Page 6, Portland Observer, February 11, 198/ PCC Celebrates Black History Month M e e tin g N otice Portland Community Colley« will observe Black History Month” during the month of February A variety of events will be held on each campus There will be guest speakers, local and national personalities in many areas Sunday. February 15 198/. th* Portland Branch of the NAACF meets at 4 (JO P M at I he King Facility . 4 8,5 N L 7th Ave N AAC F celebrates its 73rd year in Portland and the spire of Black Ame' * for over 300 years Guest speak ' will be Dr Darrell Millner. Pro,» sot ot Black Studies. Portland State University and Avel Gordly P rt landers Organize», for the Free»,' •' ol South Africa government law education, politics, industry, labor and the arts Movies tor entertainment and films dealing with serious issues facing society will be shown at various times of the day and evening Check the program schedule below for times and places for the events that interest you The Portland community is invited to attend Should you need additional information, call the following campuses Cascade Campus. 283 2541; Rock Creek Campus. 645 4461 Southeast Center. 777 8020; and Sylvania Campus. 244 6111 Cascade Campus 705 N Killingsworth 283 2541 Red Cross First Aid Class Scheduled 2 13 Geroge Hendri« 12 1PM NAACP President Portland Chapter 2 17 Bernie Foster 12 1PM Publisher. Skanner Newspaper "The Black Press 2 18 Soujourner Truth Theater Esther Linear 12 1PM "Cultural Enrichment” 2 19 Dr Ernie Smith 1 2PM "Overcoming Biases" 2 20 Films 12 1PM "Bill Cosby on Prejudice "Strange Fruit" 2 23 King School Choir 11 A M ,2 P M 100 Voices" 2 25 Films 11AM IPM "Frederick Douglass Profiles in Courage" and "Black b White Uptight" 2 26 Mr George McKenna 7PM Guest Speaker RECEPTION FOLLOWING THE ADDRESS 2 27 "Soul Lunch" 11AM IP M Red Cross will sponsor a Multi PB 1 m edia Fust A id class at Em.u PB 6 Cafeteria PB 2 N ew Directions N o rth w e s t, being held at the Portland A rt M useum , is the first exhibit of regional Native A m erican co ntem p orary art The exhibit includes paintings, draw ings, sculpture and fiber w o rk by 14 Indian artists w h o either live in this region or w ere influenced by N o rth w est culture Their w o rks range in style fro m a b stract to funk to neo expressionist, and co m b in e the artistic trad itio n s of both tribal and m ainstream cultures The exhibit w ill run thru M arch 15. 198/ A bove IL Rl Larry Beck artist Sandra Par ker. Oregon A rt In stitu te D irector of Public Relations b Public Program s Lillian Pitt, artist and Barton Rick, artist. Photo by Richard J Brown Auditorium Auditorium Auditorium a class offered by Meridian Park Hospital. Tualatin on March 2, frort 7-9 p.m ., will cover how to man Rock Creek Campus 17705 Springville Rd 645 4461 tain vitality, Town Hall Mall Bldg 3 Forum 40 50 Major life transitions and physit changes of the pre and post mem Bldg 3 Rm 214 pausal "Sounder" years will be cise on the aging process, as we Town Hall as facts and fallacies about mem pause and developing a persona' plan for handling lifestyle C2 Registration fee is $8 2 ,6 Dr Brenda Lockett 1 2PM Management In a Super A ge ncy W ith Sell Esteem and Self Image” 2 18 Film 11AM 1PM "Edge of the Arena” and "Strange Fruit” 2 ,9 Film 12 1PM Martin Luther King Assassin” 2 20 The George McKenna Story 11A12PM ? 74 Dr Ernie Smith 1 ? pm "Overcoming Our Biases” 2 25 Film "Sounder” 11AM 1PM information or to register, call the Mall cation department, 692 2656 Tualatm hospital community edi "The best liar is he w ho makes the smallest am ount of lying go the longest way Sam uel Butlei Greg Bird of the O jib w a Tribe Fort Francis O ntario Canada w orks w ith brush and ink to produce pic tures of nature scenes during th e .N e w D irections N orth w est exhibit of C ontem porary Native Am erican A rt at the Portland A rt M useum _________ ________________ Photo by Richard J Brown Cedar Rm CC Pine Rm CC ST A, L ove is in t lie A ir ” Pine Rm CC < R m C( Pine Rm V THE ZODIAC CLUB F eb ru ary K , 19S7 W here: Chumaree Com fortel - Culver Plaza Room PROUDLY PRESENTS N.E. 82nd Sandy Blvd. T im e : 9:00 p.m .-2:00 a.m. W hy: Valentine s Day' is Special for Lovers R e m e m b e r: o the special m om ents * the good ole days ' o the dance v the music, 7/ j / s maty be the special day and special occasion fo r yo u to meet that special person GOOD PEOPLE • GOOD MUSIC • GOOD FOOD ’ C o m p lim e n ta r y H o rs d o e u v re s « Mo M ost B a r « D oor P rize s AND GOOD TIMES featuring TRADITIONAL BLACK AMERICAN SOUL FOOD d e s ig n Hollywood District call Open Tues. • Sun. Wed is Ladies Night Thurs. is Fun Night Fn. & Sat After Hours 'til 4:00 AM 2014 N.E. 42nd 249-1940 Sun. is Oldies Night .................. Join U s................. Tickets on sale at Waves Hair Design • $5.00 in Advance Price of Tickets qtxxl toward discount at Waves Hair Design on Several Services 309 W. Burnside 227-5248 • V >’,v‘ . •vA" - a i . ; A K .V iìK , . * ‘ , * - > . ■» ì t ìG 7 • I or more Forum C 2 Forum Sylvania Campus 12000 S W 49th Ave 244 6111 ' ha- n completion ol the class Course cos, is $20 All pan < ipants mus, pre register and j • pay Call 284 /090 • • »