■>------ — PROJECT M ANAG ER For housing renovat >n in inner NE Portland. Documented jour ney level carpentry skills and abi lity to provide hands on pre, apprenticeship training for 7 trainees possessing few i, any carpentry skills. M ust be able ti estimate construction costs, co ordinate all construction and pro vide necessary reports Salary $21,000 to $30,000 Sc 1 " sume w ith references to 5404 N E 24th Portland, OR 97211 Not later than February 23. 1987 PRODUCTION Crown Zellerbach W est Linn M is seeking apple ants for ground w ood and extra board assign merits at its West Linn papeiu I $10 00 hi plus excellent bene fits A pplications w ill be a cte p ted only at Oregon State Employ rnent Division, from 8 AM to 12 PM and 1 PM to 5 PM 506 High S t., Oregon City Ore gon, beginning Monday, fe ll ruary 23 and continuing uni ' 1 day. March 6. 1 **87 RENTALS 287 457, Torn Hilts G LA D Y S G R A N U M REAl IY M U L T N O M A H COUNTY Engineering D evelopm ent Specialist $1, 40 per hour, develops and administers integrated engine« ring road m aintenance data base requires one year of lelated ex penence; apply by February 27. 198/ WHERE TO APPl V M u ltn o m a h C ounty E m ployee Relations Room 1430 1120 SW Fifth Avenue Portland. OR 97204 Pl rtunity Ee ENGINEER p it si MEDICAL CLAIMS \NALYST Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Ore gon is currently accepting ap­ plications for immediate open­ ings in the Medical Claim s Proc­ essing O cp1 Position requires in d is id u a ls w ith ’'«■avy m edical b a c k g ro u n d in c lu d in g stro n g medic d terminology coding and espenci'ce in d o c to r'^ o ffice or p ' i setting t R I experience i must Previous processing ex penence highly desirable Blue Cross and Blue Shield ol Oregon oilers an excellent em ­ ployee benefits package, flex tune work hours end com petitive sala rs Please apply by M o n d a y , I ebruary 23, 1987, o r send re­ sume to Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept., 5th Floor 100 S.W . Marker Portland, OR »7201 ♦W“ k q t& i O pportunity E m p to ifr Sharpen Your Job Search Skills Equal O pportunity Err pi An Equal mi i . Having tioublo finding your way m your |ob search? Do you want a mute challenging |ob, but don t know how to start find mg it? The Job O pportunity R ji .k a program of the Ecumen a a 1 Ministries of Oregon, will bold ai in fo m it'nnal meeting on in rad . M en ’ 5, 1987 at 7 30 p ii tn introduce PATH FINDERS This six session i_u use helps participants in as sossing their skills, prepanng re sumes. m teiviewing, and other personal m arketing skills This inform ational meeting will be held at the Augustana Luther an hutch N E 15th and Knott and is free and open to the pub lie Refreshments will be served C ell 288 1602 fo r re s e rv a tio n s ii f n a tio n E N V IR O N M E N TA L ENGINEER SENIO R U N D E R G R O U N D STORAGE TANK ENGR $2370 $ 3007 M o n th ly This jut) is w ith tfie Dept of En vinm m en’ al Duality in Poitland This is a limited duration post bon ending June JO, 1987 The U nderground Storage Tank (U S Tl Engineer serves as the chief technical 'esource amt pert w ith tfie responsibility of assunng that all protects aie com pleted to tfie requirements of taw and tfie highest standard of engineering practice To qualify you must have equivalent to a BA degree in Civil, Chemical. Mechanical, or closely related field of engineenng and suci ess ful work experience OR advan ced professional Paining demon strating the knowledge skills anil abilities in the announcement You must t»e registered asd a pro fessional Engineer in Oregon To receive an application and an nouncem ent, call D E Q Personnel O ffice 229 538? by February 2 4 th 5. 1987 C lo se s M m h Equal O pportunity Employee POSITION W ANTED Reporter Former editor of Oregon weekly newspaper seeks reporting posi bon Holds bachelor's degree in lo u'iiaiism fto m the University of Oregon Has layout and pbotogiapby experience Con tact Betsy Grace, 612 N W 20th Ave Apt 19. Portland. OR 97209 15031 224 7818 POSITION W ANTED Photographer H aidw oikm g photographer w ith daily and weekly experience, people and news oriented, ex cellent darkroom, seeks w ork on a small to mid sized daily Can relocate quickly Contact Ellen Skye 8 ,6 W 19th St Chicago IL 00608 U 2i 243 7058 February ,8 ,987 JOBS Page 3 ' V V. -•