Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 11, 1987, Page 7, Image 7

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O ME A Conference To Be Held
by Jerry Gamer
The third annual Oregon Multi
(OMEA) conference will be held
February 26 27 at the Nybergh Inn,
in Tualatin
Beyond The Melting
Revitalizing Our Schools
Through Multicultural Education" is
the theme of the conference
N.E. Portland
Resident Stabbed
To Death
Police arrested a suspect in the
stabbing death of a long time north
east Portland resident after an
apparent landlord tenant related
Gus Glass, 73 was stabbed twice
and died at the scene of the alter
cation at approximately 3 p m
George Wills. 64 was arrested
and is being held at the Justice Cen
ter Jail according to police spokes
man Jay Drum.
A disagreement
erupted when the victim asked the
suspect who was a tenant to leave
and the suspect refused The inci­
dent occurred at 5623 N E 15th
Ave on February 10th
This year s conference will in­
clude an award dinner to be held
Thursday evening. February 26th
Awards will be presented to persons
who have demonstrated advocacy,
support, development or implemen
tation of multicultural programs dur­
ing the past year,
Susan Miller, former principal in
Gresham School District, now a
San Diego consultant, and John
Hurst will deliver the evening's key
note address a multi media presen
tation. "Beyond Equity "
According to Dr Betsy Geddes,
OMEA president. The conference
will focus on students facing poten
tial school failure, school dropout or
involvement with the law
issues will be addressed through
speakers and by having classroom
teachers share their successful tech
niques and strategies **
On Friday, the 27th. at 8 30 a m
there will be keynote presentations
and workshops addressing the
needs of "At Risk Students. K 12
The focus will be on those students
m danger of dropping out of school,
abusing drugs and alcohol, and en
termg the juvenile justice system
Workshops will focus on programs
and materials currently in use in
schools throughout Oregon and
Washington Dr Matthew Prophet
Superintendent of Portland Public
Schoofs, will address the confer
ence Friday morning Mako Naka
gawa. of the Office of Multicultural
and Equity Education, Washington
State, will deliver the closing key
note presentation
Participants of the conference will
be able to pick and choose from
over ,5 individual sessions during
the workshops The conference is
open to the public
For further
information on the conference inte
rested parties may contact Dapo
Sobomehin at 796 5136 or Betsy
Geddes at 280 6415
i » V I
Fitness Classes Offered
The Washington County YMCA
ofteres continuing Adult Aerobic
Fitness Classes Monday through
Thursday evenings from 6 7 p m
at the Merle Davies School on 13000
S W Farmington Road in Beaver
The classes are co ed and
are taught by certified YMCA Fit
ness Instructors
J A M i n i OK A \S S (R IATKS
BC « « i I P if . li \ ».
‘.b ’ A« SEHviC
'CENSf ( 'A « Ci i».
I »» ( « m u llin i
3833 N E Killm sw orth
Portland OR 97211
OPEN 9 4 30 it 6 9 00
The North Portland Library, 512
N. Kilhngsworth, will be holding
a 5 week "Parenting in the 80 s"
series A parent education special
ist from Portland Community Col
lege will lead the group in discussing
such issues as communicating with
your child, your child's self esteem,
activities for your child and tech
niques for positive guidance and
The series begins Wednesday,
February 18th and are held from
7:00 to 8 30 p m.
Below is the
listing for the North Portland Lib
2/18: Being the parent of a 3 7
year old.
2 25: Rainy Day Activities
3 4 Self Esteem for Children
3 11 Guidance and Discipline
3 18 Guidance and Discipline
Participants will receive '/> credit
from Portland Community College
How many Black Americans are you familiar
with in the history of our country?
Chances are, not that many because you
won’t find them in most history books. But
Black History Month give us a chance to
become aware of the contributions many
Black Americans have made in science,
medicine, industry, agriculture, literature and
Join us in the observation of Black
History Month and broaden your
knowledge of how we, collectively, as a
people have made this country what it
is today.
W inter M in i-T erm to Start
Classes will begin throughout the
month of February for Mt Hood
Community College's winter mini
term, offering a wide selection of
concentrated courses for those
whose daily schedules don't fit with
a regular academic term
More than 60 courses make up
the mini term.
Start dates range
from Feb 9 to the second week in
March, depending on the course
length and subject matter
Business, computers, basic skills
and AutoCAD training are among
the subjects offered Also included
are a wide variety of community
education classes and small busi
ness seminars
Schedules listing the mini cour
ses are available in the MHCC ad
missions office Telephone registra
tion is available for part time stu
dents For registration or more in
formation on mini term courses call
667 7392
Black History
Month, Feb. ‘87
Sharpen Your
Job Search Skills
Having trouble finding your
way in your |ob search? Do you
want a more challenging job,
but don’t know how to start find
mg it?
The Job Opportunity
Bank, a program of the Ecumen
ical Ministries of Oregon, will
hold an informational meeting on
Thursday. March 5, 1987, at 7:30
introduce PATH
This six session
course helps participants in as
sessing their skills, preparing re
sumes, interviewing, and other
personal marketing skills
This informational meeting will
be held at the Augustana Luther
an Church, N E 15th and Knott
and is free and open to the pub
lie Refreshments will be served
Call 288 1602 for reservations
Be Sure To Look
In Your
for your Safeway
Shopping G uide for
a com plete list of
specials on sale th is
week at Safeway!
or information.
Display Advertising Sales
Display advertising position at
the Newberg Graphic. You pro­
vide the motivation and talent,
we provide a great career oppor
tumty. Call Jim Kelly, publisher,
for appointment (5031 538 2181.
» M