Paqe2, Portland Observer, February 25, 198/ JANUARY 1 25 On this day in 1863, President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipa lion Proclamation freeing slaves in the United States Cameroon (Africa) gained its independence from France in 1960 2 William Lloyd Garrison published the first edition of the abolitionist newspaper, the Liberator, in Boston, Mass in 1831 Erroll Garner, pianist and composer, died 1977 26 27 28 3 Dr. Charles Drew, discoverer of blood plasma, born in 1804 Drew orga mzed blood banks in the United States and England during World War II William Tucker, first black child born in America was baptized in James town in 1624 5 Constance Baker Motley became the first black female appointed as a federal judge, 1966 In 1948 Executive Order 998 ending segregation in US Armed Forces was signed by President Harry Truman. 1966 Marian Anderson was the first black person to appear with the Metropolitan Opera in Verdi's Masked Ball Howard Swanson, composer, receiver! New York Critics Award in 1952 8 Fannie M. Jackson Coppin (1836 1913) was born She was a pioneer educator and the first black woman college graduate in America 10 Countee Cullen, poet and writer, died 1946 11 Dolly Adams, |«zz pianist, was born in 1904 12 1971 Congressional Black Caucus was organized Southern Christian Leadership Conference was founded in 1957 James Farmer founder of C O R E was born in Texas in ,920 13 Dr Robert Weaver became the first blai k to serve in a Presidential Cabinet when named Secretary of HUD in 1966 by President Lyndon Johnson. Free U S. Blacks settle m Liberia, Africa, 1822 5 Mkwawa sixteenth century African king renowned for his power and knowledge was given honor by Article 246 of the Treaty of Versailles which on this day demanded that Germany return his treasured re mains to Africa 6 1920 First organized emigration of US blacks back to Africa, from New York to Sierra Leone Congressman Waiter E. Fauntroy, delegate from the District of Colum­ bia. born in 1933 7 Eubie Blake, composer, born 1883 9 Paul Lawrence Dunbar, poet, died 1906 10 I eontyne Price world acclaimed opeia singer, born 1927in Mississippi 11 General Daniel 'Chappie'' James, first four star black general in the US Armed Forces, was born in 1920, Pensacola, Florida 1977 Clifford Alexander, Jr., was confirmed as first Black Secretary of the Army. 12 Abraham Lincoln, Emancipator and 16th President of the United States was bom in 1809 1793 Fugitive Slave Ac, passed on this day 1909 The N A A C P was founded in New York by W E B Dubois. William E Walling, Mary White Ovington and Dr. Henry Moskowita Will Marion Cook, composer and conductor, born 1869 Eartha Kitt, singer, entertainer, born 1928 Richard Barthe, sculptor, born 1901 George Washington Carver, (1861 19431 world famous agricultural chemist died on this day Carver Day was established by an Act of Con gross in recognition of his contributions which included making ink, synthetic rubber, flour and metal polish from natural products such as peanuts, sweet potatoes and soybeans. 7 4 Frederick Douglass 11817 1895) abolitionist, freedom fighter, scholar and U S Minister to Haiti 11898 911 was born on this day in Tuckahoe, Maryland Nat "King" Cole, singer and jazz pianist, died on this day in 1965 14 co fo u n d e r o f th e N A A C P and Pan A fric a n C o n g re s s , w a s b o rn on this d a y ,868 John Oliver Killens, novelist born ,916 Mabel Smith blues singer, died 1924 Gambia (Africa) won its indenpendence from Britian in 1965 29 15 Rev Dr Martin Luther King, Jr (1929 1968). civil rights leader and Nobel Peace Prize recipient was born on this day in Atlanta 18 Continental Congress accepts enlistment of free negros, 1776 Paul Cuffee, colonizer, born 1759 16 1967 Lucius D. Anderson sworn in as the firs, black sheriff in the South in the 20th Century, Macon County, Alabama 18 ,952 Huey P Newton, black civil rights activist and co founder of Black Panther Party, born on this day in Monroe. Louisiana Bessie Smith made firs, record for Columbia Records in 1923 Muhammad All born in Louisville. Kentucky 1942 Dr Daniel Hale Williams, surgeon, born in ,858 On this day in 1867, Congress enacted legislation granting suffrage to ex slaves in the District of Columbia 30 Congress passed the 13th Amendment to the Constitution in 1865 which upon ratification abolished slavery in the United States 31 Jackie Robinson, born on this day in ,919, was ttie first black to break the racial barrier in organized professional sports in America. Whitney Young, internationally renowned civil rights leader and builder of the National Urban League, was