„s •. I' .4 - CREDIT AND COLLECTIONS MANAGER The Port of Portland is seeking an individual to assume the respon a b ility of developing and over seeing policies and procedures governing its credit and codec tion activities Q u a lific a tio n s P re fe rre d • Experience in accounts receiv able b illin g /co lle ctio n fune tions. • A bility to access credit w orthi ness, set appropriate credit lim its and payment terms. • A bility to w eigh the benefits versus the risk of extending credit. • Experience in supervision and managing people • A bility to deal firm ly, yet poli tely and fairly, w ith custom ers • Coursework or experience equivalent to a degree in busi ness adm inistration, finance or related field. Starting Salary: $77,100 to $32,800 com m ensurate w ith ex perience. A pply in person: E m p lo ym en t O ffice 700 N E M u ltn o m a h 12th Floor or call (503)231 5000 extension 700 for application materials This position will remain open until sufficient applications are re ceived, but may close anytim e af ter 5:00 p .m ., Friday, April 3, 1987 (T e m p o ra ry w ith b e n e fits ) D irector of Purchasing Services Application Deadline April 17, 1987 The Port of Portland is recruiting an individual to provide construe tion inspection expertise for Port facilities D ire c to r o f S m a ll B u sin e ss D e v e lo p m e n t C e n te r Application Deadline April 20. 1987 Preferred qualifications include Call (503) 726 2211 or w rite Lane C o m m u n ity C o lle g e P e rs o n n e l S e rvice s 4000 E 30th A ve E ugene, OR 97406 For application and |ob descrip tion LCC application must ba received no later than 5 PM on deadline date An A ffirm ative A c tio n / Equal O pportunity Employer INSTRUCTOR RECTOR MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES LEARNING CENTER Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S Masters Degree in Mathematical Science w ith experience in teach mg undergraduate mathematics required Learning Center exper tence in teaching mathematics w ith m icrocom puters desirable Fixed term appointm ent for three years contingent on satisfactory perform ance Annual salary $21,000 $23,000 Starts Septem ber 1. 1987 An Equal O pportunity Employer A pplication closing date May 1, 1987 A pply to POSITION OPEN P M A n s e lo n e C h a irm a n D e p a rtm e n t o f M a th e m a tic s O re g o n S ta te U n iv e rs ity C o rv a llis . OR 97331 A d vertisem en t Rep Advertising representative need ed at the Seaside Signal, a 4 000 plus circulation coastal weekly newspaper Salary plus commis sion (approx $1.000 $1,500 base). Telephone Fred Bassett, General Manager, 15031 738 5661. CONTRUCTION INSPECTOR LANE COMMUNITY COLLEGE • Coursework or experience equivalent to an associate degree in construction engi nearing. • Demonstrated knowledge of engineering, surveying, and construction terminologies, and standard practices • Ability to road and interpret plans and specifications • An inspector's certificate or the ability to obtain one w ithin one year of employ ment • A bility to work on multiple projects • A bility to function in year round weather conditions, and get around in all types of terrain. • Atnlity to get a valid Ore gon driver s license w ithin 60 days • Atnlity to work with minimal supervision Salary $18.400 to $26,600 com mensúrate w ith experience Apply in person P o rt o f P o rtla n d E m p lo y m e n t O ffic e 700 N E M u ltn o m a h 12th F loor o r ca ll (503) 231 5000 e x te n s io n 700 for application materials This position will remain open until sufficient applications are recei ved, but may close anytim e after 5 00 p m , Friday, March 27, 1987 • * • • ‘ a 4 An Equal O pportunity Employer $ >• Oregon State University is an Equal O pportunity A ffirm ative A ction Employer and complies w ith section 504 o f Rehabilita tion A c t of 1973 u - * March 25, 1987, JOBS, Page 5 ■ • »