Page 6. Portland Observer, February ?5 1987 20 1960 22 John Dorsey, black Catholic Priest ordained in Baltimore in ,902 23 Wilma G Rudolph, former polio victim, tie, ame the world famous female track star who won three Quid medals in the Olympic Games. Rome, Italy, born in St Bethlehem, Tennessee 11940) 24 1896 Booker T Washington rer >• ved Honorary M A degree from Harvard University ,924 P A Collins, political activist Selected from the 21st District. New York City, on this day, be< ame the first bla< k delegate to a Demo cratic National Convention 26 27 Senegal gained independence from France ,876 Isaiah Dorman, a black interpreter living among the Smux lr dians. was one of the first to die in the Battle of Little Big Horn ,976 Mozambique gained independet >■ from Portugal 2 Thurgood Marshall, first black to hold the position of U S Solicitor General and first Black Supreme Court Justice, was born in 1906 Congress enacted the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibiting seg rogation in employment, education and public accommodations on the basis of race, sex, age. national origin, or religion The Act is con sidered one of the most important pieces of civil rights legislation ever passed by Congress 4 Louis ' Satchmo" Armstrong 1,900 , 97,). famous trumpeteer and jazz pioneer, born in New Orleans, Louisiana Tuskegee Institute opened in ,881 5 Cape Verte Islands gained their independence from Portugal in 1975 Arthur Ashe beats Jimmy Connors Wimbledon. England, in ,975 6 Malawi (Africa, gained its independence from Bntian in 1964 7 1957 Althea Gibson won the women s single tennis championship at Wimbledon. England 9 1893 Dr Daniel Hale Williams (1858 , 931). performed world's firs, successful hear, surgery, a, Provident Hospital in Chicago Paul Laurence Dunbat 1,872 , 9061, p c1', and n, .«Its, t urn m Daytm Ohio 25 1943 — Firs, warship named for a Black The S S Leonard Roy Harmon, launched in Quincy. Massachusetts 26 President Harry S Truman, signed Executive Order ending segregation by the U S Armed Services in 1948 Liberia, founded by Black Slaves gained recognition as an independ en, nation in 1847 Martin Luther King. Sr after 44 years as Pastor Ebenezer Baptist Church, Atlanta. Georgia, retired in 1975 Black Boston women founded the Afric American Female Intelligence 27 10 Mary McLisxd Bethune (1876 1955r. educator and White House ad visor ,o three presidents born in Mayesville. South Carolina Sao Sao Tome and Principe gamed their independence from Portugal in ,975 ,2 1937 Bill Cosby, comic and entertainment personality born in Philadelphia. Pennsylvania June 23. W ilm a G Rudolph form er polio v ic tim became the w orld fam ous fem ale track star w h o w on three gold m edals in the O lym pii Games, Rome. Italy, born in St Bethlehem Tennessee (19401 28 CongressmanM ,93», ,946 Thurgood Marshall. Judge In recognition of his oulstandir i achievement in the field of law he was awarded a Spmgarn M«*f,.il on this day He became a Supreme Court Justice in ,967 1978 Supreme Court handed down Bakke de< ision, a„e> ting rai ial quotas in educational institutions and industry 30 Lena Horne, entertainer, born in Brooklyn. New York I ,9 ,7 , 1974 Mrs Martin Luther King St slam at the organ during A ll,m l. i church services 13 Caterma Jadxyro, firs, Black to perform with an American opera company, in 1933 14 1951 Test national monument to honor a Black (George Washington Carver I. dedicated in Joplin. M 0 Basil A Paterson. Esquire, became the firs, Black elected as Vice Chairman of the Democratu National Commitee in 1972 16 Ida B Wells Barnet, organizer of Anti Lynching Crusade born in ,862 17 Ahsolom Jones became the Ins, black obdained as a minister in America Billie Holiday, blues singer, Id ,9591 On this day in 1862, Congress approved the rigid of Black Americans Rawanda (Africa) obtained its independence from F ran n in 1962 Burundi I Africa) g,lined its independence from Tram e in ,962 Somalia (Africa) won its independent e from Italy in 1 *W>0 C a ro lin a 28 The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution was ratified in ,868 granting former slaves citizenship rights in the U S to bear arms to ftgh, in the Civil War 29 18 Jester Hans,( n arranger o l A fro American folk songs 20 Bl.n k Power Conference opens Newark New Jersey in 1967 1950 Tirs, U S victory in Korea won by bl.n k troops ol 24,h Infantry Regimen, 21 ( ongressman I dolphus Towns lb 19341 Mary Church Terrell organized and bei ame firs, President of the National Assi iciation o l Colored W omen in 18*16 22 Jane M Holm fust Blur k woman fudge appointed in 1939 23 ,967 Urban Riot Detroit Dr Louis T Wnght. surgeon and phys.i, lb ,891) JULY , July 10 M ary M cLeod Bethune (1875 19551 educator and W hite House advisor to three presidents, born in M ayesville South b 19011 f»” «?- 4 . .a n .v v t- v Firs, National Convention of Black Women held in Boston 30 The all Black 9,h and 10th Cavalry and the 24,fi and 25,h Infantry Divisions a, San Juan Hill saved Teddy Roosevelt and his Rough Riders from certain defeat in the Battle o, El Caney in 1898 31 Whitney M Young Jr 11921 1971), Executive Director of National Urban League 1961. and author, born in Lincoln Ridge, Kentucky Walter Carter, pioneer human rights leader died in 1971. AU G U ST 1 *’ h H » 1895 Massachusetts 2 I960 1977 1917 1924 Dahomey (Africa) obtained its independence from France Roy Wilkins retired as Director of the NAACP. Leo Pinckney was the lirs, drag,ee of World War I James Baldwin, author, was born on this day ' r» jf.«