MB «2 Portland Observer, February 25, 1987 Section II, Paye 7 CL A S S IFlED A D VER U SIN G PERSONALS PICKUPS/CANOPIES D.J. GENERAL CONTRACTOR INC. DISCOUNT PICKUP CANOPIES Pay net To tern prices ,50 Brahmas 350 Totem alumi num Free price list, phone FREE , 800 452 91,3. 9 am to 5 pm 7 days Totem Mfg inc Salem Dewey Taylor II RECREATIONAL VEHICLES RV PRICE W AH' Nobody beats oui bottom line price; Komfort. Nomarl Al|o Oceanway RV, Hwy 18 99W Dayton Junction (Lincoln City cut of,I McMinnville. Oregon Call (5031 434 6605 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE BRIDGES 85 flatcars Strong enough for heavy trucking All welded high strength steel, including steel deck $6.5000 $8 (XX) Deliver ed most locations Skip Gibbs 17071 263 0326 HOME FOR SALE BLUF M O U N T A IN C A B IN near W alla W alla 23 acres S pe ctacular vie w s po w e r phon e w a te r year aro u n d country road Elk. Deer on DBA property term s PAINTING INTERIOR & EXTERIOR W ALL & FLOOR COVERING OF ALL PHASES HAULING & MOVING MASONARV WORK BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY packages via U PS AIR BO R N E This builds s tru t“ tra ffit ant, gives you 60% 70% p ro fit Phone , 800 821 4902 fo r a d d itio n a l in fo rm ,i tion In ve stm e n t R equired LICENSED BONDED 10VEARS OF EXPERIENCE AFFORDABLE REMODELING1!11!! ,o' ^ ° /° ,o^'o ' 0 * c' to d o w n , easy ADD TO YOUR RUS'NESS A pa, kaqe d ro p oft p o in t fo i lor al reside nts w h o w a nt Io ship FREE ESTIMATES Art«'Os C' $39 500 00 lo w lo w 15091 522 1343 O w ner COLLECTOR. ANTIQUE, VINTAGE CARS COLLECTOR CAR Auction. Show Swap Meet Feb 7 8. Portland, car entry $100. Swap booth $25, car swap space $40 Contact Rodger tddy, 503 223 3606 2582 N E Loveioy St Portland, OR 97210 Auctioneer Dean Kruse, Kruse Inter national. 1 800 328 0771 CALL TODAY 287-7353 ADOPTION Infertile couploe with lots of love seeks to adopt a baby Love and laugh fer till our home All medical, legal and pregnancy related ex : penses paid Call our Oregon attorney collect (5031 222 2474 Conf, dential PERSONALS HELP US ADOPT Se cure, professional cou pie seek child 1 month to 5 years of age to love and support All attorney fees paid Call Chris collect anytime at 15031 585 017, or 1503) 393 2950 PERSONALS HAPPILY MARRIED COUPLE desires to share a loving life with a child in beautiful country home Expen set, paid legal Call collect Jane or Steve (2151 247 0307 STEVEN BAILEY, N.D. N ati K t'f ATHU E kmii . i I’ m <5(M) 2N9 **»I4 619 N M U IN» .s » , »KTM PORTLAND > »H 97217 As primary health care providers we offer a full range of naturopatffle health care service The naturopathic physician provides preventative wholistic and natural family health cate for a wide range of acute and chronic conditions and minor traumatic injuries The following is a list of services available through the clinic Feel free to call and discuss your questions about the naturopathic approach to health and how it applies to you and your family S TA N D A R D LABORATORY A N D D IA G N O S T IC T E S T IN G H A IR M IN E R A L A N A L Y S IS ph ys io thera py M A N IP U L A T IO N A N D M ASSAGE E X E R C IS E T H E R A P Y C L E A N S IN G P R O G R A M S A N D E A S T IN G C O U N S E L IN G B O T A N IC A L M E D IC IN E HOM EOPATHY HVOROTHERAPV CO M PUTE S P E C IF IC P R O