March 18, 1987, Portland Observer, Page 9 CL A S S IF!ED A D VER T IS I N G PICKUPS CANOPIES D.J. GENERAL CONTRACTOR INC. DISCOUNT PICKUP CANOPIES Pay net To tern prices ,50 Brahmas, 350 Totem alumi num Tree price list, phone FREE , 800 452 91,3, 9 am to 5 pm 7 days Totem Mfg Inc. Salem Dewey Taylor II RECREATIONAL VEHICLES RV PRICE W AR 1 Nobody beats our bottom line price Komfort Nomad Aljo Oceanway RV, Hwy 18 99W Dayton Junction (Lincoln City cut o lll. Mi Mmnville Oregon Call 1503) 434 6505 MOBILE HOM ES FOR SALE QUALITY MOBILE homesl Best prices in Oregon Marlettes Redmans and pre own ed homes; deliver ed anywhere Nobody beats our deall Wild wood Mobile Homes. 1 800 422 034,. White City, Oregon MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE BRIDGES 85 flatcars Strong enough for heavy trucking All welded high strength steel including steel dei k $6 5000 $8 000 Deliver ed most loi a,ions Skip Gibbs (7071 263 0326 FOR S A L E HOME FOR SALE H tU E M O U N T A IN 23 at res DBA w a te r Spec te rm s ,co' \o Elk Deer on dow n easy O w n e r (509) 522 1 143 A p a t ka g e d ro p o f t p o in t to r lo c a l re s id e n ts w h o w a n t to s h ip p a t k a g e s via s to re tr a ffii Phone tio n U P S A IR B O R N E ant) g iv e s y o u 6 0 % This b u ild s 7(1 p ro fit 1 800 82 , 4 902 fo r a d d itio n a l in fo rm a In v e s tm e n t R e q u ite d 10 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE AFFORDABLE R E M O D E LIN G """ .o'- lo w phone BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY LICENSED. BONDED o' g o 'O'1 $39 500 00 In w A D D TO Y O U H B U S IN t S S FREE ESTIMATES Os O '" I e power year a ro u n d c o u n tr y ro a d p ro p e r ty PAINTING INTERIOR f t EXTERIOR W ALL & FLOOR COVERING OF ALL PHASES HAULING & MOVING MASONARY WORK C A B IN near W a lla W a lla ic u V iew s COMFORT INN f t RVs 40 ROOMS. 30 RVs GOOD CASH FLOW For absentee owner or retired couple Spo kane WA Contact Matt Hawkins, COM 1509) 838 2511 James S Blat k ft CO Com mercial Inc . SO 107, Howard St Spokane. WA 99204 COLLECTOR. AN TIQ U E, VINTAGE CARS CALL TODAY 287-7353 STEVEN BAILEY. NJ). N atch , •»• athh : F amily P hyskxan (SW) As primary health cate providers we offer a full range of naturopatffle health care service The naturopathic physician provides preventative, wholistic and natural family health care for a wide range of acute and chronic conditions and minor traumatic injuries The following is a list of services available through the clinic Feel free to call and discuss your questions about the naturopathic approach to health and how it applies to you and your family S T A N D A R D LABOR ATO R Y A N D D IA G N O S TIC T IS T IN G H A IR M IN E R A L A N ALYS IS PHYSIOTHERAPY M A N IP U L A T IO N ANO M A S SA G E EXERCISE THERAPY C LE A N S IN G PR O G R AM S A N D EASTING COUNSELING BO TA N IC A L M ED IC IN E H O M EO PATH Y HYDROTHEHAPY COMPLETE P H YSIC AL E X A M S C O N S U LTA TIO N S FOR SPECIFIC P R O BLEM S GYNECOLOGIC E X A M S A N O W OMEN SH EALTH CAR E N U TR IT IO N A L A N D D IETARY ASSESSM EN T ALLERGY TESTING A N O C LIN IC A L ECOLOGY