Page_6, PoHbnd_Observet^Februar^_4^1% 7_^___________ Professional Servie» Quality CreHmeniMp 1987 V o lu n te e r B u reau A w a rd N o m in a tio n s Reasonable Rates The Volunteer Bureau w ill present the Carnation Com m unity Service A w ard to six outstanding volunteers or service groups on April 7, ,987 at a luncheon at the Portland Rad Lion. The dealme for nom inations is February 27, 1987 The awards are sponsored by carnation Company, International Paper Company Foundation and Standard Insurance Company C om m unity service organizations in Clackamas. M ultnom ah and W ashington Counties may obtain nom ination form s by calling The Volunteer Bureau at 222 1355 Davis Sons Company Painting X S 3 -X 4 5 9 Exterior I I MISTY Beauty & Barber Supply We w ent curly yesterday Portland Superintendent Joins Educators for National Honors Retail b Wholesale W e sell all brands Stop in and check our prices. 5852 N.E. 42nd Ave. Across from Adam s Track on 42nd Street HOURS M o n Sat 8 A M 5 30 PM Phone: 282 1817 PORTLAND CLEANING WORKS SPECIALS 5%, 10%. 15% & 20% OFF A ll D ry C lean in g vr® ore TOPI Begins 5th o f Jan. M ust pick up w ithin 30 days t K a i be.«' * the North and Northeaat Coewnuivty ft» 70 year« Ory < loanmu laundered «hin t •Uerahon». teat aarvtce tn _ Y ou Diy Cleaning ha v e tria d th e rear Now H o u r. try th e Rear M on through Frt 8 AM 6 30 PM Sat , 9 A M I PM A .k to . N e llie or Francea 3954 N. Williams Ave. 282-8361 pódate y our % EDWARD E WARD. DMD GENERAL DENTISTRY "DENTAL CARE KIR THE WHOLE FAMILY" % 283 3171 Serving Portland For Over 30 Years Deli Sale! super savings on lunchmeat, cheese, A Lesson On B a b y s ittin g S a fe ty Interior O pen to the Public 800 N. K illin g s w o rth , M .itthew W Prophet, Jr superintendent of Portland Public Schools joins 99 other North American school managers honored this year by E«<• cutive Educator" magazine The February issue of the Virginia based publication for si hool profes sionals applauds the educators for ace,lent leadership and outstanding professional achievem ents" in a blue ribbon listing similar to the Fortune 500 and Forbes 400 for business and industry Chosen from 800 nominees in the United States and Canada by a ,0 mem,ter panel of peers in public and higher education the honorees were judged by 11 point criteria ranging from comjMdrrnce to in tii ijiation ai d analysis o l emerging problems Honorees included 80 superintendents of public school districts w ith enrollm ents ranging from 1 050 (Cut Bank M ont I to 590 (XX) Il os Angeles Calif I. 15 principals, tw o central administrators, t w o c o lle g e professors of education and one junior college president Prophet, superintendent of the Portland School Distru l since 198? is credited w ith spearheading dram atic uses in student achievement and w ith focusing on long range planning and sound fiscal management Tenth Annual Debutante Cotillion The Portland Chapter of Links Inc , is preparing for the Tenth Annual Debutante Cotillion In an effort Io spotlight young ladies in Portland and surrounding area high schools w ho through their grades and activities are e x h ib itin g outstanding qualities of leadership and achievement, the Port land Chapter will present twelve senior girls to the Portland com m unity The formal ball w ill be held Sunday. February 15, 1987 at the Red Lion Hotel in Lloyd Center from 8 00 P M. until 1 00 A M In the ten years o f this event, we have worked w ith m in e than tw o hurt dred girls and boys preparing them for this event In an effort to encourage and support the outstanding work of these students and re< ognize the con tnbutions they are making to their com m unity, we sponsor an elegant affair to honor them and their parents The support o f schools and other orgaru zations allows us Io say congratulations for a |ob well done Sr holarships will be given to those girls w ith high G P A s and we will also give a i om m unity service award to the girl w ho has made extensive contributions through com m unity service Practices are being held each Sunday from 3 00 to 5 00 PM at the Ains w orth Church of Christ at 30th and Northeast A insw orth W e w ould wel For more inform ation, please contact the Chairwoman. Mrs Ernest Hart zog at 249 2855 or Mrs Ben Talley, Co Chairwoman at 280 5724 margerine, etc. . . St Vincent Hospital and Medical Center offers a four session baby sitting and safety class to children age 11 and older on Tuesday. Feb 10 and 17, and Thursday, Feb 12 and 19, from 4 to 6 p.m . at the hos prtal's Health and Lifestyle Center, 11640 SW Parkway The $12 class w ill teach