Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 04, 1987, Page 8, Image 8

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    Charles Ford m akes m otion to adopt the four points from the draft proposal prepared by M H R C
John Blank. M H R C staff person, briefs the group on the M H R C draft proposal program of activities for
task force on racial/reh giou s violence The draft w as am ended to include policial violence b harassm ent
Photo by Richard J Brown
Photo by Richard J Brown
_______ Task Force to Address Racism_______
by Jerry Garner
Last Wednesday, a group of about 50 people attended a forum spon
sored try the Metropolitan Human Relations Commission (MHRC) to voice
their concerns regarding the increase in religious and racial violence that
is occurring nationwide
During the meeting, a special task force was formed to address racial
and religious violence in Multnomah Count Reymundo Martin, Director
of the Metropolitan Human Relations Commission, reminded those in
attendance that the Pacific Northwest has been declared a white only
homeland by the neo Nazi hate group, the Aryan Nation. "Racism must be
eradii a te d from our society This isn't a perfect society by any means, but
racism is present here, and we must do all wo can as citizens to combat
it," Martin Said
During tfie meeting, participants agreed on four plans in response to the
growing threat of racial/religious violence and harassment They are in the
areas of education, victim support, intelligence, and advocacy
The group said presentations should be delivered to the schools, chur
ches and community groups on the historical, sociological and ideological
sources of racial and religious violence and hate groups, and the creation of
educational curricula for all school systems that address the problem of
In addition, the group recommended the creation of a permanent task
force consisting of Ferlerai, State and local law enforcement officials, in
coordination with local human rights organizations, to deal with racial vio
Innce According to the MHRC, the Portland Police Bureau has nobody
assigned to monitor incidents of racial and religious violence
The task force and the four subcommittees, that were formed to take ac
bon in the areas of education, victim support, advocacy, and legal retribu
bon, will meet again Feb 19th
Martin said another newly formed organization to fight racism, called the
Northwest Coalition to Combat Religious and Racial Harassment, will meet
in Portland Reb. 6th Representatives from the states of Montana, Wyo
tning, Idaho, Oregon and Washington will be present at that meeting
A bout 50 people representing as m any organizations m et W ednesday. Jan 28. to discuss a response to the increase in religious and
racial violence
W hat
Photo by Richard J B row n
Do We
Do W ith
The Oregon Council on Crime and Delinquency presents its February
"Crime Talks on street kids Jt noon on February 4 1987 in Room C of the
Portland Building 1,20 S W Fifth Avenue
Panel participants are Lisa Burk, Tri County Youth Services Consor
bum and Project LUCK Jerry Fest. Yellow Brick Road. Inc and Willamette
Bridge Barb Sussex, Outside In and Jao Williams, Outer East Youth Ser
vice Center They will be discussing street youth in Portland and what ser
vices are available to these runaways and throwaway children
The panel is open to the public There is no admission charge People
are encouraged to bring brown bag lunches The panel is from noon to
1 00 p.m Coffee and tea provided
Stop —Look — Read
Gospel vocalist Willa Dorsey will perform from noon to 1 p.m. Friday,
Feb 13 in the College Center at Mt Hood Community College as part of
MHCC's Black Awareness Week, Feb 9 13. Dorsey has had her own show
on KGW TV Channel 8 and regularly performs at Portland's Neighborfair
As part of the week's activities, students from MHCC's music depart
men! will present different forms of black influenced music beginning at
noon on Monday, Feb 9 in the College Center lounge Blues. |azz and
rock will tie featured in the performance
On Tuesday, Feh 10. Pat Rosby Armstead of Praad Productions will
speak on methods of black achievement in acting She also will read from
the works of lanxon Huser and John Welton Johnson The presentation
begins at noon in the Town and Gown Room
Wednesday, Feb. 11, a Trinidad music group, the Reggae All Stars will
perform in the College Center lounge at noon.
In addition, an art exhibit honoring black heritage in America will be on
display throughout the month of February in the College Center The ex
hibit includes prints telling of the kings of Africa, black women in history
and black contributions to the United States
All events are free and open to the public. Black Awareness Week acti
vibes are sponsored by the MHCC Associated Students For more informa
tion contact Ozell Hazzle at 667 7260
Black Awareness Week is part of the celebration of Community College
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Free Clinic
A fra« diabetes screening clinic
is being offered at Meridian Perk
Hospital. Tualatin
The clinic will
be open from 9 9 30 e.m. on Mon
day. March 2.
Pre registration is required
additional information, contact tha
community education office at tha
hospital, 692 2656
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W e give friendly service
Enjoy Valentine "Specials"
At Peninsula Park
Black Awareness
Week Slated
Mon 10 00 A M
The New Partnership in Mental Health: Families, Professionals and the
Patient is a workshop sponsored by Delaunay Mental Health Center on
February 12, 13. 1987 The first day is a survival skills workshop for families
in winch current undertandmgs of schizophrenia and its treatment are pre
sented Professionals will attend both days for a workshop of psychoedu
t .ilion,il approaches to working with families The workshop leader is Jan
Larson M S W . Director, Family Education and Support Program, the Men
ninger Foundation. Topeka. Kansas For registration information, call De
launay Mental Health Center. 285 9871 Delaunay is pleased to offer this
workshop during its 25th year of serving the community
Make something special for your
special someone at Peninsula Park
Community Center, 6400 N Albina
There are options for both children
and adults
Cupid's Touch, for ages 4 6.
Friday, February 13, 3:30 4 30 PM
Free Cupid's touch with Valentine's
crafts and more The fee is $4
V alen tine's Day Fun, for ages
7 ,0. Friday. February 13, 4 30
5:30 PM Create special Valentine's
Day projects for mom or dad The
fee is $4
Ribbon Roses, for high school
and adults, Wednesday, February
11, 6 30 8 PM Make long lasting
beautiful roses perfect for Valen
tine's giving -o u t of colorful ribbon.
The fee is $5.
No Cover
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weekends and Holidays A fte r Hours til 4 00 a m.
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