M ANA G ER ADVERTISEMENT M A R K E T IN G D EV E LO P M E N T POSITION W AN TED LIBRARIAN The Port of Portland is seeking a self m otivated individual to manage field sales and comm odi ty m a rke tin ^p ro ie cts W riter Proofreader Freelam e w riter and high si liool English teacher for nine years seeks w riting or proofreading po sition o Portland are.i In last few ye irs w rote interviews for P o rtl.i" I newspaper and chapters for textbook publisher .is tree la leer W rote, com pliled and edited handbooks in last position Proofreading experience includes employ nent w ith Portland type setting volunteer work w ith a small publisher and years as high school English teacher Cont.e t Kathy Martchenke 3040 N W Ithaca Ct Portland OR 97229 I Hatfield Marine Science Center, I Newport, Oregon 9 m onth tern appointm ent at $18 $20 000 (annual basel Rank of Instructor Required A LA ac credited MLS, and ability to work effectively w ith library staff, stu dents, and faculty Prefer know ledge o f science reference sour ces. ability to do online search mg. and supervisory experience Responsibilities include c o lle t tion developm ent, mterlibrary loan, maintenance of serial re cord and card catalog, reference service and online searches for HMSC patrons, and liaison w ith OSU Library in Corvallis Avail able April 1, 1987. Applicants I porary I Preferred qualifications include I I • Broad experience in dome Stic m arine/interm odel trans portation, including railroad contract negotiations and sales operation. • Demonstrated management and organizational skills suf ficient to direct the sales, pricing, and operational ac­ tivities of assigned pro grams. • Demonstrated financial skills sufficient to make so u n d business recom m endations decisions • Effective com m unications skills, both verbal and w rit ten. • A bility to take the initiative and be a self starter • A degree or equivalent ex perience in transportation, international trade, business and marketing I I I I I I I I I I I I I PERSONALS should submit by March 15. 1987 a letter o f interest, a resume, and 3 references to ! | VISA M ASTERCARD Get You Card TODAYI Also New Credit Card. NO ONE REFUSFD' Call 1 518 459 3546 Ext C6081A 24H R3 Barbara Thornburg Kerr Library Oregon S tate U niversity Corvallis. OR 97331 Phone (503I 754 2476 OSU is an AA EEO and complies w ith Sec 504 of Rehab A ct of 1973 Salary $29,800 to $39 900 comm ensurate w ith experience BROADCAST ANNOUNCER Call (S03I 231 5000 extension 700 for application materials Experienced air talent for local radio station Previous on air experience necessary Send tape and resume to: This position will remain open un til sufficient applications are re ceived, but may close anytime after 5:00 p m , Friday March 27, 1987 An Equal O pportunity Employer Program D irector P O Box 22125 Portland, OR 97222 POSITION W ANTED An Equal O pportunity Employer Sports Reporter His career began six years ago at an Oregon weekly Spent tw o years as a sportswriter at the West County Times, a daily in Pinole, California and tw o years at the Nevada Appeal where his experience includes covering com m unity, prep, collegiate, re creational and professional sports Contact Daniel Ellis German, 1020 N orth Camino A lto, No 26, Valleto, CA 94589 FOR SALE COM FORT INN ft RVs 40 ROOMS 30 RVs GOOD CASH FLOW For absentee owner or retirement couple Spokane. W A Contuc t M att Hawkins, CCIM (509) ftth 2511, James S Black b Co Commercial Inc., SO 107 Ho ward St . Spokane W A 99.1 >4 POSITION OPEN A d v e rtis in g Sales R epresentative Experienced, mature advertising sales representative wanted for grow ing senior citizen oriented m onthly publication Established account list provided, comm is sion only Send resume to Senior Tribune Personnel Mana ger, P O Box 8279, Portland. OR 97207 HELP W ANTED A U S TR A LIA N AND EUROPI AN high school students arriving in the United States are looking for families to host them during their stay Call 1 800 SIBLING nr (503) 657 6026 March 18. 1987, JOBS, P,ic,.;9 • • • ’ • .• - . , .a . • ... .