March 11, 1987, Portland Observer, Page 5 Two Deans Appointed at PCC Two new executive deans have been selected to manage the Port land Community College Cascade and Sylvania campuses, according to President Daniel F Moriarty A national search tor the two admini­ strators drew more than 100 appli cants Dr Donald W McInnis, former Director of Community Colleges for the Colorado State Board for Com­ munity Colleges and Occupational Education, will start at Cascade campus April 1. The Sylvania appointee is Dr Jessica L. Bailey, who has been assistant to the vice chancellor for instruction and operations at the Minnesota Community College Sys tern Office in St Paul She will cupational Education at Columbia Basin College in Washington state and Continuing Education/Commu­ nity Services at El Centro College. Dallas, Texas He also has had experience as the owner of a pn vate business A native of Washington state, McInnis has doctorate from Washington State University, mas ter s and bachelor's degrees from Central Washington University, and an associate degree from Yakima Valley College Dr. Bailey was dean of instruction and acting president at Worthington (Minnesota! Community College She has been a psychology and for eign language instructor and a start May 1 "I was looking for strong people who could provide leadership on each campus and add special skills that could not be duplicated else where in the district." said Dr M ori­ arty "D r McInnis has a back ground in vocational education and Dr Bailey's strengths are in the arts and sciences " McInnis was president of Pikes Peak Community College for nine years and served as dean of instruc­ tion at Richland College in the Dal las. Texas, community college sys tern. He was an instructor of apprentice machinists and math blue print programs before accep ting administrative positions in Oc Public Service Announcem ent A local coalition has formed to build support for the Western States Mobilization March and Rally to be held in San Francisco on April 25, 1987 The demonstration is demanding "No to U S mterven tion in Central America and the Caribbean!" and "End U S support for South African apartheid!" A bus caravan will be sent off with a rally on Friday. April 24. at 5 00 p m at the King Neighborhood Facility at 4815 N E. 7th Bus tickets will cost approximately $65 round trip The Portland April 25 Coalition will meet at the King Neighborhood Facility at 7 00 p m. on February 18, March 4 March 18, and every Wednesday in the month of April Come join us! For more information, call 233 9223 M HCC Offers Campus Tours counselor She also has had admi mstrative experience in financial aid, policy planning and research, and in student and minority affairs Bailey has a doctorate from the University of Minnesota, an M S from the University of Wisconsin, and a bachelor's degree from Lake land College. Sheboygan. Wis She also has a diploma from the Univer nty of Paris and earned state certi fication as a school psychologist from the University of Wisconsin. Both of the executive dean ap pomtees attended a March 2 meet mg of the PCC Board of Directors during which their selections, re commended by President Monart>, were approved by the board Jessica Bailey b Don M cIn n is SAFEWAY Beef Blade Cut Chuck Roast Safeway “ select'' grain-fed. lender and juicy beef! Save Up To 80' Lb Those interested in Mt Hood Community College are invited to take a guided tour of the MHCC campus conducted by the college s Counseling Center. Tours are avail able by appointment only, every Fri day at 10a.m. A member of the college staff will be available to discuss career inter ests and answer any questions fol lowing the tour. For tour reservations or more in formation, call 667 7315. KRAFT PARKAY Radio Help "W e have a radio and can help you request emergency assi stance." That's the message Paci fic Power b Light Company hopes to convey with the red and white RADIO HELP signs that are now on all of the company's radio equipped vehicles. "The idea behind the RADIO HELP promotion is simple," said Rich Cannon, Rose City district manager. "We want people to know that we have radios in our trucks that can be used to call the police, fire department or an ambu lance during a crisis." Cannon stressed that RADIO HELP is not intended to involve Paci fic employees in law enforcement activities, but is merely an effort to be a good neighbor Drivers are trained to respond quickly to emergency request When approached, the Pacific em ployee will radio the company dis patcher, who will take down the Io cation and key facts and contact the appropriate emergency agency. Be sure to look in your Parkay Margarine MAGAZINE Delicious, golden q u a rte rs . 1-Lb Pkq for yo u r fin e fo o d s for your Safeway S hopping Guide for a com plete list of specials at Safeway this week! J and b a ke d g o o d s ' Save Up To 47c IF *■ Come Back To The Five And Dime, Jim m y Dean, Jim m y Dean "Come Back To The Five And Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean" will be performed April 3, 4, 5, 10, and 11 at 8 00 p m. at the Mago Hunt Center for Performing Arts, University of Portland, 5000 North Willamette Blvd , Portland, Oregon 97203 5798 Ticket prices are $3.50 for General Admission and $2 50 for Students and Senior Citizens For reservations or further infor mation, call 283-7287 Fancy,’•Number Bananas < .. A delicious tropical frui, perfect for snacks and lunches! Save Up To 30' Lb Prices E ffective 7-Ful I Days from 7 A M March 11 Thru March 17 at Safeway Stores in the Im m ediate Area of O rig in a tin g P ublication. SAFEWAY U n ite d w a y Thanks to you... it works... for ALL OF US Sales Limited To Retail Quantities. No Sales To Dealers! O1 I U n it e d W » y M M • I » b a t •* 4 , • A V