A S S IS T A N T E Q U IP M E N T M E C H A N IC U tility W o rk e r I Performs skilled w ork in repairing and m aintaining autom otive and related equipm ent In addition may perform a variety of manual and semi skilled tasks in the maintenance and construction of city facilities as w ork load re quires. Requires education and experience equivalent to one year of work relating to repair of auto m otive equipm ent plus some knowledge of general construe tion w ork including some exper lence in operating light motorized equipm ent M ust possess Ore gon driver's license w ith class 3 endorsement by date of hire. Salary $1351 $1647 plus excel lent benefits City application must be received by deadline. 5 p m , Friday March 20. 1987 A pply to: BUYERS ASSISTANT INSPECTOR I $8 198 $9 923 hr Technical and complex clerical w ork supporting the C ity's purchasing programs Considerable experience in pro gressively responsible clerical and procurem ent w ork thorough skill in operation o f typew riter, ealeu lator, personal com puter Clos mg date: 3 20 87 For more info contact The Port of Portland is recruiting an individual to provide construe tion inspection expertise for Port facilities Preferred qualifications include • Coursework or experience equivalent to an associate degree in construction engi neering • Demonstrated know ledge of engineering surveying, and construction terminologies, and standard practices • Ability to road and interpret plans and specifications • An inspector's certificate or the ability to obtain one w ithin one year of employ ment • A bility to work on m ultiple projects • Ability to function in year round weather conditions, and get around in all types of terrain • Valid driver s license or the ability to obtain one imme diately upon hire C ity o f S alem P e rso n n e l D e p t Rm 225 566 L ib e rty S t SE S alem OR 97301 EOE ACCOUNTING GROUP ACCOUNTANTS Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting applications for Group Accoun tant positions Qualified candi dates must have previous exper lence in bookkeeping and or ac counting requiring know ledge b use of accounting principles C om pletion of the three Commu nity College level accounting courses w ith “ C " or above grade average will substitute for exper lence Applicants must also have general office experience, phone experience interacting w ith the public, 10 key, as well as good w ritten com m unication skills Previous insurance experience and CRT or PC experience are desirable The Group Accoun tants are responsible for establi shmg b m aintaining accurate up to date eligibility records for all groups C ity o f M ilw a u k ie 10722 SE M a in St M ilw a u k ie . OR 97222 Equal O pportunity Employer CLERICAL ASSOCIATE CLERK/ BILINGUAL S P A N IS H /E N G L IS H $1189 $1445 m o Performs a variety of clerical duties requiring the exercise o f judgem ent in re ceiving. processing and distribu ting inform ation and reports Req dem onstrated exp in cleri cal work and training in secre tarial courses including typing, w ord processing and office machines Applicant must speak and w rite Spanish and English fluently Successful candidates may be placed in a medical set ting and be req to interpret in a clinic and examination room set ting County application form s req., resumes NOT accepted A pply by March 20, 1987 to Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent em ployee benefits package, flex tim e w ork hours, and competi tive salary Please apply or send resume to B lue C ross and B lue S h ie ld o f O re g o n H u m a n R e so u rce s D e p t 6 th F lo o r 100 SW M a rk e t P o rtla n d . OR 97201 W a s h in g to n C o u n ty P e rso n n e l 150 N F irst A v e . R o o m 8 2 H ills b o ro . OR 9712« Apply in person P o rt o f P o rtla n d E m p lo y m e n t O ffic e 700 N E M u ltn o m a h 12th F loor or ca ll 15031 231 5000 e x te n s io n 700 for application materials This position will remain open until sufficient applications are recei ved, but may close anytime after 5 00 p m , Friday, March 20, 1987 An Equal O pportunity Employer HELP WANTED AM ERICAN INTERCULTURAL Student Exchango is seeking re sponsible persons w illing to work w ith foreign high school students and host families For inform a tion call toll free 1 800 SIBLING Equal O pportunity Employer An E.O.t Salary $18,400 to $26 600 com mensurate w ith experience M „ n h i9 J * •* M / * ' - * , . • , ■ »’ ■ ■ * ' < •• • * • i ORS mo 1 C p „„. 3 ■ * * { ’ ' f