m a in t e n a n c e d ir e c t o r P A R A LE G A L/ LEGAL ADVOCATE C TRAN, a public transportation agency in Clark County, is seek ing candidates for this position Requires Bachelors degree in re lated field Salary range $30,717 I $41,572 Supervision of con tract b non contract personnel A ct as liaison for agency w ith factory & vendors Develops specifications for equipm ent Prepares annual budget over $1 million. Knowledge of transit management, state b federal safety & hazard com m unication requirements, f t com puter input ft output. Requires 5 years progressive experience in heavy equipm ent maintenance w ith 3 years in a management supervi sory capacity. A b ility to work in a non smoking office HAIRDRESSER NEEDED Legal Aid Service seeks te m p o ra ry p a n tim e welfare hotline paralegal Heavy telephone cast) load Substantial experience w ith welfare and food stamp pro cedures required Salary depen dent on experience Liberal frm ges Send resumes to: L o re y Freem an Legal A id 310 SW 4th A ve No 900 P o rtla n d . OR 97204 An Equal O pportunity Employer Research Assistant in forest eco logy to supervise and w ork w ith field crew sampling vegetation in clearcut and burned watersheds Half time, 1 year Pay rate $20,000 per year FTE Qualifi vious processing experience is highly desirable cations must include M S de gree (or equivalent time enrolled in a Ph D program) in botany, forestry, or related field; ox per lence in supervising field crews training experience in identifying vascular plant species, exper I Closes w ith selection of candi date Equal O pportunity Employer M /F /H lence in sampling understory vegetation, fam iliarity w ith mam frame and m icrocom puters and POSITION WANTED vegetation analysis programs, ex perience in com piling and analy zing extensive data sets; demon strated ability to w rite manu scripts for publication For more info call 1503) 757 4361 Send letter of application, com plete f resume, transcripts, and 3 letters A dvertising D irector Seeking advertising director posi tion w ith 25.000 to 50.000 daily Have been responsible for 14 ad sales and ad services personnel in one bi weekly and tw o weekly Lake Tahoe newspapers w ith 17,600 com bined circulation. Promotion responsibilities mclu ded 10 major annual prom otions involving over 400 tabloid pages Produced Image gains in all major categories in 1965 Designed a formal sales presentation for Reno, Nevada auto dealers re suiting in 41 pages of annual classified ' plus business " Con tact Ken Stuart. P 0 Box 7225. Tahoe City, CA 95730; 1916) 583 1115 of recom m endation by Feb 24 1967 to D r Log a n N o rris D e p t o f F o re st S cie n ce O re g o n S ta te U n iv e rs ity Corvallis OR 97331 An EEO AA Employer Complies w ith Sec 504 Rehab A ct 1973 JOBS H M O C LA IM S AN ALYSTS tion requires individuals w ith medical background, including medical term inology b coding, plus experience in HMO, doc tor s office, or hospital setting CRT Typing is required Pre RESEARCH AS SISTA N T Personnel M anager C TR A N P O Box 2529 Vancouver. W A 98668 2529 MEDICAL Health Maintenance of Oregon, a wholly owner) HMO subsidiary of Blue Cross b Blue Shield of Oregon, is currently accepting applications for openings m the Claims Processing Dept Posi Open until filled Send resume to: W ith knowledge of Bla< • hair Full seivice salon, extensive re tail low lease, some clientele needed B Street. 1418 F Bum side (5O3i 230 9499 Health Maintenance of Oregon Blue Cross b Blue Shield of Ore gon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex time work hours, and com petitive salary Please apply or send resume to H M O B lue C ross b Blue S h ie ld o f O re g o n H u m a n R e sources D e p t 5th F loor 100 S W M a rk e t P o rtla n d . OR 97201 POSITION OPEN G o v e rn m e n t A ffa irs R e p o rte r Hard work on the Oregon coast's only twice weekly newspaper The News Times in beautiful Lincoln County. Seeks a full tim e government affairs reporter w ith experience in reporting, edi ting and photography Salary $780 850 per m onth depending on experience, plus fringe bene fits Knowledge o f court system helpful Only self starters need apply Send resume and samples o f w ork by Feb 4 to: News Editor, P 0 Box 965, N ew jiort, OR 97365 No telephone calls, please February 11 1987, JOBS, page 5 »• • -z .' -»»• . » . • • ■* '