Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 18, 1987, Page 3, Image 3

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    February 18, 1987, Portland Observer, Page 3
D M AC Chair Threatened
With Legal Actions
M ayor to Keynote Tubman's 6th Annual M ultiethnic-M ulticultural Assembly
by Jerry Garner
Halim Rahsaan. Chair of the De
segregation Monitoring Advisory
Committee (DMACl, has been
threatened with legal action by an
attorney representing Florence Ban
croft Bancroft is the teacher who
taped a student to a chalkboard
last September at Humboldt Ele­
mentary School. Her actions spur­
red protests from community lead
ars and parents, and called for Ban
c/oft's termination
The law firm of Kulongoski, Dur
ham, Drummonds & Colombo de
manded in a letter that Rahsaan re­
tract his statements ' Demand is
hereby made that you retract those
statements and issue a written apo
logy to Ms Bancroft. The retrac
tion and apology should list those
persons the original defamatory
statements were made to. Demand
is made that you cease and desist
tjpm making any further statements
concerning Ms. Bancroft and her
teaching performance,” the letter
Bancroft's attorney alleges that
Rahsaan made oral and written
rectly For instance, if a teacher is
involved in improper behavior, he or
she is first given verbal reprimand;
if a second incident occurs, a writ
ten reprimand is placed in the tea
cher s personnel file, it a third inci­
dent occurs, termination is warran
ted In the Bancroft case, the inci
dent wasn t recorded in her person
nel records."
In addition, Rahsaan said school
administrators gave misleading in
formation regarding the Humboldt
"Don McElroy, Deputy
Superintendent of Portland Public
Schools, made public statements
that the parent of the child that was
taped to the chalkboard was satis
fied with couseling given to Ban­
croft in regards to her actions That
wasn’t the case, said Rahsaan
Portland Mayor Bud Clark key
notes Tubman Middle School's
sixth .innual Multiethnic Multicul
tural Assembly on Feb 20
Tubman's 700 students in Grades
6 8 will hear Mayor Clark cite the
importance of culture' and see five
difference ethnic performances be
ginning at 9 10 a m at 2231 N Flint
The performances will highlight
cultural contributions by the Port
i/ations of famous Black Ameri
cans Sellwood Middle School tea
cher Raul Gomez playing musical
instruments of Mexu o and musician
Ken Butler of Young Audiences
playing hybrid instruments popular
ized by non minority cultures in
Tubman's assembly is part of the
The average h o m e h u m id ifier
u se* le * * energy per day than a
tw e n ty -fiv e w a tt bulb
land S cho ol D istrict s m a|or student
Featuring Bakers Cajun Sause S u p rem e
eth nic gro up s o f Asians. Native
Am ericans. Hispanics. Blacks and
S cheduled are G rant H igh S chool
stud ents pe rfo rm in g the "ira g o n
Ft potato salad
Only $3.50
420 S W. C ollege near PSU
M a y o r B u d C la rk
HRS. Mon Fri 7:30 AM 6 PM
Sat. 10 AM 6 PM
P h o n o 77R RAR7
F ryer
H in d q u a r te r s
Halim Rahsaan. Chair of DMAC.
has been threatened w ith legal
action by attorneys representing
Florence Bancroft, the teacher
involved in the Hum boldt in ci­
statements to various persons accu
Sing her of mistreatment of Black
children and of questionable teach­
ing practices The letter said, "Any
such statements are false In addi
tion to being defamatory, these
statements have the effect of inter
fering with Ms Bancroft's employ
ment relationship with Portland
School District."
Rahsaan denied making any de
faming statements against Ban
croft, saying he hasn’t and doesn't
intent to make a written apology to
Bancroft. "The statements I made
regarding the Humboldt incidence
and Bancroft's involvement in it
wasn't defamatory. What I said
was this: 'Had it been a Black teach
ar with a white child committing
this act, not only would they not be
teaching in Oregon, they wouldn't
be teaching in the United States'."
According to Rahsaan, Bancroft
has been transferred to another
school Asked if he was satisfied
with Bancroft's transfer, he replied.
No. The Portland Public Schools
handled the entire situation incor
W om en, Vitality
and M idlife
"Women, Vitality and Midlife",
a class offered by Meridian Park
Hospital. Tualatin on March 2, from
7 9 p.m., will cover how to main
P lu m p an d ju ic y . . .A n
e c o n o m ic a l p o u ltry item . . .
P e r fe c t to o v e n r o a s t, broil
or b a r b e c u e . Huy an d s to c k
up th e fre e ze r at th is s p e c ia l
low , low p rice.
Save Up To 40c Lb., No Limit!
i B umble B f k
Elbow Macaroni
Long Spaghetti
Extra Thin Spaghetti
Salad Macaroni
Sea Shells
Wide Noodles
X-Wide Noodles
in wmx ,_
(Malt Whilr Tuna mW*
Bumble Bee
Chunk Light Tuna
Choose Oil or
Water packed.
6.5-Ounce Cans
Town House
Pasta Sale
2 ¿1 50%
Save Up To $ 1 . 1 8 ° ; N o L im it!
C o ld b ro o k M argarine
Soft, easy to
spread margarine.
1-Pound Tub
Save Up
To 30'
P rices
100% Pure
Vegetable Oil
With No
S a v e Up To $ 1 .6 0 , No L im it!
S to ck-U p , No L im it!
4 0 -C o u n t B o u n c e
2-L b. M ozzarella
Lucerne premium quality,
naturai mozzarella loaf,
for sandwiches or Italian d is h e r1
Save Up
Fabric softener sheets
in Scented or Unscented
Reduces static cling
To SI 61
Save Up
To $1 10
tain vitality, both physically and
emotionally, during the years from
40 50
Navel Oranges
Major life transitions and physical
changes of the pre and post meno
pausal years will be discussed
Learn the effects of diet and exer
cise on the aging process; as well
Sweet, juicy seedless
medium size oranges.
A great fruit for the
lunch bag. for snacking
at breakfast, squeeze the
juice and enjoy!
as facts and fallacies about meno­
pause and developing a personal
plan for handling lifestyle changes
that may be a part of midlife
Registration fee is $8
Save Up To $ 1 .0 0 f t . 6 N o L im it!
For more
information or to register, call the
Tualatin hospital, community edu­
cation department, 692 2666.
Soak cup ap p le piece* in salted
water for ten minute* They'll re­
main crisp longer and won’t turn
Prices effective 7-full days from 7 A M.
Feb. 18 Thru Feb. 24, 1987 at Safeway
Stores in the immediate area of originating
publication. Sales limited to retail
quantities. No sales to dealers!
^» /
SPECIAL BBQ Beef San with savory home made BBQ sause
and other Asian dances and m em
tiers o f the B ow and A rro w Club
(«•rform m g Native A m erican dan
Also scheduled .lie the SofOUiner
T ruth Theater pe rfo rm in g character
school district's annual observance
of Human Relations Month
For further information, please
call Elaine Grannis. Tubman pro
gram coordinator 280 5630