February 25 1987, Portland Observer, Page 5 Josiah Henson, freedom fighter from Port Tobacco Maryland, died on this day in 1881 at age 91. 1905 First copy of the Chicago Defender black newpaper was pub lished on this day by Robert S. Abbot 1963 - Organization of African Unity formed, headquartered in Addis Ababa. Ethiopia Bill "M r. Bojangles" Robinson (1878 19491 dancer and entertainer was born on this day in Richmond, Virginia William C Nell, pioneered black historian died this day in 1874 A Phillip Randolph organized the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters on this day in 1925 after failing to integrate olacks into the ranks of the American Federation of Labor 9 John Brown, abolitionist born on this day in 1800 26 1965 10 P B S Pmchback, U S Senator and Lt Governor of Louisiana was born on this day in 1837 27 1941 Dorie Miller, a messman on the U S S Arizona was awarded on this day the Navy Cross for heroic action in helping repel the iapa nese attack on Pearl Harbor 11 Ira Aldridge (1807 1867), great 19th century black actor was born on this day William Grant Still, noted classical composer and conductor was born in Woodville Mississippi, on this day in 1896 He died in 1978 12 13 1974 Cicely Tyson won TV Emmy Award for her performance in "The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman" 31 The Supreme Court issued its second important ruling on school dose gregation in ,955 requiring all deliberate speed" Joe Louis The Brown Bomber", world heavyweight boning cham pion 11937 49) was born on this day in 1914 in Lexington, Alabama 1950 Steve Wonder, internationally acclaimed musical genius and vocalist was born on this day in Saginaw. Michigan X J *. 15 Arthur Ashe was chosen to U S Davis Cup Team on this day in 1963 PVTS Henry Johnson and Needham Roberts of the 15th National Guard N Y 1369th Infantry Div.) defeated 20 German soldiers at Bois d'Hauza. France; both later awarded French Croix de Guerre for bravery Congressman John Conyers (b 1929, 17 1954 The Supreme Court's landmark decision in Brown vs Board of Education struck down the "separate bu, equal" doc,me ruling segre gated schools unconstitutional Case was argued by the young NAACP attorney Thurgood Marshall who was appointed in ,967 ,o the United States Supreme court. 3 Dr Charles R Drew (1904 1950), surgeon, developed the method for storing blood plasma. Josephine Baker (1906 1975), celebrated entertainer of Europe and the U S., born in St Louis, Missouri. 1842 The U S and Great Britain concluded, the Webster Ashburton Treaty suppressing African slave trade 1968 Poor Peoples March enters Washington, D.C. 4 1972 Angela Davis, professor, political activist; acquitted on char ges of murder, kidnapping and conspiracy, in Marin County 1922 Birth of Samuel L. Gravely in Richmond. Virginia He was the first black to command two U S warships the U S S Falgout and the U S.S Taussig 5 Roland Hayes, opera and concert singer born in Georgia ,887 6 1831 Firs, annual convention of "People of Color" held in Philadel phia. 1966 Stokely Carmichael (Kwame Toure • newly adopted African name, launched Black Power" movement 7 Nikki Giovanni, poe, and writer, born 1943 Senate passed Voting Rights Bill 28 Congressman Mervyn M Dyrnally lb 19261 1871 Segregated street cars were integrated on this day in Louis ville, Kentucky, following sit in by black teenager 16 1863 — Harriet Tubman 11823 19131. said to be of Ashanti descent, called Moses" and "C onductor" of the Underground Railroad, lead Union Army guerillas into Maryland, freeing more than 700 slaves James A Healy consecrated first Black Catholic Bishop. 