all children and designed to make reading fun C leveland H igh S chedules 20-Year R eunion The Cleveland High School class of 1967 has scheduled its 20 year reunion for the weekend of August 7 A Friday evening get together at the Rafters restaurant is slated for alumni only. Saturday evening the activity moves to the Columbia River Red Lion, with a buffet and dance for alums and their spouses Sunday afternoon is family day a, Woodstock Park For more information about re union activities, or if you can help locate missing and out of state gra duates, call Gary Purpura, 775 2461 or Joanne Fuller Johns. 254 0113 5852 D ia g n o stic Services Addiction Diagnostic Services be gins Addiction Diagnosis and Treat men, Program after nine years of re search. A D S concluded its research on March 19. 1987 on the "Diagnosis and Treatment of the Addictive Pro cess", which includes addiction to tobacco, alcohol, drugs, food lobe sityl, sugar and sal, During the nine years of research, much information on the addictive process was reviewed and tested However, only one diagnostic and treatment method proved to be con sistently accurate and effective for diagnosing and treating the addic tive process over the long term. Larutan Analysis and Treatment was the only method tha, wen, to the heart and root of the addictive process and provided long term re suits for individuals who are addict ed to habit forming substances and attitudes. Other addiction treatment proce dures. methods and programs sing led ou, addictive substances such as alcohol or drugs, and tried to treat the symptoms by masking the addictive drive, or by substituting another addictive substance. Larutan Analysis and Treatment goes beyond the addictive symp toms of an individual all the way to the heart and root of the addictive process within tha, particular indi­ vidual The Larutan Analysis and Treat­ ment method has proven to be jus, as effective for children from 11 or 12 years of age as for adults. The cos, of Larutan Analysis and Treatment is $90 00 per hour. 42nd • 287 0630 » Have Lunch W ith Us The 100 Voices o f King School open the C hicago 'B lazer game w ith the N ational A n th e m a, Sund r s Photo by R ichard J B ro w n game Salad Luncheon ADAH Chapter No 6, O.E S , Saturday. March 2H 1987, 11 00 a m to 2 00 p.m at the Masonic Hall, 1,6 N E Russell Street Will deliver Donation $3 50 Phone 281 7679 or 281 HH21' Real ‘Honest Deals9 in Every Department! Lean round Beef The Interpreter Training Program at Portland Community College has scheduled six orientation sessions for prospective students at Cascade Campus, 705 N Killingsworth The sessions will supply informa tion about the program and other fields related to deafness, help the prospective student decide whether or no, to apply for the sign language interpretation program, provide counseling and answer questions. Sessions will be held the evenings of April 6 and May 21. and both days and evenings August 17 and September 8 Those who wish to attend the orientations are advised to call Chris Cady, ITP secretary, a, 283 2541, Ex, 5288. to book an appointment The Catlin Gabel Players will per forrr "The Crucible" by Arthur Mil ler a, the Gabel Center for the Per forming Arts on Thursday, April 30, Friday, May 1, and Saturday, May 2. at 8:00 p.m. A matinee on Sunday, May 3, is scheduled for 1:00 p.m. Admission prices are $2 00 for adults and $1 00 for stu dents The Gabel Center is located at 8825 S W Barnes Road on the Catlin Gabel School campus N E Stylftt Bennie C ì I a m PCC In te rp reter Training Program Schedules O rien tatio n Sessions The C rucible $10 Hair Cuts Special Curls Relaxers Approximate 5-Lb. Chub (Smaller Pkg., Lb. $1.29) B eef Roast Boneless Round Rump or Tip $19 Lb. 5-Pound Flour Gold Medal Regular, Unbleached or Self Rising. Stock Up and Save! 99* B oneless Ham Smok a-Roma. 5 To 7 Lbs. $ 139 Lb. 6-Roll Bath Tissue Truly Fine W hite, Yellow or Alm ond . . . 2-Ply tissue, soft and absorbent! $ -1 2 9 S to ck -U p , N o L im it! S to ck-U p , N o L im it! Frozen Vegetables Wesson Oil Flav-R-Pac, Corn, Peas or Mixed Vegetables . . . Your C hoice! 20-Oz. Pkg. O -r S to ck-U p , N o L im it! Ad price s E ffective 3/25 Thru 3/31/87 at Safeway. Sales lim ite d to retail quantitie s. New light and natural vegetable oil . . . No salt or ad ditives! 24-Ounce O 4ÖC oo FRESH TENDER Asparagus From C alifornia’ s Fertile F ields’ Grapes Thompson Seedless A Q < O ^L b . Broccoli Garden Fresh S to ck -U p , N o L im it! SAFEWAY OPEN 24 HOURS