- * m n M nmn CITY OF P O R TLA N D M U L T N O M A H C O U N TY IN V IT A T IO N FOR PR O PO SA LS CALL FOR BIDS PRO PO SALS DUE 2 OOP M ON V A R IO U S DATES *• ; * • - ' p' 1 ' h ' H i A '*• • ) th« Bureau of Purcha««* and " i 1313 Po,il.i..rf Budding , ,7 0 S W Fifth Avo Port untl( 2 op p M (X) 14 • . th e (tot«« 111(1« e te d « C Pl • « I Spe< 3" at ton* may tw* obtained at th® atxive Address H • i 1.1 nform ation telephone Buyer at number listed ’ »•»•r w « m » stated in the individual proposal listed herein no ■ t> J win tie considered unless accompanied by a bid i i” , r,t not less than ten pert ent 110% I of the aygre gate am ount of the proposal P» . • s iie t y ’ T’ • ty ••• . ije s txddmy by MBE s and EBE s and will assist ♦im,s t .» understand and participate processes N< >N l> m formal bidding N o proposal or brd will be considered ertihed as an EEO Affirm ative Action Employ , b y Chapter 3 100 of the Code of the City of H lM lN A T lO N ’ e I, i }•■’ is i re s • ! Portland B ID N O I D E S C R IP T IO N O P E N IN G DATE • '.sior, Privileges >n 16 City Path C a ll C a rlto n Chayer at 796 .«! ■ ns 4 7 H/ SUB BIDS REQUESTED Marion County Correction Facility Salem OR Hid Date M arch 19 1987 at 2 00 P M P O Box 7867 Eugene. OR 97401 6606 (503) 345 8100 We ne in i qii.il opportunity employer and request ..ili I m i I s from small business and small disadvan I.ii|c,| business sub ( ontractors and women and minority business enterprises SUB BIDS REQUESTED • \ Lane Electric Co op Inc Baily Hill Road. Eugene. OR Bid Date M arch 19 1987 at 2 00 P M ( JOHN HYLAND) CONST. INC P O Box 7867 Eugene OR 97401 6606 J ( 503) 345 8100 . m- .in equal opportunity employer and request . ib b id s from small business and small disadvan taqed business sub i ontractors and women and minority business enterprises * b p . 14 JOBS. March Id. '.X ? JU STIC E CENTER W O O D FU R N ITU R E REPAIRS Bids Due A pril 7. 1987 at 2 00 P M Bid No B61 702 1322 Sealed bids will be received by the Director o, Pur chasing, Multnomah County Purchasing Division, 2505 S E 11th Ave Portland, OR 97202 for remove, repair and install fixer! wood furniture in detention center modules Plans and Specifications are filed with the Purcha sing Director and copies may be obtained from the above address for a $5 00 non refundable fee CHECKS AND MONEY ORDERS ONLY Plans and specifications will not be mailed within the Tri Coun ty area PREB ID CONFERENCE Mandatory March 23, 1987 9 00 A M Room 308, Justice Center, 1120 S W 3rd, Portland, Oregon P R E Q U A L IF IC A T IO N OF B ID D E R S Pursuant to the Multnomah County Public Contract Review Board Administrative Rules (AR 40 030) Prequalifi cation shall be required for this project for the fol lowing classics) of work building alteration and repair Prequalitication applications or statements must be prepared during the period of one year prior to bid date and must be actually received or postmarked to Multnomah County by not later than 10 days prior to bid opening Details of compliance are available from the Purcha sing Division Department of General Services, 2505 S E 11th Avenue, Portland, OR 97202, (503 ) 248 5111 No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by a check payable to Multnomah County, certified by a responsible bank, or in lieu thereof, a surety bond for an amount equal to ten percent (10% I of the aggregate proposal The successful bidder shall furnish a bond satisfactory to the Board in the full amount of the contract Multnomah County reserves the right to reject any or all bids K Busse. D irector Purchasing S ection M a rc h 18 1987 JOBS Trade M agazine 1463 N.E. Killingsworth (503) 288 0033