Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 04, 1987, Page 8, Image 8

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    Page 8. Portland Observer. M arch 4. 1987
Dougins W irt (Cl. D irector. N ortheast Em ergency Food Program receives a check (or $3,000 from Rev
John Jackson. A M A President, and C ornetta S m ith of A M A
Photo by Richard J B row n
Lt. Glen M y a m o to (LI, of the Portland Police Drug b Vice Division, talks to co m m u n ity m em bers about
the progress being m ade against drug houses M y a m o to also explained the kind of in fo rm a tio n the public
can gather to assist in cleaning up their neighborhood of drug dealings The m eeting w as held at King
N eighborhood Facility
Photo by Richard J Brown
Service Funds Retained For Usein North/
Northeast Community
Through the work of Albina Mini
sterial Alliance, $6,000 in United
Way funds have remained in the
community for emergency assist
ance The $6.000 figure represents
the amount of money which had
been earlier deducted from United
Way support for the Urban League
United Way had formerly penalized
the Urban League after a disagree
ment over the scheduling of a fund
raising event
Efforts by The Rev. John Jack
son, AMA President, succeeded in
keeping the funds for community
service in inner north and north
east Portland In awarding the spe
cial allocation to Albina Ministerial
Alliance, United Way specified two
purposes for the funds
One half
of the amount will provide emergen
cy assistance for families, dispersed
by Albina Ministerial Alliance The
remaining $3.000 will be used for
emergency food service through
Northeast Emergency Food Pro
Northeast Emergency Food
Program is sponsored co operative
ly by Albina Ministerial Alliance.
Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon.
Highland Community Services and
the Urban League
Radio Help
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MRS. C’s
Georgia Taylor
Mrs Georgia Taylor announced
her retirement from Lerner's Depart
ment Store in the Lloyd Center
Mrs Taylor has worked in the Lloyd
Center for 22 years A small gather
ing was held in her honor for family
members and fellow employees in
late January
Lerner's Department Store had
become a special stopping place for
those shoppers in the Lloyd Center
to greet Mrs Taylor. She has al
ways been appreciated by members
of the community for her cheerful
and friendly ways
$18 50 & up
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‘ We have a radio and can help
stance." That's the message Pact
fic Power ft Light Company hopes
to convey with the red and white
RADIO HELP signs that are now on
all of the company's radio equipped
"The idea behind the RADIO
HELP promotion is simple,” said
Rich Cannon, Rose City district
"We want people to
know that we have radios in our
trucks that can be used to call the
police, fire department or an ambu
lance during a crisis "
Cannon stressed that RADIO
HELP is not intended to involve Pact
fic employees in law enforcement
activities, but is merely an effort to
be a good neighbor
Drivers are trained to respond
quickly to emergency request
When approached, the Pacific em
ployee will radio the company dis
patcher. who will take down the Io
cation and key facts and contact
the appropriate emergency agency
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