GERIATR IC S C HILDREN S M ED IC IN E SCHOOL A N D JO B P H Y S IC A LS PRENATAL A N O PO STNATAL CARE PERSONALS Richard J. Brown Phategriipktr PonJand. OK. 91211 Appt i W l l 2X94)101 COLLET.TOR (TAR Auction, Show Swap Meet Feb 7 8 Portland, tar entry $100, Swap boo, $25 i ai w.i(i spat e $-10 Contact Rodger Eddy > 503 223 (606 2582 N F Lovejoy St Portland, OR 97210 Auctioneer Dean Kruse Kruse Inter national ,8 0 0 328 0771 VA CA TIO N RENTALS OCEANSIDE, OR 2 nights price I Spectacular view, quiet seclution, beach 1 block Studio, $37 50. 2 bedroom unit. $47 50 ( 503 ) 842 4413. El Rancho Motel FOR SALE 1 i - Support Our Advertisers! Say you saw it in the I Portland Observer! Get more for your money. Buy a HUD Home. H e re ’s w ha t you need to kn ow to buy a HUD hom e. P leas act the re al • a te agent of ! • i ’ i ►state hi any HUD .Is p re s e n te d .» •n ts w i l l t»e a cce pted P u rc h a s e rs m u st HUD p ro p e rtie s m ay c o n ta in zo n e v io la tio n s A ll h o m e s a re so J AS IS w ith N< ) W ARRANTY im p lie d or o th e rw is e An e a rn e s t m o ney d e p o s it of $100.) do t e d e p o s ite d m c lie n t s tru s t account) s re q u ire d w dh eac h bid f ta HUD • e se rve s the rig h t t< ■ b id s in d to w aive i y r e g u la r ity in any b-ds • P M 11 I • p ro p e r tie s th a t a re e lig ib le to r FHA m o rtg a g e in s u ra n c e w th tow d o w n p a ym ent E X T E N D E D L IS T IN G S — O FFER S O P E N E D D A ILY H om e« •t,. • A ' » day i the •• a u * f «fen I.n g s a rid n .n g HU a s te » any r »•as< in a M e Ners e v e ry th e s e h» ” «’ S .1 <1 A i • d a y at . • S A ' ♦ • ' 1 «... 1 a pp rup » ■ale y m iffc e d s» i '♦‘»4M a ” ad ta m in g P o ftld n d NE 13th Ave 3 Bd 1 Ba '#>() 1 . : I t »$24 000» »4 i l 151b()1 P o rtla n d In. i f 73rd 3 B d 1 ’ » Ba 1028 - i Fl $25 950 »4 1 1 1 ’ () -, i P o rtla n d ' • 1 85th Ave B 1 1 Ba 936 C o rn e liu s »»i. • f f’ a 'd I o o p 3 Bd ? Ba 1 Ft $22 900 »1 -1 ‘ 4 in . H e$50 8 0 0 * « 4 J 1 14 ?09 203 P o rtla n d 8 ’ ' « .?1 NF Jessu( ‘ ¡1 1 Bd 3 $28 4 5 0 la k e O s w e g o 4 ‘ f i ; o C re s t Or U nd Ba 1 728 S q F t i T r . p i e « . 1 Hd 1 Ha bOO Sq Ft (C on do C ontaf 1 #431 155811 203 • • «; » ’ *$ 3 9 0 0 0 * tor i »wn V a n c o u v e r ' H a rn e y St 3 B d 1 Hd «4 )1 1b 1 . 14 i i y j H $31 300 «' ’ • • S A loha A ve 3 Bd 1 . Hd • $46 500» «431 1SS44. 703 B e a v e rto n . ! . ’ ! '• ,V 13th St 3 Hd 1 Hd • i i f ’ $3S 500 « 4 < • 155198 270 P R E V IO U S W E E K ’S LIS TIN G S Bids Accepted Until 11 0 0 a m .. M arch 2 3 . 1 98 7 — Bid Opening Mon.. M arch 23. 1 987 at 1:00 pm . Aloha Ha ,361 Sq F, • $S9 5 0 0 . U 4 B e a v e rto n ,30 4 Sq F, • $46 9 0 0 . a 4 < 4 ‘ ,4 . ’ 3 Be Ha M ilw a u k ie A i • i V ,rt Hi, H i , ■ ; Sq Fl $57 950 #4 1, 164*!? 1 . 11 P o rtla n d • . E n Uh . ' B it I $30.300 »4 ( ' 15H. . . . I 1 H i 110F P o rtla n d I t . >E 8,’ th 2 H I , Ha 740 Sq *$ 3 0 6 0 0 * »4 11 1 ,5.n « P o rtla n d V" ■ Í 115th A t r .’ H i , H i $24 000 « : : CORNELIUS 32J 5th Ave H. Ha 04 Sq C o rn e liu s ■ «$50 900» ll '■ G re s h a m 44 . • m a i » • $56 500« 3 Bd 2 Ba 16’ 2 »431-1460- M ilw a u b ie , ’ 4? Sq F, $22 500 »4 t 3 Bd ,5063. 