» ■ r -r«i JOB ANNOUNCEMENT CITY OF W EST LINN MUNICIPAL COURT CLERK (P a rt-tim e position) Perform» complex and varied cle rical work according to policies and procedures of the City's Municipal Court Maintains a variety of records and files on court proceedings May com pose letters, collect and handle money, prepare receipts, answer telephone calls and manage jury panel Requires graduation from high school or equivalent GEO certification One year of exper lence in general office or related clerical work Experience using personal computer and working in a court system is desirable Skill in accurate typing and re cord keeping required plus ability to use tact, ludgement. and cour tesy in dealing with the public. Salary range $1201 1539 per month. Employer paid retirement and excellent fringe benefit pack age A City Employment Appli cation m ust be received by C ity of W est Linn 4900 Portland Avenue W est Linn. Oregon 97068 by 6 P .M . Friday. April 3 . 1987 Equal Opportunity Employer MENTAL HEALTH WEEKEND HOUSE PARENTS Weekend House Parents needed to operate innovative group home for pre delinquent boys, ages 11-14. Hours, Friday A M to Sunday P M Bachelors plus two years experience in residen tial treatment Salary $12,000 $17,000 DOE plus excellent bene fits Send resume with three references to: R.T.C. EDGEFIELD CHILDRENS CENTER 2408 S W Halsey Troutdale. OR 97060 An Equal Opportunity Employer Page 2, JOBS, March 25. 1987 .A » 1 « STAFF ATTORNEY FA R M W O R K E R D IV IS IO N G R A NG ER Evergreen Legal Services is seek mg a staff attorney for its Farm worker Division. The office is located in Granger. Washington, a small rural town in the midst of the Yakima Valley The Farm worker Division serves migrant and seasonal farmworkers state wide and emphasizes employ ment related issues and impact litigation involving civil rights and employment discrimination The Granger office includes a direc ting attorney. 5 staff attorneys, 1 paralegal and 3 support staff The attorney will maintain a rea sonable caseload, and under the supervision of the office directing attorney will advise groups, aid community organizations in plan ning goals and establish contacts with the local courts, bar asso ciation, etc. QUALIFICATIONS: Member of the Washington State Bar or wil ling to take next bar exam En glish Spanish bilingual manda tory. Salary range begins at $18,278 per year Excellent benefits APPLICATIONS to: Send Oregon State Penitentiary, an Equal Opportunity Employer, is seeking qualified minority appli­ cants to fill: Four C orrectional O fficer Positions One In stitu tion Teacher Position Minimum requirements for Cor rections Officers Positions are highschool graduate or GED cer tificate and good physical condi­ tion. Salary range $1609 $1947 monthly. Be sure to fill out appli­ cation at State Employment Of fice and request placement on Affirmative Action hiring list Minimum requirements for Insti­ tution Teacher (one position) is a valid Oregon Teacher Certificate. Salary range is $1767 $3323 mon thly. Be sure to fill out applica­ tion at State Employment Office and request placement on Affir­ mative Action hiring list. Positions are scheduled to be fil­ led in April, so apply imme­ diately: OSP 2606 S ta te S treet S alem . OR 97310 An Equal Opportunity Employer resume Patrick M cIntyre EVERGREEN LEGAL SERVICES 101 Yesler. Suita 300 Seattle. W A 98104 (206)464 S933 Evergreen Legal Services is an equal opportunity employer Minorites, women and handicap ped are encouraged to apply STOP New steps to see that firms with federal government contracts comply with requirements that they take affirmative action to hire and promote disabled and Vietnam era veterans have been announced by the U S Depart ment of Labor Com puter Workshop Woodstock Community Cen ter, 5905 SE 43rd, will have the following computer workshop Spring Term ‘ Beginning Lotus 1 2 3 Le vels". Mondays, 6 9 PM. April 20 and 27 Preregistration re quired IBM and introduction to LOTUS 1 2-3. Become a user of LOTUS 1 2 3, spread sheets using LOTUS help menu, the user manual £» LOTUS utilities Applications include budgeting, checking accounts and general ledger accounting 2 students per computer Call 771 0784 for more information. Mail-in regis tration is effective March ,4 and walk in registration is March 30 thru April 3 between 10 AM ft 4 PM