Page 8, Portland Observer, February 11, 1987 CL A S S IF /E D A D VER T IS IN G P IA (K HKTOfty MONTH business opportunities PICK UPS/CAN O PIES DISCOUNT PICKUP CANOPIES Pay net To tem prices ,50 Brahmas, 350 Totem alumi num Free price list, phone FREE 1 800 452 9113. 9 am to 5 pm 7 days Totem Mfg Inc, Salem Personally Yoursl Now unlimited long distance calls to or from any where, anytime in the USA Available in your area for $120 00 per month Call (206) 463 9923 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES RV PRICE W AR' Nobody treats our bottom line price. Komlort. Nomad. Al|o Oceanway RV, Hwy 18 99W Dayton Junction (Lincoln City cut off) McMinnville. Oregon Call (503) 434 6505 FOR SALE Free ANSCO Camera1 Kodak film 15 cents per roll’ Send name and address for full mfor mation to: Kurt Persey, M ISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE BRIDGES 85 flatcars Strong enough for heavy trucking All welded high strength steel, including steel deck $6.5000 $8,000 Deliver ed most locations Skip Gibbs (707) 263 0326 p e m -A M o c c M W N ir y fc L L fb E 'f& M A p y 2-27, / y s y AT 2065 N W Dept 106. OR 97209 HOME FOR SALE FOR SALE BLUE MOUNTAIN CABIN near Walla Walla. 23 acres Spectacular views, power phone, water, year around country road Elk. Deer on property $39,500 00 low low down, easy terms Owner 15091 522 , 343 L iC A n c ^ c , C 4 S6A 7 ¿>5 M. K7LLtryC, 5 W<2 £ rp i 2 .B 3 - 2 .S 4 / K o c /tz y 7705 / BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY S /L V A P y y 7 \ /¿ û c * ADD TO YOUR BUSINESS A package drop off point for local residents who want to ship packages via UPS AIRBORNE This builds store traffic and gives you 60% 70% profit Phone 1 800 821 4902 for additional informa lion Investment Required 5 .W . £ /// 5'oc/7x/5z4$r‘ 5. P Ô 2. I COLLECTOR. ANTIQUE. VINTAGE CARS COLLECTOR CAR Auction, Show, Swap Meet Feb 7 8, Portland, car entry $100, Swap booth $25, car swap space $40 Contact Rodger Eddy. 503 223 3606. 2582 N E Lovefoy St , Portland, OR 97210 Auctioneer Dean Kruse, Kruse Inter national. 1 800 328 0771 Help W anted Hiring Nowl Construe tion (all phases), Dn vers. Machinists, Mec hanics. Welders, Air lines, (up to $32,60 hr I 1308) 382 3700. We know who's hiring) Transcontinental Job Search. Fee Required VA CA TIO N RENTALS OCEANSIDE, OR 2 nights price 1 Spectacular view, quiet seclution, beach 1 block Studio, $37 50, 2 bedroom unit. $47 50 (503 ) 842 4413, El Rancho Motel FINANCIAL OPPORTUNITY Money to loan (R E ) only $3.500 $25,000 turn down? Call us Espirit Mortgage Co 1610 12th SE, Salem, OR 97302, (503 ) 370 4400. Bill or Elmer Buying your first home? HUD has the values. Here’s what you need to know to buy a HUD home P le a s e c o n ta c t the re a l e s la te a g e n t o l y o u r c h o ic e to se e or b id o n a n y HUD h o m e lis te d h e re O nly b id s p re s e n te d by lic e n s e d re a l e s ta te a g e n ts w ilt be a c c e p te d • "il' HUD p ro p e rtie s m a y c o n ta in c o d e zo n e v io la tio n s A ll h o m e s a re s o ld AS IS w ith NO W AR R A N TY im p lie d or o th e rw is e « ■ a n a n c in g tor a ll s a le s r ><•••.< ■ • ' t $ • H U D re s e rv e s the rig h t lo r e je d any o r a ll b id s and I o w a iv e any in fo rm a l­ ity or irre g u la rity in an y bids • • P R IC E • ' ' i- ■. . . in p r o p e r tie s th a t a re e lig ib le lo r FH A m o rtg a g e in s u r a n c e w ith lo w d o w n paym ent be d e p o s ite d in c lie n t s tru s t a cco u n t) is re q u ire d w ith e a c h bid EXTENDED LISTINGS— OFFERS OPENED DAILY Hom e» listed F«tended I istmgs and f t m i m unsold after the standard com petitive bid opening HUD w l l consider any reasonable offer for these homes and will open offers every wording day at ? 30 p m Shoo'd circumstan« e * preven t H U D from opening offers on a given day the properbes win rem ain available to the p o n t of actual acceptance by HUD of the best net offer All offers shall be submitted m the appropriately m arked sealed envelopes con ta nmg HUD form 9M A with addendum I aha O s w a g .. 1 Ba 600 Sq Ft .Condo • 142 (XX)* »4.P 161961 2.M Contact 265 4670 for s Portland H0? Sf 141»! Ave 3 Bd ? Ba Fl .» 4 7 » 5 0 . »4 11 164070 .'Cl Portland 100« Sq 1 Bd .’ Ba 1?4 1 Vancouver, 3111 E i?1h St ? Bd 1 Ba 69» 123 500 »569 013100 203 Vancouver • 156 0 00 * a H 963 SF M o ig a l. ? Bd I ' , B« »96 Sq VANCOUVER 2712 NE 141th $t Vancouver, 271? N t 1 46th St 3 Bd 2 Ba 1576 Sq Ft •1 5 1 1 50 * » 5 6 9 013702 ?7C Vancouver K V >ncou»i IO?4 Sq 71 . » 4 7 OSO» « 5 6 '. ( ' 1665 X rt .»14 «so. «cu it • h » : >