.* ■ CITY OF SALEM. OREGON DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES INVITATION TO BID FOR THE REHABILITATION OF AN EIGHT INCH 18"» SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM IN THE ALLEY WEST OF COMMERCIAL STREET SOUTHEAST BELLEVUE STREET TO OAK STREET Sealed teds will be received al the office of the City Recorder. City Hall Room ?05, Salem, Oregon, until »ml not after 11 00 j m Local Time on February 25, 1987. at which lime dll bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at the Council Chambers, Civic Cen ter. 555 liberty Street S E , Salem, Oregon for the REHABILITATION 01 AN EIGHT INCH 18") SAN ITARY SEWER SYSTEM IN THE ALLEY WEST OF COMMERCIAI STREET SOUTHEAST, BELLEVUE STRIEE TOOAK STREET." The proposer) woik consists of: 586 lineal fem of eight inch IB I sewei p i|ie. two (2l manholes, three 131 services, and appurtenant work Plans specifications and orher bid do ument-. .nay be inspected and obtained at the office of the City of Salem. Department of Public Works 555 I ,berty Street S E Room 325 Salem, Oregon The bidder shall not file the book of Standard Construction Spei if« ations with his bid Bids shall tie made on the forms furnished by the City, addressed, and mailed or delivered to the City Recorder, City Hall Room 205, Salem, Oregon 97301, in a sealed enn-lope plainly marked "FOR THE REHABILITATION Of AN EIGHT INCH 18") SANITARY SEWFR SYSTE M IN THE Al LEY WEST OF COMMERCIAI STPFET SOUTHEAST, BELLE VUE STREE T TO OAK STREET, and the name and address of the bidder A surety tx)nd, cashier's check or certified check of the bidder, made payable to the City of Salem, in the amount of ten percent 0 0 % ) of the bid must accompany each bid as security Bid security of all save the three lowest bidders will be returned follow ing the bid opening all bid security will be refunded upon execution of the contract by the successful bidder No bid will tie received or considered by the City of Salem unless the bid contains a statement by the bid dor that the provisions of ORS 279.350 shall be in­ cluded in his contract The attention of bidders is directed to the provisions of Chaptei 9 /. S alem Revised Code, concerning un­ lawful employment practices Violations of such provisions shall be grounds for immediate termination of this contract without re course by the contractor Inquiries concerning the contents of the bid specifi cations should lie directed to Rick Burke, Protect Engineer, CATEGORY OF WORK INVOLVED SEWER RAMONA HUDSON CITY RECORDER BID NO 3140 BID OPENING February 25, 1987 SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Replji . H „let El Controls U S A R.C Eugene Oregon Bid Date February 24. 1987. 2 00 PM Bids Required February 23. 1987 BEAVER PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. 117N W 2nd CORVALLIS OR 97330 1503) 753 7514 We are an equal opportunity employer and request silt« hid from * men ,,n ) minority owned business enter puses Page 2 JOBS, February 11, 1987 SUB BIDS REQUESTED Oregon Police Academy Monmouth. Oregon Bid Date February 12 1987 3 00 PM JOHN HYLAND CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 7867 EUGENE. OR 97401 6606 (503) 345 8100 We ire an equal opportunity employer and request sub I,ids from women and minority owned business enterprises