203 Ha P o rtla n d 1146.1 E Hi jd te . Bd 1 , Ha •• ¡ f , »$36 950» « I • -i ■ .'« P o rtla n d . ........................ 728 • $27 9 0 0 * :i P o rtla n d 216 NF M o rg a n 7 B d 7 Ha ,0 ,6 I F, $26 000 » : P o rtla n d tw ay • . 816 . I Ft $20 »50 «4 11 140432 22, P o rtla n d 8641 W dsttM x B lvd 8 Bd 4 Ha • $94 000 * »431 ,67475 203 HUD t£ r D C P A R T M C M T O F H O U S IN G ANO URBAN DEVELO PM ENT W e»l Lm n 28 i Tre<-t..( l a . « ' 2 Bd 1 , Ha 1152 Sq Ft (C o n d o i.t, P m lic o l $43.250 »4 11-16,6,*> 203 V » n co u ve r Nf 6 2 n d A ,. I ” 1 1 ', • $40 000» ll ■ VANCOUVER 3 9 ,4 NE 129th Ave V anco uver tu14 N f 1291h A ve 3 H l 7 Ha 13,2 S.) F, »$52 0 0 0 * #56 - ’ 164. .'61 V a n co u ve r 44 i NE W H s. i Bd 2 Ha ,224 S q F t »$ $1,7 50» #6r • o 166 34-203 FOR 110 OPENING RESULTS ANO AVAILABLE EMTENOEO LISTINGS call 503-221-3498. This is a partial listing ol HUD properties For a complete listing ol properties available tor sale by HUD please see HUD $ listing in The Oregonian " Friday or Sunday Real Estate Section SEWING MACHINES" TYPEWRITERS!, New "Free arm ", all metal school models Latest stitches, overlook, sire tch. etc., $145 00! Lis, $399 00' 20 Yr. guar antee Also NEW ROYAL electric self correcting typewriters $159 00' Lis, $289 00' Check, credit cards. COD or lay away FREE DELIVERY" 1 714 548 4425 or 1 714 645 6532 ANYTIME!! LOANS ft FINANCING NEED MONEY? Equity loans on all lypes of real estate, easy quail lying) Rapid funding! We buy contracts, call now' Toll free 1 800 537 5498 Oregon Land Mortgage JN9 '»*»14 NWS H ILU M iSWOKTl, ttH tT LA N I) < >M 97217 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TRAVEL AGENCY Own UNIGLOBE TRAVEL, the growing franchisor of travel ca No travel industry Investment required Call 4602 your own Contact largest and fastest agencies in N Amen experience required Tamara a, 15031 282 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OPEN YOUR OWN ONE PRICE ($9 99, DIS COUNT SHOE STORE All first quality merchan dise $13,900 to $16.900 includes beginning in ventory. fixtures, supplies, training and air fare Call Ed Brandt, The Source. 14051 238 9358 POSITION OPEN P ro du ction Five day metropolitan business newspaper seeks competent layout/paste up pe.son with at least 5 years experience in make up and markup of both classified and display adver tisements. Duties will include lifting heavy equipment, maintenance work, and cleaning Hours are from 8 a m to 4 30 p m.. 19/hr , 24 paid days off annually, medical and denial, no weekend work Contact Ah Hassanni. Pro duction Manager, Portland Business Today. P O Bo* 10127 Portland, OR 97210 (5031 226 1311 ADOPTION Happily man led couple wishes to adopt infant. Child will have loving, se cure family, with all ad vantages of a good home. Expenses paid. Attorney involved. (503, 635 7773, collect. PERSONALS ADOPTION Please let us share our lovo and home with a new born infant you can not care for. Please call Ron and Fran collect after 7 00 pm and weekends (7181 748 6071 .» * , •* - • M ISC FOR SALE