basic first aid, ways to handle emergen ctes and tips on child proofing the home Participants are encouraged to bring a doll if possible Upon com pletion o f the course, certificates from the American Red Cross w ill be issued to class mem bars O pen M o n Sat 9 30 6 00 G ro c e rie s B e lo w W h o le s a le P ric e s ll F o o d s ta m p s W e lc o m e ! Franklin's Ready Ribs 230 N. K illin g s w o rth 283 6000 To register, persons may com e| to St Vincent Hospital's Health and Lifestyle Center weekdays, 8 30 a m. to 5 p .m ., or mail in a regi stration form and the class fee For more inform ation, contact: Gail Harris. Health and Lifestyle Center, Phone 626 0890 PC C an d P riv a te In d u s try C o u n c il S p o n so r S e m in a r T H IS C O U PO N G O O D FOR The Small Business Development Center of Portland C om m unity Col­ lege and the Portland Private Indu stry Council are sponsoring a Febru ary 13 seminar on recruiting and interviewing personnel. The session, from 7:30 to 9 a m., w ill be held at the PIC offices, 520 S W Fifth Ave , Suite 400 Topics to be covered include effective recruiting, hiring the best candidate and interviewing The seminar w ill be free, but preregistration is required by co n ­ tacting Marvin W elt, Portland PIC, 241 46000 $1.00 OFF Rib Dinners or Chicken Dinners W e also offer Potato Salad • Pig • Feet Potato Pie • Banana Pie Peach Cobbler E xpiree Feb 19,1987 Y ou ’ve tried the Rest N o w try the Best 4 r ALLEN TFMPLE CME CHURCH I C orner o f 8th arid S k id m o re Sunday School 9 15 a m Sunday W o rth Ip ’ 1 (JU • m Chr.tben Youth f eMowthip 6 00 p m 'Second and fourth Sunday* I P h illip s N elso n (P a sto r! THE MOUNT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH N E First b S ch u yle r • 284 1964 John H Jeckaon Minister M Ed M O 9 30 A M Church School 11 00 A M Congregational Worship 5 OOP M Vesper Service 10 QUA M Bapriam Fourth Sunday 11 00 Communson la t h Firet Sunday Women s History Month raiMSTHIS OSIIMtD »■ u n in s rs.HiÄMosu n o » IVStKXMU (.UM 3 MJUmiJ MDATKP» FIN UHAITIVI FxniVTS t t u n s c is u o rataa t«> t k u t m u t USA KAMiai ASI) S t* HTIIMS »IKOUIO AU » I S UNI.S - » A tlD A U I) FAKKINA. 0»»K J HtM KS MONUAt SATt »DX» I AM tVSMINGS At Alt AKU ADA M IM M I 5 0 3 -2 2 8 -3 0 0 9 Dr Edward G. Ward MO SW Alder, Auitr WO8 •n * p ia n The m onth of March has been designated as International W om en's History M onth and in conjunction, the W hite Gallery will be presenting "W om en P hotographers." February 9 through March 20 1987 The recep' bon for the artists w ill be Thursday, March 5. 5 7 p.m , in the W hite Gallery. Smith Memorial Center. Portland State University This show is the first of an annual exhibit reflecting the attitudes of Port land area women artists This is an invitational exhibit co sponsored by the W om en’s Union of Portland State University For more inform ation, contact Valerie Ross, Director, or Lonnie Feather, Gallery Asst., 229 4452, Noon 4 p.m . Monday through Friday The American Baptist Convention. American Baptist Churches of Oregon Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention National. Oregon. P o rtla n d Ecum enical M in istrie s A m erican B ible S o cie ty, M E»M Board YOU AHE WELCOME TO W O H S M IPA I 84 N E K i l l i n g s w o r t h • 281 0 499 A warm spirit of fellowship always T uetday B.hie Berfd Thu»vday Cho»r Rehearsal ^ur rlay Sunday School The Ark a t ___ Church of G od I n ( Krtst1 i 7 30 p m 7 (JO p m 9 15 • m 11 15 a m 6 X) p m 8 (JO p m M* dato'* r .,ii» , N o u n O ., BtUc , Friday Tollow pence with alt nicn.c holiness without wMtb w .„ nkw shall sec Inc ---- ---- Prayer the The Pay, or S(»*afc\ 7 30 p m WILL EVELYN RENE CAFE Cord COMMUNITY CHURCH of GOD 728 N.E. Dekum 289 4322 ----- V-------------- 10% D is c o u n t on A ll Food O rders Good through January 31, 1987 F a m o u s C rab G u m b o B R IN G IN T H IS C O U P O N FOR D IS C O U N T Good through January 31, ,987 $— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —— — —— —■ H oura M onday Through Thursday 7:^0 a m. to 6 ÖÖ p.rff? Friday ft Saturday 7 30 a m. to 9 00 p .m . i 202 N.E. Skidm ore 281 5678 Cox Funeral H om e has a staff dedicated to the fam ilies in their hour of need w ith lo w cost funerals, dignity and liberal term s. Shipping • Cremation • Buriel 2736 N E Rodney • 15031281 4891 Portland. Oregon 97212 284 5669 Services 9:46 a.m.. Sunday School 11 00 a m , Morning Worship 7:00 p.m., Evening Worship 7 00 p m Wednesday, Prayer Meeting Victor R Brown. B Theology, Pastor Dr Hazel L Brown Sr , 0 D , Assistant Pastor SMILE - GOD LOVES YOU