p , 4e 4 Portland Ob server. March 11 1987 r THE ENTERTAINMENT o L Y R 31 NW FIRST G * A ct 111-9919 O ne •k This Coupon Good For Gala Concert Honors Jazz Great Thelonious Sphere Monk NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT \7 $ *]0 0 tbo« ’/J«’* The spirit o f the late Thelonious Sphere Monk lives on in a musical tri bute to the man w ho left a lasting legacy to jazz and American contem po rary music CELEBRATING A JAZZ MASTER THELONIOUS SPHERE MONK airs S ATU RD AY. MARCH 28 at 9 PM on KOAP TV 10 Taped October 6. 1986. at C onstitution Hall in W ashington. D C . the tribute brings together some o f America's finest jazz artists in a perfor mance of M onk's com positions COOL P 15 rA«"-*1 CTO BL Pl (/•>" Su' THIS o ff REGULAR PRICED ON ALBUM OR CASSETTE VVÍgían d OVER $5 00 • IA S ’ ro a ilA N O 32 nd b B U RNSIDE 231 » « 3 VW AOaTlANO K,.OB'WtLLS W A D S W O R TH P R O D U C TIO N S P R I S Í N T NW Z i t i b JO H N S O N 248 0163 pREDDlE JACKSON A S a tu rd a y . M a rc h 28. 1987 S Eva Gabor • Born Free Rene of Paris • Andre Douglas Zurv and more • Carefree 8 30 P M I Doors open 7 30 p m I M U S IC M IL L E N N IU M Store Houre 10 00 a m til 6 00 p m. Monday Thru Saturday U N IVE R SITY OF P O R T L A N D EARLE A C HILES CENTER 5000 N W ILLA M E T T E B LV D 1105 N E • r B ro a d w a y (across Irom Salnway lloyd Center» T ic k e ts a v a ila b le at Tel 282 1664 L_. Chiles Center 283 7525 (charge by phone) G l Joe's « a » « • 1 V . I l l ’ EXCLUDES RED TAG MERCHANDISE LIMIT 1 COUPON PER PURCHASE Jet Limousine Service serving the greater Portland area w ith style R eserved $17 50/S15 50 RAY,( j (X )1)M A N iB lttM N iiUmdiu. ing NAJEfc ---- Free P a rk in g On C a m p u s Thicken to u p i end i t e w i by adding onions end celery that have been put in the blender lor a le w seconds This also adds flavor—and cuts out the added calories Irom adding (lour or cornstarch 'D O U B L E TEE PR E SE N TS ' S o m e o f A m e ric a s fin e s t |azz a rtis ts pay tr ib u te to T h e lo n io u s M o n k o n C E LE B R A T IN G A J A Z Z M A S TE R T H E LO N IO U S SPHERE MONK A m o n g th e p e rfo rm e rs fe a tu re d are (c lo c k w is e fro m to p rig h t) H e rb ie H a n c o c k W y n to n M a rs a lis B illy T a ylo r a n d B ra n fo rd M a rs a lis P h o to M ic h a e l W ild e rm a n This p ro g ra m a irs S a tu rd a y. M a rc h 27. 9 p m CELEBRATING A JAZZ MASTER THELONIOUS SPHERE MONK is produced by Charles Fishman Productions Ltd The special is made pos Bible by funding from public television stations Executive producers Char les Fishman and Puter Quinn Hackes Director W endy Charles Acey Line producer Michael Stokes Free C lin ic A free diabetes screening clinic is being offered at Meridian Park Hospital, Tualatin The clinic will be open from 9 9 30 a rn on Mon day, April 6 Pre registration is required For additional inform ation, contact the com m unity education office at the hospital. 692 2656 B a b y s ittin g S a fe ty APRIL 6 • 8:00 p.m. CIVIC AUDITORIUM TICKETS ON SALE NOW! T IC K E T S G I Joe s G alien « Jean M achine Civic Auditorium Bo» Or lice Subtect to service charge an d or user le e Produced by W h ile B ose Pace C o n c e rts 4 Tha earth a lurfaca holds 324 m il­ lion cubre miles of w ater Another 2 million cubic miles lie under grourrd and J 000 cubre miles at water are luapandad in tha atm osphere p ric e s s ta rt a t W e offer C o lo r TV A M /F M S te re o T e le p h o n e Full C lim a te C o n tro l C o m p lim e n ta ry B o ttle o f C h a m p a g n e Fast a nd C o u rte o u s S e rv ic e In c lu d in g $35.00 ter hour, first 2 hours _____ . $30.00 p «* h ou r p ro c e e d in g Call (206) 254-3762 CLUB ZODIAC Restaurant Er Lounge Babysitting Safety is an eight hour course sponsored by the American Red Cross for youths 11 years and older During Spring Break the Baby sitting Safety classes will be held at Peninsula Park C om m unity Cen ter. 6400 N Albina Avenue (at N Portland Blvd i t Albina, on Tri Met bus lines No 4 and No 401, March 25 ft 26 (Wednesday I Thurs day), from 8 30 a m 12 30 p m The cost is $15 B lo o d P ressure C lin ic JAZZY FM 09. A public Hypertension Iblood pressure) Screening clinic is sche duled Thursday, March 19 1987, from 1 30 3 p m al Meridian Park Hospital, Tualatin The clinic, staf fed by hospital nurses and auxiliary volunteers, will be held in the first floor cafeteria conference rooms There is no charge, and no appoint merit is necessary For more in fo r­ m ation, call 692 2656 Free C lin ic A pulic Hypertension (blood pres­ sure) Screening clinic is scheduled Thursday. March 19, 1987, from 1:30 3 p m. at Meridian Park Hos pital, Tualatin. The clinic, staffed by hospital nurses and auxiliary volunteers, w ill be held in the first floor cafeteria conference rooms. There is no charge, and no appoint­ ment is necessary. For more in fo r­ m ation. call 892 2656 MT H 00 0 COMMUNITY COLLEGE Tha Eskimo make and uaa woodan 'a y a g la a a a s ' w ith only narrow »lit» for ayapiacaa. to protact thair ayas from glara raflactad by ica and snow GOOD PEOPLE • GOOD MUSIC • GOOD FOOD AND GOOD TIMES featuring TRADITIONAL BLACK AMERICAN SOUL FOOD O pen Tues. S un. Wed. is Ladies Night Thursday Fun b Game Night including: Dominoes • Backgammon • Chess, etc. Fri. b Sat. A fter Hours 'til 4:00 A M S un. is O ld ie s N ig h t ..................... J o in U s ..................... 309 W. Burnside Club Available For Private Parties, Community Groups Banquets, etc. Call 227-5248 for information