Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 25, 1987, Page 3, Image 3

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    M arch 25. litó /, Portland Observo», Page 3
by Steven Bailey, N D
„ V, . W
P h o to by R ich a rd J B ro w n
Rev Ja m e s R ic h a rd s o n and th e S ta rs and S trip e s D rill Team
Fund Raiser For D rill Team
Parents of the Stars and Stripes
Drill Team will be sponsoring a
B 9 Q chicken dinner this Satur
day, March 28. 1987, from the home
of Mrs Audrey Henry, 307 N E
Stanton, Portland, OR, from 11
a m to 6 p m A donation of $3 50
G o sp e l M u s ic a l
As a benefit for The Sickle Cell
Anemia Foundation, there w ill be a
benefit Gospel Musical Saturday,
April 4, at 5 30 p m , at Maranatha
Church, 4222 N E 12th
Come lift up your voices and
shout for joy w ith : Inspirational
Sounds from Eugene, Foursquare,
Terry M itchell, Davis Sisters from
Seattle, Morning Star Baptist, Ma
ranatha Mass Choir, Christ Temple
from Tacoma, The Psalms, PNW
Sickle Cell Anemia Choir, Goldie
Irby, and Corner Stone UPC
Bud Clark will also be speaking at
this event.
Bring your friends
A free will
offering will be taken All proceeds
go to benefit the Portland Sickle
Cell Anemia Foundation.
per dinner is being asked All pro
ceeds w ill be used to help defray
operational costs and purchase
material for uniform s All uniform s
are made by M rs Gloria Richard
son. If you w ould like to make a
donation to this program, make
your check out to Stars and Stripes
Drill Team 5648 N E K illingsw orth,
Portland, OR 97218
The menu w ill include
Bar B
Que chicken, greens, potatoe salad,
cornbread and dessert
Call 288
1751 for orders
N o rth P o rtla n d B ib le C o lle g e P re s e n ts
N o rth P ortla nd Bible College presents
S pring Rally
A pril 3 ai 7 30 p m
at N ew Hope M issionary B ap tist C h urch . 3725 N G atenbeii
The guest speaker w ill I»' Rev P hillip S Nelson Pastor ot A llen T em ple
CME C h urch
There w ill also tie stu d e n t te stim o n ie s slides m d sjie. ..«I
m usic by the N ew Hope Y ou ng A d u lt Choir
As AIDS continues to spread throughout the U S ,
the importance of preventive education becomes even
greater W e are recognizing a m aturing of our media in
that we are finally p e rm ittin g frank discussions about
safe sen. condum s and I V. use of drugs W hether this
openness is too little and too late remains to be seen,
but we must now do everything in our power to get the
w ord out.
This past weekend a friend w ho w orks w ith the Black
United Front asked that I devote an article to the asso
ciation between I V drug use and the chance of con
tacting AIDS I V drug use is certainly not som ething
that is restricted to the Black com m unity, but it is pre
valent and of a concern to most of the com m unity lead
ers w ith w hom I ve spoken I, you have a friend or an
acquaintance w ho m ight be using I V drugs, please
, lip this article and give it to them
A ID S is n o t a h o m o s e x u a l d ise a s e 1 The fact that
the homosexual com m unity included members who
were among the first to have AIDS in the U S is indeed
There is no requirement that you have to be
homosexual or have contact w ith a homosexual person
to get AIDS This disease does not discrim inate One
of the earliest recognized groups w ith high incidences
o* AIDS are I V drug users
The use of drugs intervenously may help set up an
environment that leads to the full developm ent of AIDS
condition, but the primary concern of I V drug users is
Free C lin ic
A free diabetes screening clinic is
being offered at Meridian Park Hos
pital Tualatin
The clinic w ill be
open from 9 9 30 a m on Monday,
May 4
Pre registration is required
additional inform ation, contact the
com m unity education office at the
hospital. 692 2656
s h a rin g o f n e e d le s You cannot get AIDS from a ste
rile needle, but if you use a needle that has been used by
someone else, and that person has been exposed to
AIDS, you may in fact get AIDS from the use o f that
needle It is not necessary that the other person know s
that they have AIDS In fact m ost people d o n 't know
they have AIDS until years after they have been con
I am not going to moralize on the dangers o f using
drugs Certainly the use o f many street drugs has been
associated w ith weakening the im m une system, and
there is really little other than negative com m ents that
can honestly be given for I V drug use But people are
going to continue to use drugs I know this, and I think
most people agree that w ith o u t major social changes
we w ill not be a drug free nation in the near future.
W hat has to be said is that s h a rin g n e e d le s c o u ld
k ill yo u
Do not underestimate the severity o f A ID S
nor the im portance of preventing its spread If you use
drugs, make certain that you use a sterile needle (this
means one that has never been used, or has been ste ri­
lized by m ethods not available to the general public)
You can always decide to become drug tree It may
Ire hard w ork, but it is possible to end drug dependency.
It is not possible to reverse your exposure to AID S, so
be smart and look out for your ow n best interests:
D o n t sh a re n e e d le s'
R e q u e s ts U p ; C o n tr ib u tio n s D o w n
S a y s S t. V in c e n t D e P a u l
Don Strep, general manager, stores and workshop, St Vincent de Paul,
reports that the social service agency is receiving 4 000 requests for assis
tant e eat h m onth, while contributions of reusable furniture are dow n 43%
from December donations
A c t o rd in g to Seep,
A p p ro x im a te ly 100 fam ilies are o n a w a itin g list fo r
do na te d m attresses and many o th e rs need clo th in g . dresSers, washers,
dryers and kitche n ranges
Pickups of reusatile household items may be arranged by calling 234 0594
they may be dropped off at any St Vincent de Paul store
_ pi
jir it of
P o rtla n d A w a rd s
Caring about your neighborhood
•els good
and caring means
If you know someone in your
or a group pro
whose volunteer energy
las made a difference, now is the
ime for you to nom inate one of
hem for the M ayor's "Spirit of
•ortland Award
Ten finalists w ill be chosen by a
:ity w ide com m ittee for the awards
N om ination form s can be obtain
•d from the o ffice of Neighborhood
Associations in City Hall, or at any
)f the local neighborhood district
jffice s
Deadline is April 6
le ig h b o r for a Spirit of Portland
A w ard"
For more inform ation, please call
748 4519
800 N K illin g s w o rth
283 3171
Serving Portland For Over
30 Years
D e li Sale!
super savings on
unchm eat, cheese,
margenne, etc. . .
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oodstam ps W elcom e!
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