Paye 8, Portland Observer. March 11, 1987 Fine aria photographer Shedrich W illiam s is am ong tw elve N o rth w est photographers exhibiting at Clark College Index Gallery The Index Gallery is located in the Clark College B ookstore. Gaiser Hall Vancou ver W ashington The photographs w ill be exhibited until M arch 13. 198/ Photo by Richard J Brown SB • W ’ O B a E T W D em enica Booker receives a UNCF pin and to te bag from Lucious Hicks during a UNCF reception Photo by Richard J Brown Red Cross Parenting Course Scheduled through the Albina C om m unity in a horse drawn carriage Photo by Richard J. Brown Albina M ayor" Sam Brooks (L) and his Police Chief W ortha Justice greeted citizens as they rode G. FRANKLIN COMPUTER SERVICE The American Red Cross is offer mg "Thrive b Survive Parenting Your Child From 1 to 6" in four sessions each Tuesday. March 3 thru 24, from 7 to 9 p m , at Eman uel Hospital, 2801 N Gantenbem Taught by Red Cross authorized volunteer instructors, the class will cover sensorimotor, language, intel lectual and social emotional growth, discipline, safety, nutrition, health, philosophies of contemporary par anting, and current child develop ment theories Pre registration is necessary since class size is limited Cost of the class is $20 per couple or individual to cover materials Call the Amen can Red Cross 284 7090 to pre register Maintenance Local Area Networking Repair Installation Interfacing (503) 284-5247 C l« o F ra n k lin Owner tree ••lim a le t Law Foundation Awarded Funds The O regon Law F o un da tion IQ L F I has aw ard ed fu n d s to several taw related cha ritab le pro gra m s in M u ltn o m a h C o un ty, a cco rd in g to OLF presi ELECT S AM dent Linda Bergm an M iiltn iim .il» C o un ty Legal Aid w hir h provides legal assistance to th e dis advan ta ge d w ill receive $69 000 part o f a $3iX) 000 grant to the A ssocia tion o f O regon Legal A id Program s M u ltn o m a h Bar A ssociatio n V olun te er Law yers Protect w as gra n te d $15,000 St A n d re w I egal Clin« w ill receive BROOKS $20.000 and N o rth w e ste rn S cho ol o f I aw w ill receive $10 (XX) Funds g ra n te d to oth er law related r he ritab le pro gra m s w ere $8,000 to Im m ig ra tio n C ounseling Service $8 000 to the B icentennial M o t k Trial C o m p e titio n for high scho ol stud ents. $4 (XX) to the M m o n ty Bai Exam P a s s a g e P rogram $10 000 to M in o rity S cho la rship Program . Inc The gra nts w h ic h to ta l $360.(XX), are in te nd ed to assist m in oritie s, irnm i BOARD OE D IR E C T O R S ZONE, Rosie's 2 grants stud ents and th e ( kjoi The OLF gra nts are a w .irde d tw ic e yearly, in Jan ua ry and J u ly PORTl-ANl) COM M UNITY COLLEGE Service and fro m the Law yers Trust A c c o u n ts Program MARCH SPECIALS "Teen Action Day' Many of us have difficulty with the concept that too many teenagers are being lost due to drug and alcohol dependency We believe there are ac tions we can take (as a preventive measure), to help young people address their problems in more positive ways On Wednesday. March 18. 1987, Franklin High School proudly presents "Teen Action Day from 8 00 a m to 11 ,0 a m This day will provide in formative workshops for students to better understand their behavior and develop natural helper skills This will include community speakers cover mg a variety of topics impacting students, parents, staff, and community members For more information contact Dorothy Jones (Vice Principal! or Ken Berry (Integration Services Coordinator) at 280 5140 This activity is sponsored by the Franklin Substance Abuse Committee at d © s ig r -> C all 2 4 9 -1 9 4 0 . FREE FREE M A K E OVER LIPSTICK w ith Facial w ith M A K E OVER $20.00 $8.00 Designer Curls $45.00 Reg $60 Reg $10 »«pm»« 3 31 87 Full Set A crylic Nails or Silk W rap $35.00 Reg $50 (on Tue» b W ed only) •ip«rM3'31 8? 31 87 i/ f a i / zvyz Z/ z W or Blueberry Cheese Pie FOR $3.50 Reg. $5.00 SAVE $1 50 HRS. MON SAT. 11 AM -10 PM PHONE 284-2638 Professional Service ORIGINAL DUPLICATION Quality Craftmanihlp Reasonable Rates FACTORY • AUTO • TRUCK • MARINE • AIRCRAR • Convertible Tops - Carpets Boat Tops AW Types Of Reperrs 283-1620 Landau Tops - Cornpfefe /nfeoors (Special Carpet Sale $95.00 Davis (One Day Service) PRICES S TA R TIN G : C onvertible Top ......................................................................... $225 00 Body Side M o ld ing ................................................................. $30 00 H e a d lin e r * ......................................................................................... $110 00 V inyl T o p * ........................................................................................ 196 00 Tonneau C o v e r * ............................................................................. $96 00 Seat R e p a ir ...................................................................................... $30 00 Price Includes Installation 5510 N. INTERSTATE — PORTLAND. OR. • « Bean Pie 3517 N.E. Union Ave. . (s iA ÿ u t