February 25. 1987, Portland Observer, Page 9 19 » 1944 U S Navy (WAVES, opened to black woman Cassius M Clay 11810-1903) Kentucky emancipationist, was bom 31 Jomo Kenyatta 11891 1978) MauMau leader of Kenya's struggle for independence, elected head of Kenya African National Union. ,960 President in 1964 born in Ngenda, Kenya ,974 Henry Louis Aaron (Hank Aaron) broke Babe Ruth's home run record NOVEMBER 1895 Ernes, A Lyon 11860 1938). educator, was born He was appointed agent for the Freedman’s Aid Southern Education Society He founded the Maryland Industrial and Agricultural Institution for the Education of Colored Youths f 1 1866 1945 Civil Rights Ac, passed (vetoed by Andrew Jackson) Firs, issue of Ebony magazine published by John H Johnson 2 1866 Two Black cavalry units organized 9th and 10th composed of Civil War veterans 1930 Haile Selassie 11891 1975). las, reigning monarch of the world's longest ruling dynasty, enthroned as Emperor of Ethiopia 3 1928 Oscar Depriest of Chicago, Illinois became the firs, Black elec ted to Congress since Reconstruction 1970 Wilson C Riles elected California State Superintendent of Public Instruction 4 1974 George Brown (Colorado) and Mervyn Dymally (California) became the firs, Blacks elected to the office of L, Governor in the 20th century. 1982 A total of twenty one Blacks were elected to the U S House of Representatives, the larges, number in the history of America Edmoma Lewis (1845 1890), one of the first recognized American women sculptors and artists, born in Greenhigh. Ohio 24 Zambia (Africa) obtained its indonpendence from Britain in 1964 Jackie Robinson (19,9 19721 died Baseball star His outstanding career in ma|or league baseball (1947 ,956) won him a place in base ball '- Hall of Fame He was voted National League's Most Valuable Player. 1949 16 1903 Samuel Coleridge Taylor conducted 200 voice choral society in Washington's Convention Hall 1873 W C Handy, Father of the Blues was born in Kentucky 18 Roy Wilkins chosen to be Executive Director of the NAACP 1955 Ku Klux Kian member convicted in 1963 church bombing that 1977 killed four young girls in Birmingham. Alabama 6 Edith Sampson, firs, Black Chicago Municipal Judge 1962 Estevamco. early Black explorer, discovered Seven Cities of 1539 Cibola now Arizona and New Mexico 7 1967 Yvonne Braithwaite Burke elected to Congress from California Eli|ah P Loveioy Abolitionist killed by pro slavery mot) at Alton Illinois 8 1938 Crystal Bird Fause, firs, Black woman to serve in a state legi stature (Pennsylvania) 1966 Edward W Brooke. Jr first Black Senator i*lected in 85 years 9 1731 Beniamin Bannaker mathematician astronomer and inventor of the first American clock was born 1 789 Beniamin Franklin signs petition denouncing slavery drawn up by the Pennsylvania Society for Promoting Abolition of Slavery 1868 Howard University Medical School opened witfi eight stu dents Beniam in O Davis, Sr . becam e the fast black general in U S N ovem ber 5, 1968 Shirley C hisholm became the firs , Black w om an elei ted to Congress, representing Beford S tuyvesant. B ro oklyn, New York 19 Roy Campanella most valuable pl.iyer ,951 1953 arid 1955 as catcher for the Brooklyn Dodgers 1883 So|ourner Truth author, was born in the Army in 1898 1891 Granville T Woods patents electric railway 20 1940 Ha,tie Mi Daniel became Die firs, Black actress to receive an Ai ademy Aw.ird fo, tier role in "Gone With the Wind 1831 Na, Turner was hanged for his leadership in Die A ugust 21 slave revolt 21 Army 10 26 27 30 Booker T Washington, statesman, died Crispus A ,tuck’s monument established 5 , 968 Shirley Chisholm became the firs, Black woman elected to Congress, representing Bedford Stuyvesant. Brooklyn, New York 1967 Carl Stokes. Cleveland. Ohio and Richard Hatcher. Gary. In diana became the firs, elected Black Mayors of ma|or cities ,926 Negro History Week initiated by Carter G Woodson 23 1940 1915 1888 PA January 18 M uham m ed A ll born in Louisville K e ntucky 1942 25 Ethel Waters 11896 ,977). actress entertainer, was born in Chester. 14 Mahalia Jackson 11911 1972) world renowned singer of spirituals and gospels, born in New Orleans Benjamin O Davis, Jr , became the firs, BI.« k G eneral in Die Air I on e in 1954 Congressman Gus Savage, (b 1925) Imamu Baraka ILeroi Jones), poe, and playwnte was born in ,934 1960 Students lunch counter si, down strikes in South protest Segregation 1980 Dr Samuel C Coleman of Little Rock Arkansas yo u n g was honored as the oldest living Black veteran 11 ,975 ,03 years He enlisted Gen Lafayetee wrote tribute to Black soldier. James Armstead during the R e volu tion ary W .ir A n g o la gained inde pen de nce from P ortugal 22 13 1 784 co m m e n d in g him on his service as a spy 1951 Jane, Collms. ballerma. first Blar k dancer ,o appe.e w ith Du Metropolitan Opera Company in Verdi s Aida 1930 Blai k Muslim movement initiated in Detroit 1956 Louis Lautier. firs, Black journalist admitted to membership in the National Press Club Black Americans Contribute To Science and Engineering Then and Now first Traffic Signal £ Who invented the first automatic traffic si Kpal? Garnett Morgan, a black man. Born 187 Q-. Who was the third block woman in the country and the first in the state of New York to become a doctor? A: Susan McKinney Steward. Born 1848. Vince Jones And Today Q-. Who patented over 50 lubricating devices, 25 other mechanical devices and became the origin of the phrase "The Real McCoy*, commonly used to indicote excellence? A: Clijah McCoy, a black man. Born 1843. Block scientists and engineers continue tc contribute to American society and to the State of Oregon—as do individuals from every other racial group. Vince Jones, Karen Bell, and George Cjlm are three Cnqir ineers making their mark today, with the Oregon Department of Ti “ ransportation. Q; Who Is President of California State University at Fullerton? A: Jewell Plummer Cobb, a black woman. Born 1924, a cancer researcher. Do they make a difference? YOU 8CT. They bring with them a desire to achieve technical excellence and a perspective to direct that skill to meet the needs of people. Garnett A. Morgan. 1875-1963 A former sewing machine mechanic and owner of a successful business, Morgan's fame also rests In his invention of the Vs fa, "Morgan Safety Hood", a device which allowed fireman to "enter a smoke-filled house and to breathe freely for some time therein, enabling him to perform his cKXies of saving life," said Morgan. Saves Thousands Morgan improved the Safety Hood. Dtring World War I, it was used as a gas mask and saved the lives of thousands of soldiers. An earlier modification of the device was used to save 24 men trapped under a tunnel in Lake Crie by an explosion. of time and expertise with This is evidenced in their sharii ing or ‘ s and assignments; others; stepping forward to take on n tough _ Jobs :rcome oosta a belief in their own ability to overcome obstacles; building relationships with indivickral communities and the general public; and a very genuine desire to contritxXe at higher and higher levels in the organization and in the community. The Oregon Department of Transportation and recognizes the outstanding achievements of many, many minority female and male scientists and engineers who have contributed in a variety of ways to our work and solutes their "achievement against the odds." 4 The Oregon Department of Transportation •• I . * •' kz 7 ’,’r •• /?.'•* 2*’. * • • » »i. » » » * •* . *