B L E M S G Y N E C O L O G IC E X A M S A N O W O M E N S HE A LTH C AR E N U T R IT IO N A L li f, eti LOANS & FINANCING Here’s what you need to know to buy a HUD home. P le a s e c o n ta c t th e re a l e s ta te a g e n t o f you r c h o ic e to se e o r b fd on any HUD h o m e lis te d h e re O n ly b id s p re s e n te d by lic e n s e d re a l e s ta te a g e n ts w ill be a c c e p te d P u rc h a s e rs m u s t o b ta in th e ir o w n ft n a n c m g fo r a ll sa te s HUD p tu p e r h e . m ay c o n ta in c o d e or zo n e v io la tio n s An h o m e s a re s o ld AS IS w ith NO W AR R A N T / im p lie d or o th e rw is e An e a rn e s t m o n e y d e p o s it of $1000 ito be d e p o s ite d in c lie n t s tru s t a c c o u n t) s re q u ire d With e a c h b id HUD re s e rv e s th e rig h t to re je c t any or a ll b id s a n d to w a iv e any n fo rm a l dy o r irre g u la rity in a n y b id s • P R IC E # S ta r r e d p r ic e s in d ic a te p r o p e r tie s th a t a re e lig ib le fo r FHA m o rtg a g e in s u r a n c e w ith lo w d o w n paym ent EXTEN D ED LISTINGS— OFFERS OPENED DAILY fu m e s listed here are F «tended lis tin g s a it »emam unsold after the stan dard corr petit, .* Did ope ng HUD a ii consider any reasonab'«* »Her tpr these horn«-' md w Open u**e > evt » Aorfci' g day at ? 3T I ' Should - un ^tani e prevent MUD Iron- ope<'u»q s .1 give Jay the proper! es e rem ain a«<«*iat,te to the po ni of actual acceptance by HUD of the best net otter An »tiers shaft be submitted in the approprlately m arked e«: envelopes C‘ "i Id rung HUD torn» OMR a ” « • je- ! Portland 140? S€ J4t»t Ave J Rd ? Ba F *$47 » 50 * »4J1 1t>4. • ?U3 ’ 00« Sq Portland ?01? SF 87th ? Bd • $32 2 5 0 * »431 171530 -’ 03 1 Ba 1 Ba ’ 49? Sq Troutdale ’ 017 SF ?3rd Ave • $57 0 0 0 * 94 Portland. * 1 / 14 ?! NF Jessup St 3 Bd 3 Ba 1 .9 Sq Ft t f r pie* $21 4 5 0 «431 155« 1 1 ?03 West lin n . ?8U0 ’ reetop l ane « ’ > ? Rd ’ a Rd 115? Sq Ft (C ond o o il of Pirn nbco) $4$ 000 »431 161615 ?03 ? Rd 1 Ba 81« Sq 1 B 1 ? Bd ’ SO? Sq Ridgefield ) 13 N 4th St 1 Bd 1 . Rd ’ 5 $35 600 9569 011510 . Sq Fl Vancouver. 104. NF 8911’ A ,e 1 Bd ? Bd A)?4 Sq R $51 900 »569 OI5739 ) Vancouver. «506 NF 1??nd Ave I Rd ? Ba 1050 Sq F t »$40 100» «569 0 12 /64 Vancouver, 3901 NF 135th Ave ? Rd 1 Rd 695 Sq Ft *$ 4 0 9 5 0 * »569 017310 A)3 Vancouver. ?71? Nt 14«th St l Bd ? Rd ’ 576 Sq • $59 9 50 * a ■> • l aha Oswego ’ , • ,t . ♦ > 1 Bd ' Ba buu Sq Ft (Condo Co» eel 2SS 4670 for ip p t •$ 4 2 0 0 0 * ■ s or wn ot r ) «431 163961 ?J4 Portland 6?O5 SE 80th ? Rd $31 900 «431 15«??? ?03 Tigard 11?65 SW 94th Av# 4 Bd ? Hd • $64 (XX)» * I Portland «463 SF Holgate ? Rd ’ , Ba *96 Sq F e $ J t >S0e «431 te se tS ?03 Portland . '*75 SF R e e d w a y Ft $?1 »50 « 4 j t 14043? ? ? ’ 110« Sq Ft 740 Sq » « TIG A R D Vancouver, 1910 Harney St Ft $32 950 «569 ’ 5505 ?03 1 1265 SW 94th Ave I Bd 1 Rd 1374 Sq PREVIOUS W E E K ’S LISTINGS Bids Accepted Until 11:00 a m March 2, 1987 G re s h a m Bid Opening Mon., March 2, 1987 at 1.00 p.m. 144? SW B r ' m l I afca P a rk w a y • »5« 5 0 0 « H l IBOt 3 Bq G re ih e m 443 SW A .e r v ir w 3 B<, ? Ba ,280 Sq • ' »»54 «00» #4 ,, ,6 0 9 /1 203 ALOHA 1*20 SW IM It i A»« Aloha 1B20 SW 194th Ave 3 Bd ’ , Ba KXJB Sq FI « » 4 « M 0 « «4)1 15544? 203 Aloha. 