GESTETNER DUPLI CATINGSYSTEM AND SCANNER Used »ten cil duplicator, Gestet ner 466s. and scanner, Gestefax 473. in good condition Misc sup plies available stencils, ink, etc $1000 or best offer Contact Eileen at ONPA. 1503) 6H4 1942 ;■ ? kz *» » ■ • I ’ « ; . * • » X. 4 ' •z • BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FIGURE SHAPING TA BLES Open your own figure salon or add to your existing business with the Stauffer Fi gure Shaping Tables Buy Factory Direct, (3121234 9547 PERSONALS BANKRUPTCY $75 stops collectors, law suits, b garnishments DIVORCE $65 no cour, hearings, com plote preparation of all legal documents Legal Alternatives. Inc 15031 255 3412 or 1 800 642 2208 PERSONALS ADOPTION PLEASE Warm, secure home waiting to welcome a Call collect newborn attorneys 124 hours, Ravel and Lach 14081 B om 288 ?100, P 0 7575, San Jose, CA 95150 PERSONALS PREGNANT, CON FUSED? Choose alter native with Love ADOPTION We are a happily married, finan cially secure, childless, couple who wish Io a dop, an infant into our hearts and home Please answer our pra yers and call our attor ney 1(408 ) 288 7100. collect. 24 hours V A C A TIO N /E N TE R TA IN M E N T SEASIDE 3 nights starting $43 50 total per couple including breakfast Available Sunday Thursday (no holidays, Private baths, color TV, some kitchens Brochure Riverside Inn 738 8254 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY EXCELLENT opportunity Commercial Ag operation, equipment, shop, storage Nice 4 bedroom home 5 8 acre wooded site. Central Willamette Valley Complete package $230,000 No Realtors 503,864 2277 SC HO O LS/IN STR U C TIO N BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXCLUSIVE Hi TECH manufacturer of shop lifting prevention pro ducts/systems seeks individual/company for regional distribution, due to massive growth and demand Call col lect, Mr Grant, (604) 255 5178 PERSONALS ADOPTION A baby ENJOY CHILDREN? Study at nationally recog to share our love and ntzed training school Free nationwide placemen, lives, would complete incredible demand Contact NNI 2100 NE Brot.d O'tr family A huge way. Suite 3E, Portland, OR 97232 Tel (5031 yard, woodsy neigh 284 1240 Call collect borhood, and deer to pet, await All legal, medical, pregnancy re M ISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE lated expenses paid HALF PRICE1 50% o ff!' Our best, large flashing Call our Oregon attor arrow sign $339! Lighted, non arrow $329' ney collect 15031 222 Unlighted $269' Free letters' See locally Call 7474 today' Factory 1 800 423 0163 anytime Personal* Private Adoption. Pro POSITION OPEN fessional and loving Photographer couple wishes to adopt Full time staff photographer for daily business infant or child four newspaper Must be a self starter, have good All years or younger work habits, be organized and capable of han related attorney foes dling lab work Send resume and references paid. In Portland, call to Tom Stearns, Associate Publisher, Portland 246 2574 Outside call Business Today, P O Box 10127, Portland, OR 1503, 362 9560 97210 ( 503)228 1311 • > ïaK f % / V’ » • • » i jT ï "V i iMVP ’ lx