FAMILY DAY CARE CO-ORDINATOR NURSING TYPIST WANTED PHLEBOTOMIST (S ubatltuta) $500 weekly at homel Four full time positions available Perform venipunctures, vital signs and hemoglobin' hema tocrit determinations Must have completed basic phlebotomy training and be capable of pass ing national phlebotomy certifies tion, be able to travel outside the city on week long overnight mo biles and work irregular hours Please apply no later than Fri day, Feb 20. 1 00 4 00 p m at The Co-ordinator's chief reepon sibilities will be to co-ordinate the Family Day Care Child Nutri­ tion Program and assist with Day Care Information Et Referral R ES P O N SIB ILITIE S 1 Recruit, enroll, and train Family Day Care Providers for participation in the USDA Childcare Food Pro gram. 2. Monitor existing Family Day Care Providers who are par ticipating in the UDSA Child Care Food Program. A m erican Red Cross H um an Resources Dept 3131 N V ancouver Ave Portland, OR 97208 3. Log, review, and monthly menus Equal Opportunity Employer 4 Provide Technical Assistance £t Child Development Tram mg to Family Day Care Pro viders 5. Plan quarterly workshops ac coring to Day Care Pro vider's interest ft request 6. Assist with Day Care Infor mation ft Referral to Parents ft Providers process ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Corpor. a headquarters of na tional tjrvices company seeks bright * »If motivated administra tive assistant Preferred qualifi cations include 3 plus years pro gressive'v responsible administra tive se< etanal experience, pro ficiency with personal compu ters, Wordstar, Lotus 123, Dicta phone, planning and scheduling experience Supervisory or "lead" secretarial experience highly osirable Valued attn butes include flexibility, ability to deal effectively and diplomati cally with all levels of manage merit employees, ability to work well under pressure while main taming professional corporate image Salary commensurate with experience and ability Re spond in confidence to POSITION OPEN Production Five day metropolitan business newspaper seeks competent lay out paste up person with at least 5 years experience in makeup and markup of both classified and dis play advertisements Duties will include lifting heavy equipment, maintenance work, and cleaning Hours are from 8 a m to 4 30 p m ., $9 hr., 24 paid days off annually, medical and dental, no weekend work Contact All Has sanm. Production Manager, Pod land Business Today, P 0 Box 10127, Portland. OR 97210 ( 503) High School Diploma or GED Preparation beyond High School is desirable, with experience or background in Nutrition and Child Development. Ability to work and communicate effectively with diverse groups of Adults Ability to work independently as well as plan and co ordinate this section of program with the other A M A Family Day Care Staff Must have a car and a valid dri ver’s license Good benefits Clerical skills are a plus D irector of Personnel Riedel Environm ental Services P O Box 3320 P irtland, OR 97208 INSTRUCTORS b ( OUNSELORS The U of O Upward Bound Pro grain is .iccepting applications for instructors and resident group counselors for summer academic prograrr June 21 to August 16. 1987 (reading, writing, speech, math, ESL, elective courses and PE) Applicants must submit letter of interest, application, re surne and three letters of refer once Deadline March 4, 1987, applicati >ns available at 226 1311 POSITION WANTED SALA RY A N D H O U R S $5.00 per hour. vary P O Box 976 Elizabeth. N J 07207 U N L IM IT E D LONG D IS TA N C E CALL ALL 50 STATES 24 HOURS A DAY FOR ONE LOW FLAT RATE CALL 535 3357 or 1 800 843 3152 Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S E d ito r/R ep o rter Business communicator seeks career change position with Wes tern Oregon newspaper Twelve years writing, editing and pub lication management experience Kent State University |ournalism school graduate VDT and photography skills Contact: Ronald McNees at (213) 839 Days ft Hours C LO SING DATE FOR APPLI C A T IO N S March 6. 1987 AMA 1426 N E. D ekum Portland. OR 97211 (503) 286 0493 Write Upward Bound Office 1859 E 15th Eugene. OR 97403 Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employer Minorities and women en ouraged to apply 5688 4 February 18, 1987, JOBS, Page 5 * 4 ♦ * . .u. -> * •. ; » ’» f 9 * ’ . ' > 4 * ' * ’ * - ' « F . • . • - » • t . * .4 - ■ A * »• - ■ ' - ■ ■ -4*. t *1* » r ' * f *•*.**. • • 4 . <