6423 SW Skiver Or 3 Bd 2 fie • »52 0 0 0 * « 4 3 , ’ 60236 203 B .e v e r t o n 1 2 3 /5 SW ’ 3,h SI 3 fid Ft »35 500 « 4,1 ,55198 270 ,242 Sq Fl 1 Ba 924 Sq Oregon City KM Ceuhetd 4 Hr, , fia »30 »50 «4)1 ,4 ? 2 ,3 2 0 ) ,604 Sq FI Portien«. 603 , SF 52nd 3 Bd »2» 750 »431 ,44042 2 /0 ,052 Sq F, Portland 32O6rfsF 64,h ? Hd • »33 »00» »4 3, ,50h , . , Ba Portland, 5 4 ,8 SF I am ber, ? Bd , Ba • »2» 400 a »43 , ,6 3 /5 0 203 Portland A U M M a m a p p . Fl »10 000 »43 , ,6 5 2 1 / 203 •? 6 S q F , / Hd 3 Ba 2209 Sq Portland. '8 2 ,4 SF Salm on 5 Bd ? Ba Fl •» » « 500» » 4 3 , 1621,0 203 C am a« 240 SF Weir ? Bd »18.000 « 569 0 ,3 2 /6 2?, 1 Ba 918 Sq F, 828 Sq Fl Vancouver, 3 ,0 0 NF Whdm en Ave 3 Bd 1,00 S q F l »2« 400 »5t)9 0 '6 '0 ? 2U3 r ir 1 ’9? Sq Vancouver. 660, NF 2 /lh Ave I Bd ? , Ba ,462 S q F l »50 500 »569 0 ,3 4 ,3 2 /0 1 Ha HUD DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING FOR BID OPENING RESULTS ANO AVAILABLE EXTENOEO LISTINGS call $145 (X)1 I ist $399 00' 20 Yr guar antee Also NEW ROYAL electric self correcting typewriters $159 00' List $289 00' Check, credit cards. COD or lay away FREE DELIVERY!, 1 714 548 4425 or 1 714 645 6532 ANYTIME!! Get more for your money. Buy a HUD Home. 503-221-3498. This is a partial listing of HUD properties For a complete listing ot properties available for sale by HUD. please see HUD's listing in The Oregonian" Friday or Sunday Real Estate Section , Bn AND D IE T A R Y ASSESSMENT A LLE R G Y T E S T IN G A N D C L IN IC A L EC O LO G Y G E R IA T R IC S C H IL O R E N S M E D IC IN E S C H O O L A N D J O B P H Y S IC A L S PRENATAL A N D P O S T N A T A L C AR E Help W anted Hiring Now' Construe OCEANSIDE, OR 2 nights price 1 Spei tacular bon (all phases). On view, quiet seclution, beach 1 block Studio. vers. Machinists, Mec $37 50. 2 tiedroom unit $47 50 15031 B4? 4413, hanics. Welders, Air Fl Rancho Motel lines, (up to $32,60. In I 13081 382 3700, VACATION RENTALS FOR SALE Portland Observer! l XAMS P H Y S IC A L C O N S U L T A T I O N S FOR PERSONALS Are FOOD and LA TING controlling your life? Free Catalog of books and tapes for dieters anorexics. bulimics, and compulsive eaters Eating Disorders Cen ter 10,2 SW King St Portland. OR 97205 SEWING MACHINES" TYPEWRITERS" New "Free arm ", all metal school models Latest stitches, overlock, stre Support Our Advertisers! Say you saw it in the su ian NEED MONEY? Equity loans on all types of real estate, easy quali tying! Rapid funding' We buy contracts, call now' Toll free 1 800 537 5498 Oregon Land Mortgage PERSONALS BANKRUPTCY $75 stops collectors, law suits, b garnishments DIVORCE $65 no court hearing,, com plete preparation of all legal documents Legal Alternatives. Inc , 1503) 255 3412 or 1 800 «42 2208 PERSONALS ADOPTION, PLEASE Warm, secure home waiting to welcome a newborn Call collect | (24 hours) attorneys Ravel and Lach (40S) 288 7100, P 0 Box 7575, San Jose, CA 95150 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES VACATION/ENTERTAINMENT SEASIDE 3 nights starting $43 50 total per couple including breakfast Available Sunday Thursday (no holidays) Private baths, color TV, some kitchens. Brochure Riverside Inn 738 8254 PERSONALS i,i,ni ( )H O72M '>' i .ill 15031 777 2612 PERSONALS YOUR STRENGTH TO HEAR A CHILD could BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY