HELPWANTED A pplications are being accepted for the Seattle Mental Health In stitute Board of Directors until March 31, 1987 After w ritten application and interview pro cess, elections w ill be held for new directors on April 30, 1987 Desirable qualifications include fundraising, personnel manage m ent, com m unity relations, legi slative lobbying, or law For application, call Joanne Estacio afternoons at 281 4335 (voice) or 281 4398 (TTY). Handicapped and m inority individuals are en couraged to apply THERAPIST WANTED Full-time children and youth the rapist wanted. Master's degree preferred in Psychology or dim cal social w ork Salary: DOE Send resume to: ADVERTISEMENT I I I I I I I I I I I Barbara Thornburg Karr Library Oregon S ta te U niversity Corvallis. OR 97331 Phone (503) 754 2476 WANTED OSU is an AA EEO and complies w ith Sec 504 of Rehab A ct of 1973 call 721 4627 during business hours for more inform ation STOP A year long study by the Occu pational Safety and Health Ad m inistration indicates the need for innovative approaches for m onitoring and regulating the overall safety o f the nation's chemical m anufacturing indus try, according to the U S De partm ent o f Labor. WATER SUPERVISOR I Supervisory w ork in the mamte Hatfield Marine Science Center, Newport. Oregon 9 m onth tern porary appointm ent at 518 $20,000 (annual base) Rank of Instructor Required A LA ac credited MLS, and ability to w ork effectively w ith library staff, stu dents, and faculty Prefer know ledge of science reference sour ces. ability to do online search ing, and supervisory experience Responsibilities include: collec tion developm ent, mterlibrary loan, maintenance o f serial re cord and card catalog, reference service and online searches for HMSC patrons, and liaison w ith OSU Library in Corvallis Avail able April 1, 1987 A pplicants should submit by March 15, 1987 a letter o f interest, a resume, and 3 references to Clinical D irector C entral Area M e n ta l H ealth C enter 4900 Rainier A ve S S eattle. W A 98118 Black fam ily for five m onth Black baby. Family should be willing to make a long term com m it ment He is cute, healthy f t nor mal. He has a w onderful little giggle Families will be required to become a licensed foster home through the Departm ent of Social f t Health Services Please I LIBRARIAN I I I I I I I I I nance of the water system and operation of the W ater Treat m ent Plant and associated facili ties W orking knowledge of water maintenance and opera tions, related state and federal requirements, proven supervisory experience, good com m unication skills, and ability to obtain state certification as W ater Distribu I tion Manager required Salary Range 52,018 to 52.650 m onthly Apply Personnel O ffice City of Richland P O Box 190 Richland W A 99362 Indefinite closing date An Equal O pportunity A ffirm ative Action Employer PEPSI COLA 7UP As a leading N orthw est beverage producer and distributor, we re gularly seek individuals to fill a w ide range o f professional, tech meal, clerical, and unskilled labor positions As specific jobs be com e available, they w ill be an nounced by advertisement CITY OF SEATTLE Following exams open for filing If you desire to place your name in our work interest log, come by our office Events Service Representative 512 58/hr S wim m ing Pool Operator $10 70/hr Assistant Planner Design 511 9 9 /h r PEPSI COLA 7UP 2300 26th South S eattle, W A 98144 Urban Assistant Building Plans Exami ner 52108 mo I Associate Building Plans Exami ner $2660 mo. I I For application and info on min I Equal O pportunity Employer DELIVERY MAN D exter H orto n Bldg I Delivery Man wanted for part tim e w ork M ust have Washing ton State Driver's License, good driving record, non drinker, etc. W ork day is Wednesday (full day) Must be over 25 years of age 710 S econd A venue S eattle. W A 98104 I I For in fo rm atio n call 324 1107 Equal O pportunity Employer I im um qualifications, come by I o ffice or call 625 7982 or hearing I impaired only call TTY 625 5656 I S eattle Personnel D ept Rm. 448 ] I March 25, 1987, JOBS, Page 9