M U L T N O M A H CO U NTY CALL FOR BIDS C O M M U N IT Y BASED P R O G R A M S TO PREVENT OR CUR TA IL D E L IN Q U E N T BEH AVIO R Proposal No RFP No 7SO272 Proposals due April 9 1987 at 2 00 P M Copies of the RFP may be obtained from Multnomah County Purch Section, 2SO5 S E 11th, Portland, OR 97202 Sealed proposals will be received by the Purchasing Director of Multnomah County at 2506 S E 11th Ave , Portland. OR 97202, until 2 00 P M Pacific time for: The Mutlnomah County Juvenile Services Commis Sion is soliciting for community based programs de signed to prevent or curtail delinquent behavior Proposals may respond to one or more of the follow ing service goals 1 In terventio n services to high risk juvenile offen ders residing in Mulnomah County to curtail their delinquent behavior and reduce commitments of these youth to state institutions The target popula tion consists of youth between the ages of 12 fa 17 who have at least one felony or three misdemeanor referrals to the Juvenile Department in the last three years In addition, girls are eligible if they have four status offenses referrals 2 Secondary Prevention Diversion services to at risk children b youth residing in Multnomah County to prevent or curtail delinqent behavior The target 1 I I I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I population consists of youth age 16 years b under that are alleged to have committed a status or mis demeanor offense, or are demonstrating behavior problems which may be predictive of involvement in the justice system, or are in an environment which places them at risk in involvement with the juvenile justice system 3 Crisis In te rv e n tio n /S h e lte r services for high risk and at risk children b youth to provide alterna tives to secure detention b assume their referral b access to appropriate services. Target population consists of youth between the ages of 9 b 17 that are status offenders or pre adjudicated law violators who are ineligible for detention b cannot be returned home •Bidders workshops will be held on March 23 b 24. at 10 00 am, in the Juvenile Svcs Comm Office, Ore Nat'l Bldg , Suite 606 . 610 S W Alder, Port land, OR Approximately $797,000 is available for fiscal year 1987 88 to fund these programs The right is expressly reserved to reject any and all proposals K Busse. D irect ir Purchasing Section M arch 18 1987 SUB-BIDS REQUESTED SUB BIDS REQUESTED University of Oregon Science Facilities, Additions b Alterations Science V Eugene, Oregon Bid D ate April 9 1987 2 00 PM University of Oregon Science Facilities Additions b Alterations Science V Eugene, Oregon Bid D ate April 9. 1987 JO M K ( HYLAND ) f \ C O NST. IN C J P O Box 7867 Eugene. OR 97401 6606 (5031345 8100 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from small business and small disadvan (aged business sub contractors and women and minority business enterprise Page 8, JOBS, March 18, 1987 ■■k. _ p o Box 66100 Portland, Oregon 07266 (503) 777-5531 EMERICK CONSTRUCTION We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from women and minority owned business enterprises