February 25 1987, Portland Observer Paq 3 ' 908 slaves Allensworth Township established in California for former 14 1883 Corujress passed the Civil Rights A ct. creating the U S Commission on Civil Rights 15 1935 Vernon E Jordan, former President o f the National Urban League, was born in Atlanta. Georgia 1824 Freed American slaves established Liberia on the West Coast of America 4 Mv, Three civil rights workers reported missing since June were found buried in Mississippi 5 James H Cone writer on Black power and Black theology was born 1965 President Lyndon Johnson signs the Voting Rights Bill 7 ,904 Di Ralph Bunche 1,904 197,1 United Nations representative and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, in ,950 was born 8 1866 M a tth e w A Henson Ernest E Just, biologist, was born 16 1922 Louis Lomas author, first Black TV Newscaster 1959 on station W NEW TV. New York ,7 1887 Marcus Garvey founder of the Unite«, Negro Im provement Association and the back to A frica movement, was born 20 1619 Firs, Black slaves brought by Die Dutch to the Colony of Jamestown Congressman W illiam Gray III. (b 19411 21 1904 (W illiam ) Count Basie. iazz pianist big band and orchestra leader born 1831 Nat Turner led a slave revold a, Southam pton, Virginia 23 1900 The National Business League was organized in Boston M assachusetts 24 ,867 f isk University form ally established in Nashville Tennessee 1950 Edith Sampson firs, black delegate to Unite«, Nations ap pointed by President Harry S Truman 25 1908 28 19t>3 25O 000 p e iso n M a rch on W a sh in g to n R ustin and led by M a rtin L u ther K ing Jr 29 , 957 1920 first to reach the North Pole 10 196, Publisher, Black Like Me docum entary account o f Jo h n H G riffin (1920 19801, a w hite man traveled the southern states disguise« as a black man 11 1777 Black soldiers Brazailai Lew and Sanford Talbert participate«! in the Battle of Brandywine 1959 Edward (Duke) Ellington, composer m usician H i-w as awarded a Spmgarn Medal on this day by the N AA C P in recoym tioi of his outstanding musical achievements 12 ,977 Stephen Biko. black Sou,ft A frican activist and anti apartheid leader, succurntx-d to injuries inflicted while incarcerated in a S ou,I African tail Jesse Owens, Olympic star. Ib ,913, National A ssoi it io n o f C olored Nurses found«-«, organ ized by Bayard Congress passed the first Civil R ights A i t sun e ,875 Charlie Y a rd bird' Parker, |«izz in n o va to r and co m p o se r. w .is b o rn m Kansas C ity Kansas 30 1901 Hoy W ilkin s w as tn irn 31 C ongressm an A u g u s tu s I N A A C P N alm nal D irector H a w kin s lb C ivil H ig fits le a d e r 1907) SEPTEMBER A u g u s t 9 1936 Jesse O w e n s (R ig h t), a th le te a t th e B e rlin O ly m p ic s 9 1936 Jesse Owens, athlete Olympics 1 1822 3 Fr«-de-s «. D ouglass esi aped fro m slavery 4 1848 Lew is H Latim er in ve n to r was b o rn He stu d ie d all phases o f elect! i ity and develop«-«, an improve«, iru andesi en, I.im p and lam p sin ke, He supervised in sta lla tio n o f electrn lig h ts in New York and w in s fo u r G old m e d .,i . H iram H Revels, U S B lai k Senator was born ,838 A u g u s t 21 P hiladelphia wins four Golt, Medals at the Bi" 10 Congressman George W Crockett Jr 11 1873 J Rosamond Johnson (1873 19541 author actor, ind , composer (w ith his brother James W eldon Johnson o, I ift Every Voice and S in g "), born in Jacksonville, Florida 1924 Carl T Rowan, journalist was born 5 1877 B eniam in C herokee C ounty 6 l ‘*>8 8 1915 Pa,> S in g le to n , an esc.iped slave, led 400 slaves to Kansas w h ere they fo u n d e d S in g le to n s c o u n ty 13 lb 1909I ndependem e day for S w a zila nd 1906 Brownsville A ffa ir' Three companies if Blai k-. lis h n i,,r ably discharged by President Thoodore Roosevelt 1893 Baltimore A fro American publishes its fust issue lu g b a n d an«, oi 1850 In ,850 Blai k fur tradr-i and i-«plou-i Jam es P Be« k w o u rth disc o y e ie d a pass th ro u g h the Sierra Nevada M o u n ta in s leading to t,n P acific Ocean It w as later nam ed after him . Be« k w o u rth Pass ho m e o f th e B a n tu people ,4 , 940 President F D R oosevelt, s ig n e d Seim rive S ervice A c , allow ing Blacks Io enter all bran« lie s of th e U S M ilita ry Service As-. . a ,io n For N egro I if«- am , H isto ry fo u n d e d in C m ago by Carter G W oodson ,884 Bla k in ve n to r G ranville T W o o d s received a pa tent tor steam 15 1852 Birth o f Edward A Bom het first Black person to «-arn a Ph I) in the U S and firs, Blai k member of Ptu Beta Kappa 16 1963 fo u r yo u n g bla« k girls died in b o m b in g o l ,6 ,h S i C h urch B in n in g ),a m , A labam a t>oil«-r furnai •• 13 1904 ( W illia m ) C o u n t B a s ie ja z z ,m in is , i h e s tf.t le a d e r b o rn 9 R h a u l W rig h t ‘ 1908 I 960- n o te d a u th o r o f Hoy was born N ative Son and B l.u k Dr. Percy Julian Born in dire poverty in a slave hut. Helped create and Became a manual worker at the age of nine. produce low cost Cortisone, a modern Selected to develop wonder drug Tuskegee Institute used to treat from 1881-1915. many diseases. An outstanding leader • Developed an inexpensive drug to treat Glaucoma, an eye disease. This drug is used around the world. in education. k I (Honored by Harvard I • Founded Julian Laboratories, an im­ portant drug research center and drug company. i University and i Dartmouth College. Albertsons C o p y rig h t 198 / by A lhftrtw o n * Inc PHIL REYNOLDS MEDICAL CLINIC 15 N. M orris St. Portland, Oregon 97227 287-4532 A ll R igh ts R es e rve d > • • . " k i kW * » z f» <1 » i Bap! ,