EXCELLENT opportunity: Commercial Ag operation, equipment, shop, storage Nice 4 bedroom home 5 8 acre wooded site. Central Willamette Valley Complete package $230,000 No Realtors 503 864 2277 SCHOOLS/INSTRUCTION ENJOY CHILDREN? Study at nationally recog mzod training school Free nationwide placement incredible demand Contact NNI, 2100 NE Broad way. Suite 3F, Portland, OR 97232 Tel (503) 284 , 240 Call collect i PREGNANT, CON FUSED? Choose alter native with Love. ADOPTION We are a happily married, finan cially secure, childless, couple who wish to a dopt an infant into our hearts and home Please answer our pra yers and call our attor ney 1(408) 288 7100, collect, 24 hours PERSONALS ADOPTION A baby TRAVEL AGENCY Own your own Contact to share our love and UNIGLOBE TRAVEL, the largest and fastest lives, would complete growing franchisor of travel agencies in N Ameri­ our family A huge ca No travol industry exjienence required yard, woodsy neigh Investment required Call Tamara at 1503) 282 borhood, and deer to 460? pet, await All legal, medical, pregnancy re lated expenses paid BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OPEN YOUR OWN ONE PRICE ($9 99) DIS Call our Oregon attor COUNT SHOE STORE All first quality merchan ney collect 1503) 222 dise $13,900 to $16 900 includes beginning in 7474 ventory, fixtures, supplies, training and an fare Personals Call Ed Brandt, The Source, (40f>) 238 9358 Private Adoption. Pro fessional and loving POSITION OPEN couple wishes to adopt P ro du ction infant or child four Five day metropolitan business newspaper years or younger All seeks competent layout/paste up person with related attorney fees at least 5 years experience in make up and paid. In Portland, call markup of both classified and display adver 246 2574 Outside call tisements Duties will include lifting heavy (5031 362 9550 equipment, maintenance work, and cleaning Hours are from 8 a m to 4:30 p.m., 19/hr , 24 paid days off annually, medical and dental P e r s o n a ls no weekend work Contact Ah Hassanni, Pro Infertile couple seeks duction Manager, Portland Business Today, surrogate mother with P 0 Box 10127. Portland. OR 97210 (5031 red hair Contact Sur 226 1311 rogate Foundation, P 0 Box 06545 Port MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE HALF PRICE* 50% o fffI Our best, large flashing arrow sign $339' Lighted, non arrow $3291 Unlighted $269' Free letters' See locally Call todayl Factory 1 800 423 0163 anytime POSITION OPEN Photographer Full time staff photographer for daily business newspaper. Mus, be a self starter, have good work habits, be organized and capable of han dlmg lab work Send resume and references to: Tom Stearns, Associate Publisher, Portland Business Today, P 0 Box 10127, Portland, OR 97210 15031226 1311. I lie a Miracle for some one who cannot ROGATE SUR EOUNOA TION, P 0 Box 06545. Portland, OR 97206 - BUILDING MATERIALS POLE BUILDING KITS Complete building pa ckages, 1/sliding door 4/colored walls 6x6 polos. 24«36x1051,705; 24x48x12 $2.281. 30x 60x12 $3.242 Many other sizes Labor and financing available 1- 800 331 0155, 1503) 263 1805 FOR SALE 28 SPACE mobile park 16 mobiles owned by park, located in Med ford, Oregon. De tailed package avail able $365.000. owner carry contract at 9% a.p.r New Dimension Realty (503) 826 2661.