Page 10, Portland Observer, February 25, 1987 23 24 1897 1897 J L. Love, invented the pencil sharpener Andrew J Beard, invented the "Jerry Coupler" 6 1869 — Colored National Labor Union formed today to COHuect railroad cars 7 Scott Joplin 11868 1917), acknowledged as the "King of Ragtime" was born in Texarkana. Texas Congressman Ronald V Dellums. (b 1935) 1941 Done Miller, Hero at Pearl Harbor, awarded Navy Cross Executive Order 8802 issued prohibiting discrimination in the Govern ment or defense industries 8 Lucy Sessions was the first Black woman in the United States to earn a degree She graduated from Oberlin College Sammy Davis. Jr., born in New York, in 1925 9 1961 Tansania gained independence from Britain, Julius K Nyer ere, President since 1964, made Swahili the official language 25 1949 1965 Bill "Boiangles" Robinson died Segregation of public vehicles and waiting rooms outlawed 26 1883 Soiourner Truth, abolitionist, died 27 Congressman Mickey Leland, (b 1944) 1878 B H Taylor received patent for the rotary engine 28 Charlotte E Ray became the first Black lawyer 29 Adam Clayton Powell (1908 1972), minister, civil rights leader, first Black elected to New York City Council (1941), elected to U S House of Representatives 12 times (1944 19611 was born in New Haven. Con necticut. DECEMBER 1 24 1 776 - George Washington crossed the Delaware accompanied by tw o Blacks: Oliver Cromwell and Prince Whipple ,898 Irwin Mclhson. born, first Black Federal Judge Congress enacted Home Rule legislation for District of Columbia the first time the city had been given the opportunity to elect its governing officials in over a century 25 1907 Cab Calloway, born. Rochester New York Edward (Kid) Ory (1886 1973) born. Trombonist One of the most influential New Orleans |.izz musicians Recorded Muskrat Ramble a classic in ,943 1943 The Liberty Ship S S George Washington Carver named after the famous Black Scientist was launched in 1943 26 Jack Johnson wins heavyweight crown in Australia ,906 It is still used 1956 Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man on a bus in Montgomery. Alabama, initiating the modern day Civil Rights Move men! 1869 First National Negro Labor Convention, Washington, D C 10 1964 Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Dr Martin Luther King. Jr 11 1851 Courts in Christiana. Pennsylvania upheld the right of fugitive slaves to defend themselves 12 Joseph H Rainey took his seat as the first Negro member of the House of Representatives in ,870 15 Ignatius Sancho 11729 1780) died Scholar Writer 16 1976 Andrew Young named Ambassador and Chief U S delegate to United Nations 17 Robert B Elliott, served as U S Congressman from South Carolina from 1871 1874 18 ,866 Congress ratifies the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery in the United States 1971 Operation PUSH (People United to Save Humanity) organized in Chicago by Rev Jesse Jackson 19 Di Carter G Woodson (1875 19501 was born Father of Negro His tory founded the Journal of Negro History. 1916, Initiated Negro His tory Week in ,926 189, Charles Uncles, S S J first Black ordained in the United States 20 1850 1892 Harriet Tubman made fust Underground Railroad trip Paul Lawrenr e Dunb.ii publishes Oak and Ivy D ecem ber 20. 1850. H arriet Tubm an m ade firs t Black ordained in the U nited States 21 1831 Nat Turner s Insurrection 27 22 1883 Arthur W Mitchell. Chambers County Alabama. Fust Black Democrat eler ted to Congress Commemorates the birth of Harriet Ross Tubman in 1820 and her many contributions to the freedom of Black slaves through the "Undeiground Railroad " 186? The "Colonization Plan", whereby fiee Blacks would be re turned to Africa was rejected by Blacks 23 1 796 A frica n M e th o d ist Episi opal C hurch in c o rp o ra te d 1815 H enry H ighlan d Garnet I 18821 w as b o rn Abolitionist He was in the fo re fro n t of th e anti slavery m o ve m e n t and o p e ia te d an u n d e rg ro u n d ra ilio a d in Troy New York 30 1892 Dr Miles V Lynk, physician, published the first Black medical tournai 1775 George Washington reverses previous directive and asks Con gress to accept the enlistment of free Blacks into the Revolutionary Army Never pay for a water heater again. December 1. 1955. Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to « w h ite man on a bus in M o n tg o m e ry. Alabam a, in itia tin g the m odern day Civil R ights M ovem ent 2 John Brown (executed at Charles Town West .mil BI. h ks Shields Green, Dangerfield Newby. Sherrard Lewis Leary and Joh n A Copeland, his co conspirators martyred 3 The N o rth Star Newspaper founded try Frederick D ouglass published its first issuo in 1854 4 American Anti Slavery Society was organized John A Lankford (1874 7) was from America’s first Black architei I 5 Montgomery Bus Boycott organized in 1955 LOUIS SATCHMO’ ARMSTRONG Out o f the slums o f New Orleans, Louis “ Satchmo” Armstrong rose to the top in the world o f jazz. His trumpet and gravel voice and his inim itable style and showmanship catapulted him in to the ranks o f musical im m o rta lity over a career spanning almost 60 years. Sign up for the Hassle-Free Guarantee Sooner or later, your water heater is going to need to be replaced. And buying a new one can be expen­ sive. But now you can protect yourself from this unexpected expense by sign­ ing up for Pacific Power s new 1 iassle- Free Guarantee.* The 1 lassle-lree Guarantee gives you. as a Pacific Power Cus­ tomer, up to $2(X) back on the cost of a new electric water heater. So you never have to pay for a water heater again. You can sign up for the program no matter how old your current water heater is. Or w hether it’s gas or electric And this lifetime water heater protec­ tion costs just 85C a month. l or details on the Hassle-Free Guarantee, read the information you received in the mail in the envelope with the blue key. To sign up. just com ­ plete the enclosed enrollment form. Nationwide, over 8,25().(XX) water heaters had to be replaced last year. So sign up soon. Because you never know if your water heater will be the next to go. •Hassle-1 rre Guarantee is onh available to Paulk Power vust« »men SHO P ■ENOW'S FOR. 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