iv GEOLOGIST 4 VO CATIONAL EVALUATION SPECIALIST H YD R O G E O LO G IST $2483 $3158 ENGINEER There are 2 openings with the Department of Environmental Quality in Portland These po sitions serve as DEQ s statewide expert in determining the accu racy and adequacy of reports (normally prepared by consul tantsl describing hydrologic con­ ditions (E G ., direction of groundwater movement, aquifer areal extent, groundwater quan tity, quality and rate of move ment) below hazardous waste facilities or sites and the moni toring program developed to de tect any contamination Vocational Rehabilitation D ivi sion is seeking applicants for Vocational Evaluation Special ist I (Disability Evaluator 1) in Salem These jobs pay $1543 $1959 monthly in addition to state benefits A bachelors de gree or equivalent experience and training plus 1 year of work ex perience providing a technical knowledge of physical or mental impairments is required Direct applications or inquiries to To qualify you must have equi valent to six years of progressive ly responsible experience in groundwater hydrogeology inclu ding 2 years of advanced techm cal assignments AND a BA De gree in Geological Science with course work in Hydrogeology OR 3 more years of responsible pertinent experience providing a knowledge of Hydrogeology Graduate level coursework for up to one year of the required ex perience. Preference will be given to applicants with RCRA or Superfund experience DHR V ocational R ehabilitation Division 2046 S ilverton Rd Nfc Salem . OR 97310 Phone (503) 378 3932 Call DEQ Personnel Office by March 20th (603) 299 5382 for application and announce ment. Equal Opportunity Employer Dick Day D isability D eterm in atio n Services Minorities, handicapped and fe males are encouraged to apply TR ANSIT OPERATOR/ PART TIM E Operating transit buses on an as needed" basis Must be available for work on a fairly regular basis f.ve out of six ope rating days (Monday through Saturday.) Must have valid Chauffeur's or Class 2 license, experience in operating buses, driving record acceptable to in­ surance carrier, ability to work with the public, and ability to communicate effectively, $8 25 hour Fill out official application by March 27, 1987, which are available at: Reporter St. Helens Chronicle is updating employment applications for re porter positions Applicant (should have a minimum of col lege background also profession al experience preferable Photo graphy experience a must, dark room work helpful Send resume to Greg Cohen, Editor, The Chro mcle, P 0 Box 1153, St Helens. OR 97051 H A Z A R D O U S W ASTE C O N S U L TA N T $2370 $3007 This job is with the Department of Environmental Quality in Port land This is a limited duration position currently funded through June 1987 but may be come permanent full time in 1987 89 budget period This employee serves as a Senior Project Engineer during site in vestigations and design, con struction, and operation o, clean up actions at hazardous sites and provides technical assistance to other agency staff on hazardous substance monitoring and clean up technologies To qualify, you must have equi valent to a BA Degree in Civil, Chemical, Mechanical or closely related field of engineering and successful work experience or advanced professional training demonstrating the knowledge, skills and abilities shown on the announcement OR equivalent education and or experience de monstrating that you possess full professional |ourneyperson knowledge of the theories and principles and their application in a relevant branch of engineer mg Call DEQ Personnel O ffice by M arch 20th at (503)229 5382 for an application and announce ment The Salem Transit District 216 High Street NE Salem Oregon 97X 1 POSITION OPEN SENIOR EN VIRO NM ENTAL ENGINEER Equal Opportunity Employer Equal Opportunity Employer HOUSE FOR SALE GOLD RUSH $100,000 plus 1st year possible Ground floor multi level No in vestment 14kt solid gold jewel ry 6,500 items priced 'A of stores P.T. or Full time Info pkg 1 800 874 1114 ext 210 By owner, 3 Bedroom, $36,950 weatherized, storm windows, fenced yard, gas heat, dining room Et nook, garage, basement, assumable loan to lender 9 75%, Beautiful MUST SEE 32 N Bryant, 666 2002 M arch 18 1987 JOBS. Page 7 la. iS ' *1. / a * . * ‘ * * ? ** ’ . • » - > ’ * ' k * »• * 2 . »X. f >»* • 5 > • .