born on this day in 1921 Garet, A Morgan invented the traffic light and another life saving device, the gas mask 23 In ,977 ROOTS, adaptation of Alex Haley's historical novel, firs, shown on national television, surpassing all previous viewing records Paul Robeson, athlete, lawyer, singer died in Philadelphia in 1976 First Pan African Congress me, in Pans, France in 1919 organized by W E B Dubois In 1853, the firs, black YMCA was started in Washington, D C., (firs, black YWCA was no, chartered until 1893 in Dayton, Ohio, 20 Sidney Poitier, firs, black actor to win an Oscar (1963 Lillies of the Field! was born on this day in Miami, Florida in 1927. Birthday of George Washington, first President of the United States 21 El Haji Malik El Shabazz (Malcolm XI assassinated in New York City, 1965 Barbara Jordan, firs, black female from the South since recons,rue tion, elected to the U S. House of Representatives, 1972; elected to the Texas Senate in 1966 was bom on this day in Houston in 1930 23 Or W E B Dubois (1868 1963), author, editor, scholar, co founder of the NAACP and Pan African Congress, was born on this day 1868 in Great Barrington, Massachusetts Congressman Louis Stokes, (b. 1925, FEBRUARY 1 21 1901 George H White of North Carolina, the last black elected to Congress during the reconstruction era, made his final address before Congress B L A C K H IS T O R Y M O N T H ,960 Black college students began the age of sit ms at a Wool worth's lunch counter in Greensboro. North Carolina Langston Hughes 11902 19671, noted author and poet of the Harlem Renaissance, was bom in Joplin. Missoun 3 Laura Waring, portrait painter and illustrator, died in 1948 Charles Henry Turner, biologist, from 1867 PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL SALUTES TWO BLACK INVENTORS KAISER PER M A N EN TE SALUTES AM ERICA’S TOP BLACK ACHIEVERS Kaiser Permanente hires top achievers dedicated people in a wide array o, fields from health care ,o computer operations, office work ,o crafts and technical fields As we salute all o, the outstanding achievers during Black History Month, we would like ,o extend an invitation to future achievers Kaiser Permanente is a place where you can work with the best and help make important progress in health care possible If you are interested in looking into our available opportunities, contact our Human Resource offices at: GR A N V II.I.F T WOODS I " w- 1910 I M F'NTOK M rx in d rr Graham Hell and Thomas Edixon dominatrd the ag r of r lr r tr in ty in the latr |k 0 0 *. but other* played important role* Lewis Howard I.a tim rr and Gran sillr T Woods. who produced key invention*, had two things in common They both contributed to lelephon« and electricity and they were Black L A T IM E R wa* born in |H,k He left home at s u trrn to join the Navy and after srrving in the Civil W ar. returned to Boston to become a draftsman Alexander Graham Bell hired lai timer in lk?6 to make the patent drawing* for the fir»t telephone I F H is HOW ARD L A I IMF R 1MM 192ft D R A F T S M A N , E N G IN E E R After joining the United Stale* Electric Lighting Company in lkkO. laitim er invented a carbon filament for an inrandeveent lamp A * a member id Edison* engineering staff he supervi* ed the installation of the electric light in New York. Philadelphia. Montreal and Ixindon I alter in life IxU im rr produced one of his first books, explaining the principle of the electric light and published a volume of his poetry when he retired H r died at the age of eighty W O O D S who was born in Columbus, Ohio in IH56. was a prolific inventor He learned through practical e*per irnre rather than from hooks H r quit © school at ten and improv ed hi* mechanical skills by working in a machine shop and on a railroad He was 2k when he patented his first invention a furnanre and a boiler to produce steam heat In the same year he invented a telephone transm itter which he sold to Bell. Wood's ,50 patented inventions included an incubator, an electrical relay switch, a regulator for electric motors, and a safety rut out switch to avoid overloading rle rlrira l circuit* One of hi* last invention* was a telegraph system for use between moving trains Pacific Northwest Bell A U S WEST COMPANY Edgar F. Kaiser Health Center 3600 North Interstate Avenue Portland. OR 97227 Bess Kaiser Medicei Center 5055 North Greeley Avenue Portland, OR 97217 Kaiser Sunnyside Medical Center 10200 S.E. Sunnyside Road Clackamas, OR 97015 Human Resource ottices are open from 9 00 A M. to 12 30 PM weekdays — closed Thursdays EEO Handicapped Hired KAISER P ER M A N EN TE Good People (¿ood Medicine.