a d ver tis em en t FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF S E 93RD AVENUE REALIGNMENT PROJECT CLACKAMAS COUNTY OREGON Sealed bids will be received until February 20 1987 2 00 P M at the office of the Clackamas County Development Agency. 902 Abernathy Road. Oregon City. Oregon. 97045. and publicly read aloud immed. ately thereafter for the Construction of site work including, grading streets, driveways and storm Mwers No bids will be received or considered after that time The Protect includes grading, approximately 9 800 , * 5 250 LF °* Curb 9P«C'81 crosswalks 1 tvrtJ LF of storm sewers and Signalization PUBLIC NOTICE The Portland Private Industry Council. Inc will sub nut its Job Training Partnership Act IJTPA) 1987 Title IIB Summer Youth Employment and Training Plan to the State of Oregon Job Training Partner ship Administration on February 9. 1987 Basic skills training, work experience, on the job training and other appropriate training activities will be provided for 974 economically disadvantaged 14 21 year old residents of the City of Portland for approximately 8 weeks during the summer of 1987 Job Training Partnership Act (JTPAI funding will total $1 248 606 Copies of the draft plan are available upon request Written comments are due by March 9, 1987 to the address listed below Drawings and Specifications, including bidding documents and conditions of the agreements may be examined at the following offices 1 2 3 4 5 6 Clar kamas County Development Agency 902 Abernathy Road. Oregon City. Oregon 97045 Wilsey b Ham. 521 S W 11th. Portland Ore gon. 97205 N W Plan Center 901 S E Oak Suite 208 Portland. Oregon. 97214 Construction Data Plan Center. 925 N yy 12th Avenue, Portland. Oregon. 97208 National Business League. 6939 N E Grand Avenue No 4 Portland. Oregon. 972,1 Builders Exchange Coop 1,25 S E Madison Ave Portland. Oregon. 97214 Contract documents including plans and specified tions may be obtained at the office of the Clackamas County Development Agency. 902 Ata-rnethy Road Oregon City, Oregon, 97045 Telephone (503» 655 8521 upon receipt of a plan fee of $20 00 for each set of documents All checks shall be made payable to the Clackamas County Development Agency The plan fee is non refundable Each bidder must be pregualified in order for their bid to be considered No bids will be considered b'dde' S' a,eS ,ha’ ,he Provisions of ORS 279 350 shall be complied with Evidence of pre qualification shall be submitted to Clackamas County Development Agency prior to or at the time of bid opening. ..^ERI CHECK a ified OR BID BOND IN THE AMOUNT OF TEN HOI PERCENT OF THE TOTAi BID M UST ACCOMPANY EACH BID AND SHALL ?n..M TvDL PAYABLE T° ™ E CLACKAMAS COUNTY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY The Clackamas County Development Agency reser ves the right to re|ect any and or all bids and can waive any irregularities not affecting substantial Dennis Cole President P ortland Private Industry C ouncil 520 S W S ixth Avenue. No 400 Portland Oregon 97204 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS CITY OF PORTLAND FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR AMERICAN INDIAN CULTURAL CENTER The City of Portland Bureau of Community Develop ment invites proposals from qualified consultants to conduct a study which 111 determines the feasibility of establishing an American Indian Cultural Center it) Portland and (21 proposes an organizational structure and management plan for the Center Total consultant fee may not exceed $30,000 Inter ested consultants may obtain detailed information from the Bureau of Community Development 1120 S W 5th Ave Rm ,120. Portland. Oregon 97204 Phone 796 5166 All proposals must be received by 5:00 p m March 13. 1987 WBE MBE encouraged to apply The City has established a goal of 9 percent participation from WBE s and MBE s for all professional service contracts MEDICAL A D M IN IS TR A TO R /A ID S PROGRAM iiraiih <>rn.,t 2 r , A i P s ’,. „ a * H i v T . ' lr Preventive Mucatlonal .,r< — w k a a t three v e . r i p . ^ t . r . d u ^ M ‘ n im u ,n o r in f e c t io u s d iae a ar« Page 4, JOBS, February 11 1987 e n td e m i f *n l * r n a j m e d ic in e . aacIWn, m a n .* " ’ , ' *“ * phvu< ">“•» »>•>’ w ith a c u rre n t M h b. rn«e and e b c ih ih t* Jn d *n l *n»«T»onal «kt lla s a l ,. » r a n g , I i s i i i j i ,, a ~ , M ,r v l « n < J d k ,n a u r, a p p h r a u .m p t „ r , a u „ ' ' 4 '»*< > n »au ..n and S a m e ,, David R Seigneur D evelopm ent A gency D irector ,hr 1 « •» *» well At aa < .. u n i » - , p o h r , C u ...d m a l... M a a llh . 1 0 0 « 1 -7 4 7 0 M a iv la n d O p p o r tu n ity K m p lo y r - M o n u o 'm , » A vanua " nU' 11’ * A d n u n la l.a li.a a i u .''" ” l , , Par> 'n »nl a t *•« ’ 3 0 0 S 0 . , M t > A c tio n /E q u a l