1875. Lincoln University, first Black College m America was founded on this day in 1854 by Presbyterians as Ashmum Institute in Pennsylvania 1892 Homer A Plessy refused to move to segregated railroad coach in New Orleans initiating "Plessy vs Ferguson" suit 10 Hattie McDaniel (1898 1952), actress, firs, black person ever to win an Oscar 1940, Best Supporting Actress in the classic, Gone With the Wind born in Wichita, Kansas 11 ,911 Marcus Garvey, founded United Negro Improvement Associa tion. which promoted "Blacks back to Africa” movement Congressman Charles B Rangel (b. 1930, 12 M edgar Evers o f the N A A C P was killed in M ississippi in 1963 13 T h u rg o o d M arshall C ourt Ju stice 14 Harriet Beecher S to w e , a u thor o f U ncle T o m s C atlin, w as b o rn in ,811 15 fro m B altim ore a p p o in te d 1967 U S S uprem e 18 Rhode Island enacted the firs, anti slavery law in America on this day in 1652 19 Malcolm X (1925 1965). early disciple of Elijah Muhammed (leader of the Black Muslims, and founder of the Organization of Afro American Unity was born on this day in Omaha. Nebraska The C ongress o f Racial E quality (CORE) w as fo u n d e d in C h icag o in 1942 (.‘ ORE is best k n o w for its d ire i t a ctio n (sit ins, vo te r registra Is e tc and Freedom Rides th ro u g h o u t th e S ou th to desegregate public fa cilitie s and vehicles used in in te rsta te tra n s p o rta tio n o f in dividu als 20 Congressman Harold Ford lb. 19451. Toussaint L'Ouverture. Black Liberator, was born on this day in 1 743 ,877 Henry O ssian Flipper a form er slave becam e th e firs, black gra du ate of W est Point M ilita ry A cadem y 21 Thomas Fats Waller (1904 , 943). jazz pianist and composer w a s born on this day in New York City. M ay 22 1833 — Oberlin College, Ohio opened to black students abolitionist center pioneered in co education Claude McKay, novelist poe, died on this day in 1948 Langston Hughes, poe, died on this day in 1967 Civil War 13 Joe The B ro w n B om ber w o r ld h e a v y w e ig h t 16 A la b a m a JUNE 1 ,8 4 3 S o |o u rn e r T ru th ,7 9 7 1883 C iv il W a r tie r,..n . is,, e m a n c ip a te d tiy N V s ta te la w in ,8 2 7 s la v e ry 23 L o u is b o x in g c h a m p io n 11937 49) w a s fio r o on th is d a y in 1914 in 1 e x in q tn n 1966 Shuffle Along — famous black musical by Eubie Blake and Noble Sissie opened on Broadway in 1921 starring Florence Mills 967 York tie g a n h e ' m d a tm liti m 17 ru s .id e a g a in s t , 976 In the to w n s h ip o f S ow eto, Joh a n n e sb u rg , S o u th A fric a , m an y native lilac ks died w h e n they rebolled against ap a rth e id , the de grading g o ve rn m e n t san ction ed system o f racial s u p e rio rity and segregation ),lines W e ld o n Jo h n so n Hla, k N a tio n a l A n th e m a n d in s u p p o rt o f w o m e n s r jlits teacher po et, d ip lo m a t and a u th o r o f th e Lift Every V oice and S in g " w as born in ,871 Freedm en s B u r e a u launc tie d h is to ric ,e w e ' ir e p i The first B la ck P o w e r C o n fe re n c r n p e i . ,t N e w a 'k (ta rn N ew 19 191? T e n n *‘s»oe U n iv e r s ity o p e n e d .is T e n n e s s e e A h M S ta te C ol lego Pioneer Untiljustice is blind to color, until education is unaware of race, until opportunity is unconcerned with the color o f men ’s skins, emancipation will be a proclamation but not a fact. to Poverty Matthew Alexander Henson — I v u d o ri B .Joh nso n The story of Columbus, who m ade the ambitious crossing ot the Atlantic to the West Indies and yet died a poor man, unrecog nized. is no less sad than that of Mathew Alexander Henson He was the first person to reach the North Pole on the Arctic Continent He was a member of the Peary mission tfie last polar expedition in 1909 and was sent ahead of the main party, reaching the North Pole some 45 minutes ahead of Peary BANK The two explorers planted the symbolic flags together and celebrated the historic moment Some 46 years later when Henson died he was living in Harlem on a pension of $1.020 a year IS . Bank is p ro u d to jo in the m em bers o f the c o m m u n ity to Salute Black H isto ry M onth, P A C IFIC P O W E R An Equal O p p o rtu n ity Em ployer Adding quality to your life. A » A Hi 'W ( . TT A • «*« * * i r