TYPIST WANTED $500 weekly at home! POSITION OPEN Write P O Box 975. Elizabeth. NJ 07207 STAFF ATTORNEY FAMILY LAW SEATTLE, WASHINGTON The King County Office of Ever green Legal Services is seeking applications for a staff attorney position for its Family Law Unit The King County Office is located in Seattle, Washington. The of fice is responsible for the delivery of legal services for the largest metropolitan area in the state The office is staffed by fourteen attorneys, a litigation coordinator and multiple support staff The attorney will maintain a rea sonable caseload, and work un der the supervision of the office directing attorney This position will include a wide range of family law related advocacy in such areas as child support, contested custody, family law as it relates to other proverty law issues and other cases with fall within pro gram and office priorities QUALIFICATIONS Member of the Washington State Bar or willing to take the next bar exam. Prior family law practice experience is preferred Salary is dependent upon exper lence. Salary range begins at $18,278 per year Excellent vaca tion and health benefits APPLICATIONS Please send resume, writing sample and re ferences to: Patrick McIntyre EVERGREEN LEGAL SERVICES 101 Yealer. Suite 300 Seattle. WA 98104 12081484 5933 Evergreen Legal Services is an equal opportunity employer Minorities, women and handicap ped are encouraged to apply CIRCULATION DISTRICT SALES MANAGER This is a challenging position for a highly motivated person with competitive instincts and strong people skills Responsi bilities include building circula tion through carrier sales, main taming customer relations and monitoring collections Appli cant must have a strong back ground in sales, service and col lections, the ability to recognize and solve problems and the de monstrated ability to direct and motivate others Send resume to: Statesman Journal Newspa per. Personnel Office. PO Box 13009, Salem. OR 97309 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Make big $$$ $209 profit each $299 sale It's patented. U L. listed, A G A tested, and 100% guaranteed by the National Ener gy Savers Association to reduce heating/cooling costs Every home business a prospect, prac tically sells itself Dealers needed statewide A real honest, once in a lifetime opportunity Call Him at (2061 743 8908 mornings write Energy Products and Con trots, 3320 Eighth Street A'. Lewiston. ID 83501 No dealer fees to pay/inventory only POSITION WANTED ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Seeking advertising director post tion with 25.000 to 50,000 daily Have been responsible for 14 ad sales and ad services personnel in one bi weekly and two weekly Lake T ahoe area newspapers with 17,600 combined circula tion Promotion responsibilities included 10 major annual promo Irons involving over 400 tabloid pages Produced linage gains in all maior categories in 1985 De signed a formal sales presenta tion for Reno, Nevada auto deal ers resulting in 41 pages of an nual classified "plus business Contact Ken Stuart, P 0 Box 7225. Tahoe City. CA 95730 (916) 583 1115 DIRECTING ATTORNEY B E LLIN G H A M W A S H IN G T O N Evergreen Legal Services is seek m g a d ire c tin g atto rn e y for a three a tto rn e y o ffic e lo cated n B ellin gh am , W a sh in g to n I he o ffic e is lo cated on the S trait of G eorgia. e ig h ty e ig h t miles north o f S eattle near V ancouver B 1 and M t Baker B e llin g h a m is the fifth largest c ity in W e ste rn W a s h in g to n The o ffic e serves a fo u r c o u n ty area th a t includes W h a tc o m , S kagit, San Ju a n a n d Island C ounties The d ire c tin g a tto rn e y w ill super vise tw o s ta ff a tto rn e ys and one paralegal, carry a caseload supervise legal w o rk and he re sponsible for fo rm a l i ase r e v ie w bar and c o m m u n ity relatior s e d communicate policies and pn i e dures to local offi< e s ta ff am i the client c o m m u n ity Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S M em ber o f the W a s h in g to n Bar or w illin g to take next bar exam A m in im u m o f five years experience as a le g a l services a tto rn e y and prior s u p e r visory experience preferred Salary range sta rts at $25 341 annually E xcellent va ca tio n and health be n e fits A P P L IC A T IO N S Send resum e to Patrick M c In ty re EVERGREEN LEGAL SERVICES 101 Yesler W ay. Suite 300 S eattle W A 96104 1206) 464 5933 evergreen Legal Services is an equal o p p o rtu n ity em ployer Minorities, w o m e n and hand ap ped are e n co u ra g e d to apply P O S IT IO N W A N T F D A dvertising Sales Rei ent U n ive rsity o f O regon qra duate w ith b A J < / z-r .