February 25, 1987, Portland Observer, Page 3 24 1811 25 Kennitb Spencer, bassoonist and opera singer, died in 1964 Hiram Revels, black Mississippi United States Senator, took office on this day in 1870 27 28 Rev Daniel A Payne, first black to become a college president Charlotte Ray, first black female lawyer in America, graduated from Howard University. 1872. Marian Anderson, singer, born on this day 1902 in Philadelphia John W Menard, first black elected to the U S House of Represents fives in 1868 16 Freedom s Journal, first Black American newspaper released its first publication on this day in 1827 in New York — publishers: Samuel Cornish and John B. Russwurm Nat Turner led slave revolt in North Carolina in 1831 17 Nat "K in g " Cole, (1919 1965) legendary singer and iazz pianist, was born on this day in Montgomery, Alabama 18 Norbert Rillieux. inventor of sugar refining, was born in Louisiana in 1806 19 1941 the 99th Pursuit Squadron first black air unit, was activated on this day at Tuskegee Army air field in Alabama Phyllis Wheatley c. 1753 1784. a young African girl, captured in Sene gal and brought to America as a slave, became a highly acclaimed poet and was honored by George Washington and other leaders on this day Viola Liuzzo left her home in Detroit on this day in 1966 to drive to Selma, Alabama to |Oin other civil rights workers She was shot to death by KKK on highway 80 near Selma. 26 William Hastie was appointed on this day in 1937 as the first black to serve as a Federal Judge in U S or its territories (U S Virgin Islands) Richard Allen 11760 1831) born in Philadelphia, former slave, organized the Free African Society, first black church in America now AME Diana Ross, actress, singer and entertainer, born on this day in Detroit 1944 27 , 969 The Black Academy of Arts and Letters founded in Boston. Sarah Vaughn, singer born on this day in Neward, N.J. 1924 Cleveland Luca, composer of Liberian national anthem, died on this day in 1872 28 Ella Fitzgerald, singer born on this day in 1918 Lauren Cardinal Rugambwa first African Cardinal. 1960 29 Duke Ellington, musician entertainer died on this day in 1974 Pearl Bailey singer entertainer, born in Virginia on this day in ,918. 30 1870 15th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified on this day giving freed men the right to vote Black Suffrage Day M ARCH 1 Blanche Kelso Bruce, an ex slave, became the first black man to serve a full term in the U S Senate in 1941 2 Black Swan Record Company, the first black owned and operated record company in America, organized in 1921 3 Congress established the Freedman's Bureau on this day in 1865 to assist freed slaves with basic educational and health services and their resettlement on abandoned lands in the South 4 (Zensi) Miriam Makeba, internationally known South African singer of the Xhoha tribe, was born this day in Prospect Township. Johan nesburg in 1932 5 Initial casualties in the Revolutionary War saw Crispus Attucks fall among the first Americans killed in the 1770 Boston massacre 6 1857 — Dred Scott decision by the Supreme Court denied Blacks the right of citizenship Ghana gained independence from the British Commonwealth in 1957 8 Marcus B Christian, author and poet, born 1900 9 1841 Joseph Cinque, african prince, and 38 slaves were freed by the U S . Supreme Court and allowed to return to Africa after their successful mutiny on the Spanish slave ship Amistad 10 11 12 13 14 M arch 22 the h istoric m arch fro m Selma to M o n tg o m e ry Alabama to secure v o tin g rights for blacks began on this day in 1965 led by Dr M a rtin I other King and other civil rig h ts leaders 20 Ethiopians defeated Italians in the battle of Adowa in 1896 enabling the country to remain as one of few African nations never colonized by foreign powers 1883 Jan Matzeliger patents shoe lasting machine Harriet Tubman, organizer and leader of the "underground railroad died in 1913. 1959 Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry, opened on Broadway and won the New York Drama Critics Circle Award 22 Charlie Parker, founder of the modern jazz movement, died in 1955 Charles Young (1864 19221 was born in Mayslick, Kentucky West point graduate, 1889, military hero and commander of the 10th calvary The historic march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama to secure voting rights for blacks began on this day in 1965 led by Dr Martin Luther King and other civil rights leaders 24 1837 25 1931 "Scottsboro Boys arrested at Point Rock Alabama, the civil rights case that received worldwide attention Aretha Franklin, prominent songstress born 1942 in Memphis, Ten nessee 1773 Jean Baptiste Point Dusales (c. 1750 1818) black pioneer founded the settlement that is now Chicago, Illinois. ,, «< n i . t • i ’ »t , f t y * Jazz trumpeteef, Richard A Blue' Mitchell born in 1930 • ' Canada gave Blacks the right to vote PORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE PCC Proudly Celebrates BLACK HISTORY MONTH! ♦ nan M oriarty PCC P,es,de'' d February as P,° X " '- U r e ro 3 " " ¿ n y c o n trib u io n s ot the many lhe W io -A m e n can de' ' e' ° PnLeu,on. I _ Added Dr. and t ^ e naU -T he celebration M oriarty MoriattV- ih e necessity tor ^ b l i g h t s ’^ attention en t,on to the to the continued im portan' - h° ’at o u r so cie ty" group ‘n ° u We take pride in the positive accom plishm ents of our students Beverly Cook, now a full tim e PCC em ployee at Cascade Campus, could not have attended college classes w ith o u t financial aid in the form o f loans and a work study o pp o rtun ity A single parent and m other of two, Bev is planning for the day when she can start a fo u r-y e a r degree program in sociology or juvenile counseling We at PCC are concerned about President Reagan's plan fo r cu ttin g such assistance and hope you w ill help w atch the budget so people like Bev w ill co ntin u e to have a chance to succeed Call now fo r in fo rm a tio n about financial aid that could give YOU a chance to succeed. Phone 244 -6 1 11 , Extension 4934 PORTLAND COMM UNITY COLLEGE A n e f li r m e t i v e a c t io n e q u a l o p p o r tu n ity in s titu tio n I n S / ) c iin l ( i h s c r t a u c c Black History Month flebruury) W om en's History .Month I Miin h) I he \/m \inei ici/n / le n ia te llu eiilcn n ia l ( n n in ie n m m tire (Juilt w ill hi- m i d is p l.ti at the t >RI ( . ( > \ I I I M O K K A l t I M I R IJ M iS W Park \ \ i . Port land t *8 9 'J u S II) .i hi to i tS p m Moinl.n lliro iig li Saturday \DMISSIt )N I HI I 1__________________________________________________