Page 8, Portland Observer, February 25, 1987 Hampton Institut« founded in 1861. 18 H Lawrence Freeman, composer, produced his opera. "Voodoo” , in 1928 Congress passed the Fugitive Slave Act as part of the Compromise of 1850 19 1883 - Frederick Douglass, orator, delivered one of his most eloquent speeches on civil rights at the National Convention of Colored Men held in Louisville. Kentucky on this day. 26 Maggie L Walker 11867 1934). business and civic leader, first black woman bank president in U S , born in Richmond, Virginia 1897 — Whitney M. Young, Midway. KY: Director, KY Negro Educa tional Association 1937 Death of blues singer Bessie Smith, in Clarksdale. Mississippi 12 1966 Congresswoman Barbara Jordan was the first Black woman to serve in the Texas Senate 13 1579 — Martin De Porres, was born Catholic Church 1952 — "Invisible Man” . A novel written by Black author Ralph Ellison, won the National Book Award in 1952 14 Metropolitan Opera Company opened production of Aida choreo graphed by Katherine Dunham, internationally acclaimed danc>* pioneer in 1963 1917 Ten thousand Blacks marched to New York City to prot«M|r the many lynchings that were taking place throughout the United States 1866 — Atlanta University was founded by the American Missionary Society. 20 1830 The National Negro Convention composed of free Blacks, met in Philadelphia for the purpose of working toward the abolition of slavery, and agreed to boycott slave produced goods 21 Dr. Kwame Nkrumah (1909 1972), continental African leader, first Prime Minister of Ghana (1967 66); initiated movement toward black rule and independence for African countries, born in village of Nkroful, Ghana 22 1915 Xavier University, first Black Catholic college in U S , opened in New Orleans. Louisiana Dr Ralph Bunche, statesman and U S Diplimat to the United Nations, became the first Black to receive the Novel Prize in 1950 Beniamin Banneker, inventor, dies 1806. 1823 — Birth of Mary Ann Shadd Cary in Wilmington, Delaware She was the first Black woman in North America to publish and edit her own newspaper The Provincial Freeman, published in Canada 25 27 28 1961 1895 29 1767 Kunta Kinte, captured African teenager and hero of "Roots” brought ashore at Annapolis, Maryland 30 1962 President J F Kennedy authorized use of federal troops in integration of University of Maryland Ralph Bunche appointed Under Secretary of United Nations National Baptist Convention organized The first Black Saint in the OCTOBER I960 Nigeria became an independent nation after five centuries of Portuguese and British dominance ,962 James Meredith became first black student at University of Mississippi, after 3.000 federal troops quieted riots against his admis sion 1967 Thurgood Marshall sworn in as the first black United States Supreme Court Justice Nat Turner (1800 1831), was born Insurrectionist He led a revolt in Southampton County, Virginia, which resulted in his execution 1856 Birth of Black journalist T Thomas Fortune in Marianna. Florida Fouder and editor of the New York Age. a Black newspaper 1949 W E R D , first black owned and operated radio station opened in Atlanta. Georgia 4 New Orleans Tribune, first Black daily newspaper, began publication 1864 1863 Sgt William H Carney was the first Black man to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor He served with the 54th Massachu setts Volunteers 1871 Original Fisk Jubilee Singers began their world famous singing tours to earn money for their school 1963 Firs, Freedom Day in Selma, Alabama, a tactic originated by SNCC to register black people to vote September 23. Ray Charles musician, born in Albany ,930 23 24 Georgia Ray Charles, musician, born in Albany, Georgia in 1930 Mary Church Terrell (1863 1954), U S stateswoman, crusader for black rights and women's equality, born in Memphis, Tennessee 1926 John Coltrane (1926 19671, musician was born 1957 Federal troops sent to Little Rock, Arkansas, to enforce court order permitting nine black students to attend previously all white Central High School 7 The Honorable Eli|ah Muhammad 1189/ 19751 leader of the Nation of Islam (now American Muslim Mission) born in Sandersville Georgia 8 Jesse L Jackson. National Director of People United to Save Huma mty (PUSH), born in Greensville South Carolina 1194,1 1889 Frederick Douglass appointed Minister to Haiti 9 O ctober 8 Jesse L Jackson, N ational Director of People U nited to Save H um anity (P U S H I. born in Greensville South Carolina (1941) 16 Congressman Alan Wheat, (b 1951) John Brown attacks Harpers Ferry Arsenal. Wes, Virginia, 1859, in effort to free slaves The National Urban League was founded on this day in 1910 18 1945 Paul Robeson, singer actor The NAACP presented him the Spingarn Mpdal on this day in recognition of his outstanding achieve ments in the theater and on the concert stage ,974 Frank R obinson becam e firs, black m aior league baseball m anager (C leveland Indians» —* Carter Goodwin Woodson (1875-1950) Born in Canton, Virginia, educated at Berea Col­ lege, Kentucky, he earned his B.A. in 1907 and his M.A., from the University of Chicago, in 1908. After receiving his Ph.D. from Harvard in 1912, he became a college professor and Dean of the College of Liberal Arts at Howard University, in 1921. In 1910 he organized the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History. He initiated the Annual February observance of Negro History Week in 1926, and wrote and published 16 out­ standing books on Black History. He received the Spingarn Medal in 1926. i Thi» message courtesy of METRO ELECTRICAL TRAINING TRUST 5600 N.E. 42nd 1 Portland, Oregon 97218 (503) 287 0756 -, * • i - V .» ■" . * ? k ' V. 1 ♦ L ♦ • . M ’ * ■ . • ” P-