I EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES M T HOOD N A T IO N A L FOREST I MULTNOMAH COUNTY I A nim al C ontrol O fficer I $9 15 per hour; enforces animal I laws, resolves animal caused I nuisances requires good physi I cal condition and driver's license I I apply by February 27, 1987 C le rk /B o a rd of Equalization I $8 88 per hour, assists the Board I of Equalization in processing pro I perty valuation appeals with em I phasis on information gathering I and dissemination, maintaining I official records and office mana I gement; requires three years of I office clerical experience, apply by February 20, 1987 Public S afety Aide $6 97 per hour; provides security services at the downtown deten I tion center, Multnomah County Courthouse and main library, re quires 1 year of college OR high school graduation and 1 year of relevant work experience PLUS valid driver's license; apply by February 20, 1987 W HERE TO APPLY M u ltn o m a h C ounty E m ployee Relations Room 1430 1120 SW Fifth A venue Portland. OR 97204 An Equal Opportunity Employer FAMILY THERAPIST Full time for behavior problem children, ages 6 12 in day treat merit Case load of families al lows group work, co therapy, in service training and video super vision Excellent opixirtunity for professional development and in novation Masters plus ex(ier lence Salary $16,200 $21 000 Excellent tienefits Call ni send resume to Edgefield C hildren s Center 2408 S W Halsey Troutdale OR 97060 (503)665 0157 An Equal O p p o rtu n ity Em ployer FORESTRY TECHNICIAN POSITION Mt Hood National Forest will tie advertising positions for perma nent career conditional Forestry Technician. The positions are WAE positions with ,3 pay per tods guaranteed full time and 13 pay periods call when needed We will be recruiting for approxi mately 40 positions The vacan cy announcements will be open February ,7 through February 19 There will be two separate an nouncements one for GS3s and one for GS5s If you wish to be considered for both announce ments, you must send two appli cations The announcement number should tie noted on your application The Announce ment numbers are; GS3 positions R6060658 7 GS5 positions R60606687 To apply, submit the following forms: SF 171 Application for Federal Employment FS 6100 7 Supplimental Qual ifications Statement foi For estry Aid Technician Posi tions _An<1 if you wish, you may include LIBRARIAN TEM PORARY Coordinator of Oregon Index an automated index of newspa(iers and period« als works with coor dmating committee to develop in dexing procedures. provides training to participating libraries Responsible for quality of lata entry Qualifications MLS from an At A accredited library school Desirable experience with index mg and thorough knowledge o, Oregon and P,r die Northwest history 9 month temporary post tion Salary $1543 per month Please send lettei and r e s u m e to Oregon S tate Library S tate I ihrary Building Salem OR 97310 Phone 15031 378 4243 FS 181 Race and National Ori gin Identification The FS 181 is optional To claim Veteran's preference, a copy of your DT 214 must be attached to your application These forms may tie obtained from you nearest forestry service office Apple at ions must tie received no earlier than February 17th and must he tiostmarked no later than February 19th Mail or deliver to The M t Hood N ational Forest 2966 N W Division Gresham . OR 97030 If you wish to verify receipt of your application, enclose a self addressed stamped postcard or envelope with your application If you application was postmark ed by the deadline, we will send the post» ard back to you Sele< tions will be made after March 20. 1987 We will not have any information regarding rating scores, or selections prior to that date ADP SYSTEMS ANALYST ($2053 $2604) Position in mana gement information services unit Must have 2 yrs experience work ing as full time paid programmer or 1 yr of experience equivalent to a systems analyst Position is funded through Juno 30, 1987 Submit State application or re sum», by Feb 19, ,987 to: Vo« ational R ehabilitation Division Personnel Unit 2045 S ilverton Rd NE Salem , OR 97310 I al Opportunity Employer Femaies handicapped b Minori ties encouraged to apply February 11, 1987, JOBS, Page 7